Well--my thread wasn't supposed to bring about "change"--more just comic relief. Pruneface is an idiot who has given Judaism a bad name, and he is so over-the-top in his leftism that even most fellow Jews (well, the observant ones, that is) know he's a joke and treat him as such. Unfortunately, he's the poster boy for every Deformed movement in America that loves to have an "Orthodox" Jew to cite in support of its hideous leftist social platform, much in the way Jewish Nazis like Noam Chomsky and Michael Neumann are used by White Nationalists in order to argue that "even Jews" agree with their Holocaust-denial platform.
Schmo claims to support the war on terror, the Iraq war, and to have opposed Clinton's infidelities. Big whoop--so do, or did at one time, at least 50% of the Democratic party. Everybody knows that his
actual platform is Israeli national suicide, affirmative action, baby-murdering on demand, faggot marriage, and outlawing all guns. Because he has figured out that one wins far more flies with honey than with Raid, he has unfortunately been able to sway many wimpy Republicans over to his real (i.e. left-wing) agenda. He practices Democratic taqqiyah in his "nonpartisan" approach, and for this reason is far more dangerous than an honest extreme leftist like Nancy Pelosi or Teddy Kennedy (ys"vz). It's a travesty that jerks like Pruneface are held up as example of "Jewish leaders" in American politics, while Jewish politicians who actually try to stand for Torah values, like Congresssman Eric Cantor (R-VA), toil in obscurity thanks to the self-hating establishment organizations that all detest his views.
Hoeseph's name has been all over the news as a potential running mate for McCain, and in addition I thought there was a chance that Obama might even pick him. He was running through my mind a lot, and instead of making a vicious, curse-filled tirade thread against this schmuck, I decided to let up on my blood pressure a bit and instead have a few laughs at his expense. That was my intention. Of course, if he decides to read this thread, see what a joke people regard him as, and concludes that it's time to repent, change his outlook, and return to Judaism, I will be the first person to forgive him.
