I posted this on another thread but it is highly relevant to the discussion taking place here as well
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shalom AryehYehudah,
you wrote earlier
"Sorry for being a bit overzealous here, I know I have the habit of overstepping boundaries."you assessed yourself quite well. You really need to throttle back a bit and remember that you began this thread with comments such as:
"Why does a Jewish website support a country [Serbia] that has been preaching that Jews are lowlife Christ killers.""I think all Orthodox Christian countries should go to hell with rest of islamonazi bastards." "How come none of you guys talk about Serbia's nazi past?""Just because the Germans massacred a number of Serbians, who were fighting for their own country, not for us Jews, doesn't make them noble people or our friends."Of course you were dead wrong on all of the above - especially the part about
"Serbia's nazi past". You were conflating your family experiences of terrible suffering in the former USSR republic of Ukraine at the hands of Russians - whose religion is Christian Orthodox - and the fact that Serbia is also a Christian Orthodox country which is a traditional ally of Russia.
You were condemning the Serbs for the crimes of the Russians since they are traditional allies and share the same Christian faith.This is a wrong-headed approach. While I can totally understand your pain and anger at the Russians for what they did to your family you were so quick to condemn the Serbs as a nation that you ended up posting a link from a Bosnian muslim nazi Holocaust-denying blog on how the Serbs were supposedly Nazis during WW2. A little bit ironic wouldn't you say?
You were talking with your heart and not thinking with your head which is why you just quickly typed in "Serbian Nazis" into Google and ended up posting a link to a Holocaust-denying Bosnian muslim Nazi blog which glorifies and celebrates the Bosnian muslim "Handschar" SS division who incidentally were guilty of cutting the hearts and intestines out of living Jews, Serbs and Roma during the Holocaust in the Ustasha Nazi "Independent State of Croatia" (NDH).
This Bosnian muslim SS division was set up by Heinrich Himmler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the Arab antisemite and co-architect of the Holocaust who just happened to be Yasser Arafat's uncle - Hajj Amin al Husseini!! THIS SS DIVISION EVEN WORE THE CROATIAN FLAG ON THEIR UNIFORMS ALONG WITH THE TURKISH SWORD "HANDSCHAR" ON THEIR COLLARS.
13.SS-Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS
"Handschar" (Croat No. 1) 

I am very happy that you removed that link and I presume by now you are sufficiently well informed to realize that Serbia and the Serbs were not Nazis during the Holocaust and that they were not just fighting nobly on behalf of their own country but that they paid an enormous price by sacrificing countless Serbian lives in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Krajina, Croatia, Slovenia - all up well over 1.7 Million Serbs were killed in these territories during the Holocaust - many were murdered because they were hiding the Yugoslav Jews from the Germans and Croats.
I agree with you and MarZutra that the Russians are lying to the Serbs by playing good cop against the United States. The Russians stood by and did NOTHING for Serbia - even agreeing to devastating UN sanctions in May of 1992 aftger the Bosnian muslims perpetrated a massacre against their very own people in a bread queue in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo.
While Israel's Mossad was covertly sending ammunition to the Bosnian Serbs, the United States under George Herbert Walker Bush (Bush Snr), William Jefferson -
"I did not have sex with that woman" - Clinton and now George
Bandar Wahabbi Bush Jnr worked in full co-operation with the Iranians, Saudi Arabia and the Organization of Islamic Countries [OIC] Conference IN ARMING THE BOSNIAN AND ALBANIAN MUSLIM TERRORISTS AND IN ARMING THE USTASHA NAZI CROATS.
These traitorous US leaders - both Republican and Democrat - WORKED HAND IN GLOVE WITH THE MUSLIM TERRORISTS IN ORDER TO HAND OVER ON A SILVER PLATTER the Serbs' own 1,000 year old "Jerusalem" - their Kosovo and Metohija - to the Albanian muslim drug dealing, bodily organ dissecting/trafficking and child-sex slavery racketeering Islamofascist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) terrorists.
MarZutra is 100% correct that America is run by a globalist supranational socialist elite (eg the CFR, Trilateral and Bilderberg groups) who believe in WORKING TOGETHER WITH THE MUSLIMS AND COMMUNISTS in furtherance of their goal of the destruction of nation states like Israel and Serbia.
These US and EU elitists openly declare in their speeches and publications (like the CFR journal
"Foreign Affairs") that such nation states and the concept of national sovereignty ARE OBSOLETE! These Western elitists whom run the US and European Union believe in their destiny to rule the globe in a one-world government.
This is no paranoid "conspiracy theory" These US political elites OPENLY admit it in their own publications!These elites have supported Iran and other third world despotic muslim hell holes in the Middle East FOR DECADES and continue to support such Islamofascist despots in acquiring nuclear weapons.
Need HARD PROOF? Well I'm glad you asked! Read below!
"CFR to Bush: Stop Israeli strike on Iran's nuke sites!" SPECIAL TO WORLD TRIBUNE.COMA report by the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations urged the Bush administration to stop any Israeli attempt to strike Iran's nuclear facilities.
The council warned that such an Israeli attack would be blamed on the United States and hurt its interests in the region."Since Washington would be blamed for any unilateral Israeli military strike, the United States should, in any case, make it quite clear to Israel that U.S. interests would be adversely affected by such a move," the report, entitled "Iran: Time for a New Approach," said.The U.S. report, drafted by an independent task force sponsored by the council, said Washington should resolve concerns over Iran's nuclear weapons program by coordinating with the European Union. But the council ruled out any military attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.
"In addition, any military effort to eliminate Iranian weapons capabilities runs the significant risk of reinforcing Teheran's desire to acquire a nuclear deterrent and of provoking nationalist passions in defense of that very course," the task force said. "It would most likely generate also hostile Iranian initiatives in Iraq and Afghanistan."The report also said direct U.S. efforts to overthrow the Iranian clerical regime would not succeed. The council said the regime could eventually provide greater liberties to its people. BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and JOHN MCCAIN ARE MEMBERS OF THE GLOBALIST CFR AND AS SUCH MUST - BY DEFINITION - AGREE WITH THE CFR'S , ANTI-AMERICAN ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL, PRO-GLOBALIST ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT GOALS