Author Topic: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.  (Read 17254 times)

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2008, 09:54:41 AM »
Dalmacija, Russia has financed all of the Muslim and Communist terrorist groups stemming from the early 1960's.  They were the ones who supported the Arabs against Israel in 1967 and in 1973.  Today Russia is aligned with China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria and many of the other Islamic and Turd World dictatorships.  Knowing that Russia has a past history with Syria and Syria holds lengthy ties to Iran would logically conclude that Russia aids/ or will aid Iran.  Conversely, Iran is getting support from both China and North Korea.  Russia also holds cohort with both which logically conclude that Russia, via any of these routs, supports Iran.

Russia recently sold Iran their latest missile defense system.  Communists, like the American Establisment and the Mohammadans are the scourge of the Earth...imo  

How many of these areas were annexed and conquered under Russia by the Czars prior to USSR expansionist activities? 

Who do you think financed the Bolsheviks to overthrow the Czar?

Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline syyuge

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2008, 10:56:21 AM »
The West Europe was unfortunate to have imposed modern Imperialism on the Earth.  :(

Those who could resist it, were crushed by the hammers and then cut down by the sickles. 
  :'( >:(


There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2008, 01:04:23 PM »
The West Europe was unfortunate to have imposed modern Imperialism on the Earth.  :(

Those who could resist it, were crushed by the hammers and then cut down by the sickles. 
  :'( >:(
Imperialism has been going on far longer than "The West", America, Britain or any European Kingdom....  I'd much rather be ruled by the "evil" Americans than the Russians, Chinese, Cubans, North Koreans or the Mohammedan savages....Period!

I find the above "communized" perception of history highly bias and offensive to be quite truthful....  One should not blame "America" or the "Americans" but the Anglo-American Establishment as they have the same right to slam the Muslims, Czar and Communists (and their Utopian Socialist/Leninists/Trotskyites/Fabians etc.) with their imperialism...

I'm sorry if any of you are offended of what I'm saying but it seems to me that there is a clear break/bias in the knowledge or presentation of facts here which leads me to conclude my opinions...

PS: Vladimir Lenin's Bolsheviks didn't overthrow the Czar Nicholas II.  The Bolsheviks overthrew the Provisional Government in Petrograd: Social Revolutionary Party - SRP- lead by a young attorney named Alexander Kerensky.  The political group which proved most troublesome for Kerensky, and would, in fact, overthrow him, was the Lenin's Bolsheviks.  G-d LEARN YOUR HISTORY!  This anti-Americanism/Westism is most offensive.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 01:19:58 PM by MarZutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline Djape

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #28 on: September 10, 2008, 02:13:05 PM »

Its not that black and white.
The US punishes the Muslim terrorists with one hand, then rewards them with the other.

You may find criticism of the west offensive.
But i find it most offensive when the west bombs my country back to the stone age just to support illiterate, inbred Muslims terrorists under the guise of "peace" and "democracy"
Every brother is a deceiver, and every friend a slanderer.
(Jeremiah 9:4)

Offline syyuge

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2008, 04:43:26 PM »
Nothing against Western Europe in particular, but I said modern Imperialism and not Imperialism.

Karl Marx, Georgi Plekhanov, Karl Kautsky, Ulyanov Lenin all were nurtured and supported in Western Europe and converted from Norodniks and social democrats to hardcore Bolshevism.

But when Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg applied the same theory in Germany, they were eliminated.

Vladimir Lenin's Bolsheviks combined in a joint front with Mensheviks to overthrow the Czar. Later when they finally separated and Bolsheviks attacked the winter palace, no one ever came to the rescue of mainstream Russians. Even the nearest Central Ukrainian Rada was not amply supported. Perhaps John Reed convinced everybody.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2008, 04:47:31 PM »
Its not that black and white.
The US punishes the Muslim terrorists with one hand, then rewards them with the other.

You may find criticism of the west offensive.
But i find it most offensive when the west bombs my country back to the stone age just to support illiterate, inbred Muslims terrorists under the guise of "peace" and "democracy"
Absolutely, and it works both ways and has done so for a very long time.  Your Russian Communist friends, as per my earlier posting, has funded, aided, armed and bolstered every revolution world wide since 1914, including the 6 Day and Yom Kippor Wars against Israel.  

I don't find criticism of the West offensive, but I do find it offensive with it is unfounded and directionally bias.  If one wishes to slam the West's for their imperialism but fails to notice anything of the like under the Czar and/or, under the proliferation of Communism one must beg question.  Who do you think were partnered with the West under Clinton and his NATO bombing of your country?  Russia that's who!  There was obviously an agreement made between the Western Establishment and the Russian Oligarchy in the late 1980's and early 1990's to arrive at such a deprave conclusion.  They were the ones, along with Germany and the Western Establishment provided the media closure and the mass propaganda.

I agree with you that it is an absolute tragedy as it is going on now and has done for 40+ years against Israel.  The Mohammedan savages should be expelled from all non-Mohammedan countries.  Islam is comparable in many ways to both Nazism and Communism.  Further, they seem to have a very similar history....of dictatorial conquest and all the heroes of the aforementioned movements are the most vile subhumans to ever walk this Earth...

Enough from me...  Please note the aforementioned "PS" as here in the West there is immense propaganda to revise Communism, like Nazism, and its ultra-left wing ideology and history....  

"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2008, 04:53:16 PM »
Nothing against Western Europe in particular, but I said modern Imperialism and not Imperialism.

Karl Marx, Georgi Plekhanov, Karl Kautsky, Ulyanov Lenin all were nurtured and supported in Western Europe and converted from Norodniks and social democrats to hardcore Bolshevism.

But when Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg applied the same theory in Germany, they were eliminated.

Vladimir Lenin's Bolsheviks combined in a joint front with Mensheviks to overthrow the Czar. Later when they finally separated and Bolsheviks attacked the winter palace, no one ever came to the rescue of mainstream Russians. Even the nearest Central Ukrainian Rada was not amply supported. Perhaps John Reed convinced everybody.

Again Vladimir Lenin's Bolsheviks didn't overthrow the Czar Nicholas II.  The Bolsheviks overthrew the Provisional Government in Petrograd: Social Revolutionary Party - SRP- lead by a young attorney named Alexander Kerensky.  The political group which proved most troublesome for Kerensky, and would, in fact, overthrow him, was the Lenin's Bolsheviks.   
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline Nikola1389

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #32 on: September 10, 2008, 05:38:05 PM »
Absolutely, and it works both ways and has done so for a very long time.  Your Russian Communist friends, as per my earlier posting, has funded, aided, armed and bolstered every revolution world wide since 1914, including the 6 Day and Yom Kippor Wars against Israel.  

I don't find criticism of the West offensive, but I do find it offensive with it is unfounded and directionally bias.  If one wishes to slam the West's for their imperialism but fails to notice anything of the like under the Czar and/or, under the proliferation of Communism one must beg question.  Who do you think were partnered with the West under Clinton and his NATO bombing of your country?  Russia that's who!  There was obviously an agreement made between the Western Establishment and the Russian Oligarchy in the late 1980's and early 1990's to arrive at such a deprave conclusion.  They were the ones, along with Germany and the Western Establishment provided the media closure and the mass propaganda.

I agree with you that it is an absolute tragedy as it is going on now and has done for 40+ years against Israel.  The Mohammedan savages should be expelled from all non-Mohammedan countries.  Islam is comparable in many ways to both Nazism and Communism.  Further, they seem to have a very similar history....of dictatorial conquest and all the heroes of the aforementioned movements are the most vile subhumans to ever walk this Earth...

Enough from me...  Please note the aforementioned "PS" as here in the West there is immense propaganda to revise Communism, like Nazism, and its ultra-left wing ideology and history....  

there is a huge difference between Yeltsin and Russia,and by haveing a war in the 90's we saved russia,we gave them time to get back on they'r feet and owertrough yeltsin.In ww2 we saved russia again,made the germans get caught by the russian winter.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #33 on: September 10, 2008, 09:13:57 PM »
Absolutely Nikola.  I'll go further to state that the West, that is the Establishment, were the ones who financed the Revolution and brought Lenin to Russia.  Further, the American Tax payer paid for the rebuilding of Germany, Europe and Russia after WW1 including Japan and again after the second World War via things like the Marshall Plan, Lend Lease and the Most Preferred Nation Status.  Today, these agreements are all sold as the various "Free Trade Agreement".

VIDEO 54min: Dr. Stanley Monteith interviews Dr. Antony Sutton "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy"
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline Pescarii

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #34 on: September 11, 2008, 09:01:47 AM »
From the Iconoclast.

Wednesday, 12 July 2006
The Duration of Memory
"It got almost no attention from the media, but [US Secretary of State] Rice met with Agim Ceku, the so-called Prime Minister of Kosovo. We say "so-called" because Kosovo is not a country-not yet. It is a province of Serbia that is now under occupation by foreign forces, including from the U.N. and NATO. Ceku is a former leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), the terrorist group that started a civil war that led to President Clinton ordering NATO intervention in the country on the pretext that he was stopping a "genocide" being committed by the Serbs." - from this article by Cliff Kincaid

The loss of Russia, or rather the recapture of Russia by bolshevisant and naturally despotic rulers, was not inevitable. The United States is often blamed for things for which it does not deserve the blame. But successive American governments did fail, from Clinton on, to properly deal with Russia, to take into account what 70 years of Bolshevism had done.

Having such self-promoters and world-conquerers such as Jeffery Sachs appear in Russia to fix everything, push their way into Russia and, without any knowledge of Russian history, or of the mental makeup of those who had lived in the Soviet system, proceed to inflict all kinds of ill-thought-out instantaneous "reforms." In Sachs's case, and those who think like him, the great thing in the world, the only thing, is economics. Man is homo economicus, and only that. And free-market fundamentalism, the supposed need for being thrust at once into the cold bath of capitalism, showed a complete miscomprehension of Russia. And Sachs's experience with Poland, a very different country with a much more limited experience of Communism, showed that he, and those of his ilk, could not stop to be bothered with little things like detailed and specific knowledge of Russia and the former Soviet republics, had no idea that, for example, it was inevitable that former managers of state enterprises would know exactly what things were worth, and know how to take advantage of the new situation to privatize most of the country's former state-owned assets, into their own portfolio. Nor did all those bright Americans think much about those Russians on fixed-incomes -- those teachers, those professors, many of them too old to be transformed into biznesmeny and biznesmenky, and besides, why should they? The damage to Russian education and culture, a result of the sudden collapse of the economic wellbeing of so many in this vast group, may be irreparable.

And the Americans never thought about how their actions elsewhere would play into the conspiracy theories, about diabolical Americans wishing to weaken Rus', to not merely destroy Communism, but to humiliate Mother Russia. Of course it was all nonsense. It was Yeltsin, in a drunken stupor, who gave away much of the Soviet Union when there was no need to do so. Those "diabolical Americans" had nothing to do with it. Nor was there, as even many educated Russians seem to think, all kinds of celebrating in Washington over the weakening of Russia and the breakup of the Soviet Union. Not at all. It was something worse: ignorance and indifference.

Clinton liked to reward his friends, those he had met at Yale or at Oxford, as we all know. Robert Reich never did much to stand up to the globalization mania of Rubin and others in the Administration, but he did parlay his time as Secretary of Labor into a later career as instant pundit (gravely worried about that same "globalization") and professor and extraordinarily well-paid lecturer as the Man Who Feels the Pain of the Poor and the Middle Class. Before moving from Cambridge to Berkeley, he sold his house off Brattle Street for $12.5 million. “Clinton has been very good to me.”

And then there is Strobe Talbott, former Time journalist who, because he knew some Ruissian -- likely about as much as Condoleeza Rice (why, he even wrote his senior thesis at Yale on Tiutchev), was presented as an "expert" on Russia. Not Igor Birman, not Anders Aslund, not all kinds of economists but also such Russians, who knew what would or could happen, given the history of Russia and the way people had learned to behave – such people as Garry Kasparov and Yelena Bonner, or for that matter Kasianov the politician (or his brother the physicist), and others who are now part of the opposition to Putin.

But a great part of the problem was the American bombing of the Serbs. In Russia, the effect then, and even more since, has been terrible. It was seen as an attack on a historic ally of Russia, and the whole thing becomes mixed up with memories of the Bulgarian Wars in 1876-1878, and South Slavs, and seeming American indifference to Russian desires, Russian needs. America was taking the side of Muslims against Slavs. Of course it wasn’t, and of course Clinton and Albright and others had no conception of how this might affect Russian popular attitudes, attitudes of suspicion about American motives and desires. And to reply that there was no other way of dealing with Milosevich – is that true? Was there no other way? And should not the Americans, had they realized how this would naturally be used by those already inclined, in Russia, to conspiracy theories about American attentions, have insisted that other powers – England, France, anybody – done whatever bombing was deemed minimally necessary?

Meeting with a Muslim with known terrorist sympathies in Washington, helping perhaps to prepare the ground for a further loss of territory by Serbs, is wrong and stupid. But it is even more unusually stupid and wrong when one considers the effect on Russia.

In its foreign policy, what is it Americans wish from the Russian government? We would wish that it would be adamant in demanding that the Islamic Republic of Iran stop its nuclear project, and that it would do so because it finally realizes that it is not Chechnya alone that is at stake, but all of the Caucasus, and indeed all of Russia (when one considers the relative growth of the Muslim and non-Muslim populations). If we are to appeal to this, to urge Russia to worry about Islam, and hence about Iran or any other Muslim state acquiring such weaponry, it does not make sense to appear to support, in any way, Muslims who wish to take away territory dear to the Serbs, long after it has become clear that all over Bosnia there are Arabs promoting Jihad and a much more fanatical brand of Islam than the one that had, since the Ottoman power receded, had been forced to develop as a way of adjusting to now-powerful Christians or, under Tito, to non-Muslim Communist rule.

And what would the American government like most in Russia today? Certainly it would prefer to see the liberals, those who met recently, as best they could, to protest the Putin regime, gain power. But part of the problem is that the conspiracy theories about the United States prevent the Americans from offering, and those liberals from accepting, support. Any meeting of Rice with a Muslim from Kosovo, with the kind of background that this man has, will be used to inflame Russian sentiment.

Does any of this matter? Are there people in the State Department who will explain the connection between American inattention to Serbian needs, and the widespread and still growing hostility towards, and suspicion of, the United States, even among otherwise sensible Russians?

Why should the Americans give any sign whatsoever of favoring the enlargement of Muslim-controlled territory in Europe? This is crazy. This makes no sense – or rather, it makes sense if those making policy still do not understand that the Jihad is a permanent duty, and not merely some recent, anomalous expression of a supposed sense of “humiliation” felt by Muslims (the “humiliation” is manufactured and phony; Muslims may claim they feel “humiliated” whenever they are asked to simply stop waging war against non-Muslims. No doubt the Muslims in Indonesia, attacking Christians and destroying thousands of churches over the last few years, feel “humiliated” by the fact that Christians dare live and practice Christianity openly, and no doubt the Muslims in Sudan for two decades felt “humiliated” by the refusal of the Non-Muslims in the south to submit, and no doubt the Muslims in Denmark feel “humiliated” that the Danes continued imperturbably to practice, and not merely regard as a theoretical possibility, their right of free speech, and no doubt the Buddhist monks and schoolteachers murdered in southern Thailand owe their deaths to some “humiliation” that the local Muslims feel in not having their demands met, and the same “humiliation” (not being given an independent territory) explains the behavior of Muslims in the southern Philippines. And so on. “Humiliation.”

We should be proving to the Russian public that we are on the side of the Serbs, not the Muslims. We should ask them to do the same with Iran – prove that they are on the side of the Infidels, and not the Muslims.

This, perhaps, is beyond this Administration, as it was beyond that of Clinton.

No one talks about “Who Lost Russia?” the way they once talked about “Who Lost China?” and then proceeded, idiotically, to blame Owen Lattimore when it was Chiang Kai-shek, and the whole history of modern China, that helped to “lose China.” In the case of Russia, the American inability to figure out how not to supply ammunition to the conspiracy theorists in Russia, continues to astonish.

Germany has pushed hard for the use of military force against the Serbs and still worse was what Germany, the memory of whose soldiers has not been forgotten by those who fought with Draha Mihailovic and their descendants and their admirers, just as Operation Kozara (Lt. Kurt Waldheim given a medal for his participation in that non-stop atrocity), did at the very beginning of Yugoslavia's break-up. For it was Germany that first recognized one of the former constituent parts of Yugoslavia, Germany that with unseemly haste seemed to welcome that breakup.

And just as Serbs were horrified by the published plans of Izetbegovic to reinstitute Muslim rule (if one seeks to know what that Muslim rule did, read Ivo Andric's Ph.D. thesis, recently republished in English as "The Development of Spiritual Life in Bosnia Under the Influence of Turkish Rule"), and this was never understood by a completely uncomprehending and therefore unsympathetic West, they were also horrified by what Germany -- whose behavior during the war could not be washed away by the spectacle of German tourists coming to the Dalmatian coast or Brioni for a little nude sunbathing which, to many non-Germans, still smacks of something vaguely unpleasant and Hitler-Jugendish, the complacently hedonistic possessors of those glistening blonde bodies, oblivious visitors to the scenes of crimes that not all the locals have forgotten, whether in Tuscany or Umbria, in Poland or Czechoslovakia, and in Greece or Yugoslavia. The brave new E.U. may, some think, have ended that historic memory; they are wrong. There is no expiration date for such memories.
Never underestimate human error. You may erroneously assume a different location but the magnitude is still beyond human comprehension.

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2008, 10:15:42 AM »
Muslim terrorist were financed by the US against the Soviets in the 80s and in the 90s
against the Serbs?

China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela are not bad countries.
Do you know that 40% of the persons who were directly involved in the establishment of Israel, in 1948, were Russian Jews. The most exiled Jews lived in Russia.

China , North Korea , Cuba and Venezuela are bad countries..  I will not agree with more of this crap..  Screw Marxist sterilized military states.  Hugo Chavez, The Latin version of Ahmadinejab is one of the most virulent anti-semites in the world.  China , Russia and North Korea are responsible for supplying massive amoutns of arms, evening nuclear technology and production capabilites to hostile arab nations.   I pray Hashem will pusnish these third world hellholes.  China is a pseduo capitalist country and in reality a marxist-style dictatorship, where all the people get to be poor, except the leaders and elite class.  They say the chinese would sell their soul to the devil if he offered them a good deal.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #36 on: September 21, 2008, 11:01:46 AM »
Very good Aryeh yehudah :clap:
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #37 on: September 21, 2008, 10:32:39 PM »
Hugo Chavez anti-Semitic??
President Hugo Chavez met with Jewish leaders on Wednesday, pledging to work together against anti-Semitism and open up channels of communication despite strong differences on Mideast politics.
Both Chavez and leaders of the World Jewish Congress called the meeting a success.

He has improved the standard of living for the countries poor by launching anti-poverty initiatives and redistributing the wealth.
The government earmarked 44.6% of the 2007 budget for social investment.
He has constructed thousands of free medical clinics for the poor.
The infant mortality rate fell by 18.2% between 1998 and 2006
The Chavez government also passed a number of laws protecting the rights of the indigenous people of Venezuela, including laws that recognize indigenous rights over the land they traditionally occupied, their rights to prior consultation concerning the exploitation of their natural resources, their rights to manage their own education system based on intercultural and bilingual principles, and a law providing that three native representatives shall sit in the National Assembly, as well as representation in municipal and regional assemblies in regions with a native population.

People have the right speak freely. Out of the 9 public channels, all but one are American sponsored, anti Chavez, and constantly spew pro-American propaganda. Hens the media-backed 2002 coup attempt which failed due to massive public support.
Despite this anti US propoganda, Chavez has a soaring popularity, and rightly so.
He has annoyed the US because he doesnt play ball. He has compromised the US policy of isolating Cuba, and his stance as an OPEC price hawk.

After Hurricane Katrina in late 2005, the Chávez administration was the first foreign government to offer aid to the devastated regions.
The Bush administration (of course) opted to refuse this aid.

But this hasnt effected trade.
The US in its usual hypocrisy has remained Venezuela's largest trading partner for both oil exports and general imports
In fact trade has expanded 36%

To sum it up, Chavez helps the poor and needy, and sticks it to the US and its imperialistic dogma!

Chavez is a good man!!! :clap:
« Last Edit: September 21, 2008, 11:48:16 PM by Serbian-Australian »
Every brother is a deceiver, and every friend a slanderer.
(Jeremiah 9:4)

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #38 on: September 22, 2008, 12:09:36 AM »
Hugo Chavez anti-Semitic??

Damn straight he is!!  He is one the most well-reknown palestinian rights advocates in the world.
President Hugo Chavez met with Jewish leaders on Wednesday, pledging to work together against anti-Semitism and open up channels of communication despite strong differences on Mideast politics.
Both Chavez and leaders of the World Jewish Congress called the meeting a success.

More leftist, commy propaganda..  Yeah, he met with JEwish leaders, like Ahmadinejab met with Jewish leaders.  Another two-bit thug mafia style dictator and Holocaust denier.

He has improved the standard of living for the countries poor by launching anti-poverty initiatives and redistributing the wealth.
The government earmarked 44.6% of the 2007 budget for social investment.
He has constructed thousands of free medical clinics for the poor.
The infant mortality rate fell by 18.2% between 1998 and 2006
The Chavez government also passed a number of laws protecting the rights of the indigenous people of Venezuela, including laws that recognize indigenous rights over the land they traditionally occupied, their rights to prior consultation concerning the exploitation of their natural resources, their rights to manage their own education system based on intercultural and bilingual principles, and a law providing that three native representatives shall sit in the National Assembly, as well as representation in municipal and regional assemblies in regions with a native population.

Communist fools.. Just wait til all this backfires on them.  They redistrubted wealth that was hard earned by other people and now have scared and terrified all investors and businesses from investing in his marxist, backward Stalinist regime.

People have the right speak freely. Out of the 9 public channels, all but one are American sponsored, anti Chavez, and constantly spew pro-American propaganda. Hens the media-backed 2002 coup attempt which failed due to massive public support.
Despite this anti US propoganda, Chavez has a soaring popularity, and rightly so.
He has annoyed the US because he doesnt play ball. He has compromised the US policy of isolating Cuba, and his stance as an OPEC price hawk.

They have free speech as long as they support him.  THis same man bullied his people into voting for him, rigged votting station and banned a news station that was critical of his tyrannical regime.

I am sick of Serbians Communist leftist on this site ..  This is the second serb I spoke to spewing pro-Russia, pro-Chavez, anti- American propaganda.  I think this JTF site is a bit inflitrated.  I think I must learn more about Serbian people and why on this site they are supported. Sure, there is Serbians who helped Jews and fought Nazis, but the English and French also helped Jews and fought nazis too.  How come , we don't have a forum devoted to Save France?  Also, the French have some of the worst forms of Anti-Semitism, regardless of the fact of the good deeds they did fighting off the nazis.    I am concerne dwith all the communist, anti-American, pro-Russian and even pro-Islam statements i am reading from Serbian memebers on this board.


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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #39 on: September 22, 2008, 07:48:15 AM »
Chavez is a filthy Socialist/pseudo-Communist animal...  Very pro-Mohammedan, pro-"Palestinians" and, like Cuba, is very anti-Israel and certainly anti-Semitic. 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #40 on: September 22, 2008, 05:35:33 PM »
I am sick of Serbians Communist leftist on this site ..  This is the second serb I spoke to spewing pro-Russia, pro-Chavez, anti- American propaganda.  I think this JTF site is a bit inflitrated.  I think I must learn more about Serbian people and why on this site they are supported. Sure, there is Serbians who helped Jews and fought Nazis, but the English and French also helped Jews and fought nazis too.  How come , we don't have a forum devoted to Save France?  Also, the French have some of the worst forms of Anti-Semitism, regardless of the fact of the good deeds they did fighting off the nazis.    I am concerne dwith all the communist, anti-American, pro-Russian and even pro-Islam statements i am reading from Serbian memebers on this board.

Your sick of Serbs!!
I'm sick of arrogant and ignorant Americans!

How dare you accuse Serbs of being pro Islamic?
Do you have Feces for brains?
In case your missed the news, Serbs have been bombed back to the stone age for fighting against Muslim terrorists!!!

I am not anti Jew in Any way, but as for being anti American, HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To call me anti American would be a HUGE understatement!

America represents nothing but corruption, hypocrisy  and  cowardice.
Listening to the childishly simplistic, yet vile sewage that comes out of the mouths of your politicians make me cringe!

America is SO brave.
It uses the entire might of NATO to bomb Serbia, a tiny Christian, European nation to support the expansion of Muslims terrorists!
You break apart our country, give a portion of our homeland to the Muslims, force the expulsion of over 300.000 Serbians who are now still living as refugees, their houses having either been burnt or taken over by Muslims.
The US stood back and allowed hundreds of our churches to be destroyed all because your country supports Muslim terrorists!
And at the same time, the US has the audacity to call Serbs Killers?

And you seem surprised that Serbs are pro Russian and anti American

« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 06:44:53 PM by Serbian-Australian »
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Offline MarZutra

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #41 on: September 22, 2008, 06:42:13 PM »
Your sick of Serbs!!  I believe this fellows direction is for those Serbian apologists for Russia and placing forward more of anti-American propaganda while not understanding that the West is now, very similar to Russia, in that it is run by an Elitist Oligarchy.... 
Im sick of American idiots! I'm sick of idiots and ignoramus in general.

How dare you accuse Serbs of being pro Islamic? Anyone who supports Russia would fall into this category due to the fact Russia, along with its allies, have financed, armed, instigated and trained the Mohammedan savages against Israel and Western targets since the Cold War.
Do you have Feces for brains? No, I don't think so looking at his earlier posts...
In case your missed the news, Serbs have been bombed back to the stone age for fighting against Muslim terrorists!!! You are 100% correct.  Your argument is not against America but the Elitists who are working together using both Russia and America via proxy.  Russia was fully aware and a cohort to the NATO bombing of your nation under Clinton and Javier Solana....

As for being anti American, HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! You mean anti-Establishment not Anti-American.  America was founded via the Judeo-Christian foundations, which the Christian Serbs also hold base.  The problem is with the Oligarchial Elitist Establishment that has been working hard to undermine the West for a very long time.  These are the same ones who brought Lenin, Hitler, Mao, Castro etc.
To call me anti American would be a HUGE understatement!I believe this is a misguided position or perhaps just made out of anger.  JTF, and other right wing socio-political movements/organizations are very pro-American (that is what America was and was founded on)

America represents nothing but corruption, hypocrisy  and  cowardice. I tend to disagree here.  Corruption is reflective within any and all entities today unfortunately.  Hypocrisy, absolutely.  This is because of the total subjugation America has now become to its Elitist oligarchy.  Cowardice...that is another unfortunate mistake.  I don't believe you understand the total infiltration that has gone on in America/West. It is simply comparable to Russia shortly after Lenin or Stalin via politics, legal, education, media via nearly every aspect of civic/social life.
Listening to the childishly simplistic, yet vile sewage that comes out of the mouths of your politicians make me cringe! This is comparable to any country be it Germany, Russia, China or Cuba....  Sad but true...

America is SO brave. Was and will be once again....  G-d willing...
It uses the entire might of NATO to bomb Serbia, a tiny Christian, European nation to support Albanian Muslims terrorist! Not true.  Javiar Solana and the rest of the Elitist oligarchy did use NATO and American Military assets but not the "entire might".  One of your friends said that the Albanians/Muslims lived together in peace etc. Perhaps this is individually true but impossible according to the specificities of Islam.  I do partially agree with you as it was a total crime but those responsible are not "Americans" but Elitist Establishment running nearly every Western Nation (those worthy of running) with close ties with/to Russia and its allies.  Israel's continual corruption and anti-Jewishness is a good example of a nation stuck in the middle of all this NWO/Islamic/Communist and to smaller extent Jewish mess...
You break apart our country, give a portion of it to the Muslim, force the expulsion of over 300.000 Serbian who are now still living as refugees, their houses have either been burnt or taken over by albanians, you nation stood back and allowed hundreds of our churches to be destroyed all because your country support Muslim terrorist!This again, is sadly true.  But again it is not "American" but Elitist NWO oligarchy that is working to a goal using certain schema.  Serbia, like Israel is a thorn to these bastards.  I feel for you as it is very comparable to Israel on the Nations have not yet invaded Israel.....  but that will come...
And at the same time, the US has the audacity to call Serbs Killers?  The Elitist Guided/owned and operated mainstream media and infiltrated nearly every aspect of political life....  They are the ones whom your hatred should face and not America/ans.

How dare America use morality to dictate its actions? Just an excuse for the Elitist Establishment to doo their nasty deeds.  As you know America has the same/similar Christian moral guide Serbia...  ;)

These are solely my opinion.  G-d Bless..
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #42 on: September 22, 2008, 06:57:36 PM »

My apologies for being carried away in my last post.
I just tend to get emotional about this issue, and type before i think.

You are right, I am against The Elitist NWO, and i am not anti American per say.

But let me make one thing clear, i am not anti Jew.
I have a lot of respect for Jews and their plight throughout history.
I feel that we have a mutual understanding and can empathize on many of these issues.
Throughout the history of both our nations, we have had to suffer persecutions and exterminations.

Sorry if i caused any offense.
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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #43 on: September 22, 2008, 07:14:56 PM »
Your sick of Serbs!!
I'm sick of arrogant and ignorant Americans!

How dare you accuse Serbs of being pro Islamic?
Do you have Feces for brains?
In case your missed the news, Serbs have been bombed back to the stone age for fighting against Muslim terrorists!!!

I think MarZutra did a good job in his response.   Maybe I have feces for brain, but that is more than I can say for any person who supports Russia and calls Chavez a good man, like yourself.  Even a brain full of crap is better than no brain at all.   Your anti-American and pro-Russian mindset is enough to scare me away from supporting you and whatever cause you have.  As for Americans, bombing Serbia, I think you are mistaking that with the liberal nazi Pro-Russian William J. Clinton.  As a matter of fact, preventing scum like him from being president, is precisely why I think this website exists.  This website I think is run by American Jews like myself, who are probably sick of your anti-American and left wing liberal rants.  No offense to you buddy, but I think you be better off spewing this garbage on a liberal website.  I am sure plenty of people in Barack Hussein Obama's church would support all you say, wholeheartedly.   As for me, I am full blooded Ashkenazi Jew and if it was not for America saving my relatives from Eastern European Orthodox CHristains and German Nazis, my relatives would be dead and I would not even exist today.  So why don't you back off mister with your insults to me, I don't digest belligerent comments of these nature well on Jewish websites.

Down With Russia, Venezeula, Cuba, All Arab Nations and All Their Left-Wing Anti-Jew Minions of Darkness!

 :dance: :dance:  MAZEL TOV TO USA AND ISRAEL  :dance: :dance:

Lets drink to that Mr. Pro-Russian Man
« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 07:42:31 PM by AryehYehudah »

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #44 on: September 22, 2008, 07:34:13 PM »
America is SO brave.
It uses the entire might of NATO to bomb Serbia, a tiny Christian, European nation to support the expansion of Muslims terrorists!
You break apart our country, give a portion of our homeland to the Muslims, force the expulsion of over 300.000 Serbians who are now still living as refugees, their houses having either been burnt or taken over by Muslims.
The US stood back and allowed hundreds of our churches to be destroyed all because your country supports Muslim terrorists!
And at the same time, the US has the audacity to call Serbs Killers?

And you seem surprised that Serbs are pro Russian and anti American

You are gosh darn right Americans are brave.  If it was not for Americans you would be speaking german.  Actually, as a Serbian slav, you would probably not be speaking any language at all.  It was not because of Serbia, why Germany was conquered.  If America was not around, Russia would also be a german speaking nation.   Both my father, grandfather served in Vietnam and World War II, they won't take your kind of crap.  So, you are against America cause of Serbia, yet you are supporting the same type of people who stripped you away from your land of Kosovo.  Actually, Russians have done more to help fund the destruction of CHrsitian countries and both proliferate islamic and marxist regimes than any other nation.  As for Russia, supporting Serbia, it is a total sham.  You people are so gullible, its pathetic. SOoner or later , maybe Save Serbia won't be on this site if you keep up this anti-American, pro-Russian attitude.  You don't even realize the Russians are using you as pawns.  Russians always befriends any country that is at odds with the USA, for whatever reason.  The more Anti-American allies the better.  That is why Russia has also befriended Iran, Iraq (before Gulf War II), Venezeula, Cuba and many other tyrannical regimes, since they all were striving to bring destruction to the USA.  America is infiltrated with communist, left-wing nazis and it has cause a great severence to our moral structure.  In case you probably didn't know, many of those backward third world hellholes and anti-American people you cherish, were also very pro-Albania and cheered greatly when Billy Bob the Pedophile bombed away Serbia.  You are living in a fantasy world, as I previously stated many times.  You think your big buddy Russia will be for you in the end, but in the end, will shank you like it has done many other of its satellite drones.  Poland, Ukraine and many other nations know they don't want to be Russia's whore anymore and USA has rightly placed anti-missle systems in these countries to prevent aggression from the Red Devil.   

I hope I can hear from Serbians, who are as against Russia as I am and realize that the true American people, not the left-wing communazi traitors who seized power during that period.  You wait and see when Russia enforces its iron grip on you.  Many Albanians are also becoming Anti-American, as it is an islamic country.  This is making Russia happy, so don't be surprised if one day the Russians end up giving all of Serbia to your Albanian neighbors.   Russia doesn't have morals or any care for anything than its own dominance in the world, by whatever means.  Russia is a lying, cheating, cutthroat, two-faced nation that has given all life to our Islamic enemies and is run by a mafia dictatorship headed by the sludgebucket, Vladimir Putztin.

I think the fact that your Serbian and lost land to Muslims is the only reason why you can get away writing the type of Pro-Russian and ANti-American stuff you do on this website.  I think if an Arab Muslim man came on this website saying the same crap you do, he would be booted off the same day. 

 :dance: :dance:   MAZEL TOV TO USA AND ISRAEL    :dance: :dance:
« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 07:40:42 PM by AryehYehudah »

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #45 on: September 22, 2008, 08:51:04 PM »
Easy AryehYehudah.  What you write most certainly affords truth and merit but please note that Serbian-Australian did clarify his position as it does not relate to America/ans but the Elitists that, tragically, run America. 

He was very open and did apologize for the rant, misunderstanding and too a clarification of his position.  I too think that coming from a background that for 50 years had been dominated by anti-American/Capitalist etc. propaganda and too the fact that "America" did bomb the [censored] out of his country to aid the Mohammedan savages.  So his feelings are very valid.  I am of the opinion that he's on the right track to truly understanding, with an open mind, as to what is really going on.

I say this to you because of what you wrote is verbatim applicable to myself and my family.  These people, in my opinion, have a legitimate gripe against those you outline above but wrongly label "America".  The fact of their siding with Russia may simply be the effect of the dialectical propaganda that built mother Russia and used towards the West re: America.

In my opinion, when people start to wake up and realize that there has been a blatant geo-political power shift from the people of the Western Nations to a small group of Elitists whom work with like minded dictatorships for very real reasons....people will come around.

AryehYehudah I totally understand your position and I think those Jews and Gentiles, but Jews especially, who greeted the Red Army's invasion in 1939 as "liberators" only to find themselves either shipped off to the Gulags, starving to death or totally dominated by a police State....would feel the way this fellow does.

A very good example similar to this situation is portrayed by Arthur Lane's "I Saw Poland Betrayed".  Lane witnessed the Polish people appealing to the West: America, after fraudulent elections, propagated as "free", in January 17, 1947 that officially brought the Communists to power.  Lane quit shortly thereafter to use his experience and former position to speak freely and warn the American people.  This also relates to the Oligarchy's control/influence even under FDR.  Another good example is that of Hungary in 1956 during the Revolution in Budapest.  For a short while the Nationalists took power and openly appealed to Britain, Canada but most specifically America for help free themselves from the grip of the Russian's Iron Curtain.  The name of the book escapes me now, but like that of Poland, America chose to "sit idly by" while the uprising was crushed. 

There are many good examples of either American (that is the Oligarchy's State Department's) duplicity in or even accomplice: bringing Lenin to power, Castro, Mao, Ibn Saud and many others...  Now this has nothing whatsoever to do with the average freedom loving and G-d fearing American or "America" but it's leaders, as you well know, have been corrupted highly questionable for some time....  Probably "starting" with Woodrow Wilson and his alter ego...Col E. M. House...

My two cents.  Please don't be upset, just my opinions here on the sidelines up in Canadakstan..
by Arthur Bliss Lane
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #46 on: September 22, 2008, 11:45:28 PM »
Thanks for your response MarZutra.  I respect your deep knowledge of history and intelligent points you make in all your posts.  As for me going easy, I admit I can be a bit of an Aryeh at times.. pardon me..   Well, what they were saying was really seemed to be in complete contrast with what this site is about.  If they are so Anti-American, Pro-Russia, Pro-Chavez I think there is other sties which would appease them more than this.  I did not vote for Bill CLinton and I don't like being labelled a turd brain ignorant American by this man.  My anger came in response to several Pro-Russian and Anti-American comments they were making.  I am too tired now to go over all of them.  As for Serbia being bombed by USA, well it really sucks and had not they opened their hearts to the devil, I would be in Serbia fighting by their side.  I will not support genocide by any country and I do not feel the Americans who bombed serbia are truly Americans.  They are leftist, communist pigs, those same people are born and bred on Russian soil , IMO.    Well, I know we are feeling bad that America bombed Serbia to help Islamic nazis, but it was not America , it was the Obama/Putin crowd.  So , what is the point of fighting evil with evil?  If we have Serbians spewing all this pro-Russian , ANti-American garbage, it is still detrimental to us.  These people have no faith in America and give their heart to Russia, I am yet to hear any good comments of any Americans from any of these people.  If these Serbians want to complain about losing land, how about Liberal USA, Russia and Europe and how its supported Palestinians and has stripped us Jews of our land.  We no longer have claim to Judah or Samaria, Jordan, Syria are no longer ours according to world consensus.   These Serbians don't realize that many Jews and Americans are suffering from Jimmy Carter and others who have empowerd all of our enemies.  NOnetheless, to label these maniacs who took power as "Americans" , and to include anyone who opposes Russia as an attacker of Serbia, is ludicrous.  Lets compare the land Jews lost to the land Serbia lost:

Israel : 20,770 SQ KM

Israeli territories stolen from Jews by Arabs, by the help of Leftist (from USA, Russia, Europe):
Jordan: 92,300 SQ KM
Lebanon:  10,400 SQ KM
Syria: 185,180 SQ KM
West Bank: 5,860 SQ KM
Gaza: 360 SQ KM

Total: 314,870 SQ KM
Stolen From Israel: 294,100 SQ KM

Serbia: 88,361 SQ KM
Kosovo:  10,885 SQ KM

Total: 99,246 SQ KM
Stolen from Serbia: 10,885 SQ KM

Serbia still has 4 times land mass and probably very fertile and beautiful mountain land, whereas Jews were stuck with uncultivated desert land, which we had to replenish with our own ingenuity.  On the other hand, Americans, Russians all together worked to give arabs a majority of land that really belonged to Jewish people.  Now, we lose WEst Bank and Gaza, which is almost size of Kosovo.  So, I don't need to hear peopel tell me how they lost all their land to Americans.  Even though people in America have been responsible for lot of bad treatment of Jews, I know the heart of this country is what has saved the Jewish people and even helped to establish Eretz Israel.  Had it not been for USA, we Jews would have had to fight against state of the art Russian equipment.  Yes, these Serbians are supporting the same people who tried to steal our land.  Now they will go blame America for their grievances, rather than the liberal left establishment.  They say America alienates the world, yet America left is fueling all the marxist and islamic regimes around the world or enabling them and is even working side by side with Russia to do this.  Russia is playing the good cop and telling poor Serbia its coming to rescue it.  So in the end, what do we have?  Serbians behaving in the same way as our enemies.  Now they are at odds with good Americans, supporrting Putin, Chavez, Castro..   Their speech mimics that of Barack Obama and other leftists, who by the way, said he fledged his full support for Serbia, perhaps because Obama has an affinity for Russian allies and despsies all those who respect Conservative Americans, like Georgia.  Mar Zutra, my brother, do you see the words these people are saying aer harmful?  Do you think a simple apology will make up for it?  He apologized to you, not to me the turd brain.  HOw dare i Criticize Serbia for being lefitst and pro-Russian.  I can just as well be pro-Russian, cause some bad leaders in America rubbed me the wrong way,  I will not kneel down to my enemy!   

This man is supporting Putin, the same man who bombed our cities in Israel and left us living in terror for many years in a Cold War.  How would he like it if I supported Clinton, the same man who bombed his country?

Sorry for being a bit overzealous here, I know  I have the habit of overstepping boundaries.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2008, 04:40:10 AM by AryehYehudah »

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #47 on: September 23, 2008, 05:56:59 AM »

I posted this on another thread but it is highly relevant to the discussion taking place here as well

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shalom AryehYehudah,

you wrote earlier "Sorry for being a bit overzealous here, I know  I have the habit of overstepping boundaries."

you assessed yourself quite well. You really need to throttle back a bit and remember that you began this thread with comments such as:

"Why does a Jewish website support a country [Serbia] that has been preaching that Jews are lowlife Christ killers."

"I think all Orthodox Christian countries should go to hell with rest of islamonazi bastards."

"How come none of you guys talk about Serbia's nazi past?"

"Just because the Germans massacred a number of Serbians, who were fighting for their own country, not for us Jews, doesn't make them noble people or our friends."

Of course you were dead wrong on all of the above - especially the part about "Serbia's nazi past". You were conflating your family experiences of terrible suffering in the former USSR republic of Ukraine at the hands of Russians - whose religion is Christian Orthodox - and the fact that Serbia is also a Christian Orthodox country which is a traditional ally of Russia.

You were condemning the Serbs for the crimes of the Russians since they are traditional allies and share the same Christian faith.This is a wrong-headed approach. While I can totally understand your pain and anger at the Russians for what they did to your family you were so quick to condemn the Serbs as a nation that you ended up posting a link from a Bosnian muslim nazi Holocaust-denying blog on how the Serbs were supposedly Nazis during WW2. A little bit ironic wouldn't you say?

You were talking with your heart and not thinking with your head which is why you just quickly typed in "Serbian Nazis" into Google and ended up posting a link to a Holocaust-denying Bosnian muslim Nazi blog which glorifies and celebrates the Bosnian muslim "Handschar" SS division who incidentally were guilty of cutting the hearts and intestines out of living Jews, Serbs and Roma during the Holocaust in the Ustasha Nazi  "Independent State of Croatia" (NDH).

This Bosnian muslim SS division was set up by Heinrich Himmler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the Arab antisemite and co-architect of the Holocaust who just happened to be Yasser Arafat's uncle - Hajj Amin al Husseini!! THIS SS DIVISION  EVEN WORE THE CROATIAN FLAG ON THEIR UNIFORMS ALONG WITH THE TURKISH SWORD "HANDSCHAR" ON THEIR COLLARS.

13.SS-Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS
"Handschar" (Croat No. 1)

I am very happy that you removed that link and I presume by now you are sufficiently well informed to realize that Serbia and the Serbs were not Nazis during the Holocaust and that they were not just fighting nobly on behalf of their own country but that they paid an enormous price by sacrificing countless Serbian lives in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Krajina, Croatia, Slovenia - all up well over 1.7 Million Serbs were killed in these territories during the Holocaust - many were murdered because they were hiding the Yugoslav Jews from the Germans and Croats.

I agree with you and MarZutra that the Russians are lying to the Serbs by playing good cop against the United States. The Russians stood by and did NOTHING for Serbia - even agreeing to devastating UN sanctions in May of 1992 aftger the Bosnian muslims perpetrated a massacre against their very own people in a bread queue in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo.

While Israel's Mossad was covertly sending ammunition to the Bosnian Serbs, the United States under George Herbert Walker Bush (Bush Snr), William Jefferson - "I did not have sex with that woman" - Clinton and now George Bandar Wahabbi Bush Jnr worked in full co-operation with the Iranians, Saudi Arabia and the Organization of Islamic Countries [OIC] Conference IN ARMING THE BOSNIAN AND ALBANIAN MUSLIM TERRORISTS AND IN ARMING THE USTASHA NAZI CROATS.

These traitorous US leaders - both Republican and Democrat - WORKED HAND IN GLOVE WITH THE MUSLIM TERRORISTS IN ORDER TO HAND OVER ON A SILVER PLATTER the Serbs' own 1,000 year old "Jerusalem" - their Kosovo and Metohija - to the Albanian muslim drug dealing, bodily organ dissecting/trafficking and child-sex slavery racketeering Islamofascist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) terrorists.

MarZutra is 100% correct that America is run by a globalist supranational socialist elite (eg the CFR, Trilateral and Bilderberg groups) who believe in WORKING TOGETHER WITH THE MUSLIMS AND COMMUNISTS in furtherance of their goal of the destruction of nation states like Israel and Serbia.

 These US and EU elitists openly declare in their speeches and publications (like the CFR journal "Foreign Affairs") that such nation states and the concept of national sovereignty ARE OBSOLETE! These Western elitists whom run the US and European Union believe in their destiny to rule the globe in a one-world government.

This is no paranoid "conspiracy theory" These US political elites OPENLY admit it in their own publications!These elites have supported Iran and other third world despotic muslim hell holes in the Middle East FOR DECADES and continue to support such Islamofascist despots in acquiring nuclear weapons.

Need HARD PROOF? Well I'm glad you asked! Read below!


"CFR to Bush: Stop Israeli strike on Iran's nuke sites!"


A report by the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations urged the Bush administration to stop any Israeli attempt to strike Iran's nuclear facilities. The council warned that such an Israeli attack would be blamed on the United States and hurt its interests in the region.

"Since Washington would be blamed for any unilateral Israeli military strike, the United States should, in any case, make it quite clear to Israel that U.S. interests would be adversely affected by such a move," the report, entitled "Iran: Time for a New Approach," said.

The U.S. report, drafted by an independent task force sponsored by the council, said Washington should resolve concerns over Iran's nuclear weapons program by coordinating with the European Union. But the council ruled out any military attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.

"In addition, any military effort to eliminate Iranian weapons capabilities runs the significant risk of reinforcing Teheran's desire to acquire a nuclear deterrent and of provoking nationalist passions in defense of that very course," the task force said. "It would most likely generate also hostile Iranian initiatives in Iraq and Afghanistan."

The report also said direct U.S. efforts to overthrow the Iranian clerical regime would not succeed. The council said the regime could eventually provide greater liberties to its people.


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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #48 on: September 23, 2008, 06:57:02 AM »
Ok Good response.  Pardon my ignorance on Serbia.  Please stop bashing my head over the link, I removed it.  It was mistake, I was trigger happy.  You know why I acted like this: A. I don't know much of Serbia, 2. The only thing I know about Serbia is from Pro-Russian, Anti-America posts on this board.  I got inflamed from reading all their propaganda type posts.  Sorry your mad and yes I am out of steam.  IF Serbia is a Christian ally of Russia, do they support the same type of teachings against Jews in their churches?  I suppose from what I read, Serbians did not involve  themselves in pogroms and murders of Jews, like Russians.    Please, read some of these posts and you can see they are not directed against just America's left, some of these anti-American posts are agasinst the foundations of America, that is what angered me.   I don't like hearing people supporting Russia (Putin), Chavez, Castro, saying America attacks poor countries.  THis is the same stuff I hear from Barack Hussein Obama.  Ok, as i Told u earlier, if Serbians were not so pro-Russian, maybe I would have been there to give them support against the ALbano-nazis .  I have plenty of enemies in USA, so do I go around insulting USA and praising Russia?  Sorry, don't mean to be blunt and I hope I am not slapped for this, but I think many Serbians here are cop-outs.  And, if they are friends of Russia, they are not my friend.  That is my two-cents.  Sorry if I am hated, reviled for speaking my mind.

BTW.. I know Bosnian, mufti-Al Husseini is the founder of Palestine and I know Croatia is a neo-nazi state..  I don't really personally think Jews have any friends in the Balkans or any place in Europe.

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Re: "We are not afraid of new cold war" sad Medvedev today.
« Reply #49 on: September 23, 2008, 07:32:10 AM »
BTW.. I know Bosnian, mufti-Al Husseini is the founder of Palestine and I know Croatia is a neo-nazi state..  I don't really personally think Jews have any friends in the Balkans or any place in Europe.

This mufti of Jerusalem, was an Egyptian, if I remember that well.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.