Author Topic: Good news for a change! Many Americans are sensible.  (Read 722 times)

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Good news for a change! Many Americans are sensible.
« on: August 27, 2008, 09:37:31 PM »
I just got this in my inbox:



Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi: 202-857-6644, [email protected]
Meagan Buren: 202-857-6671, [email protected]
  STRICT EMBARGO: For Release 3 p.m. MDT (Denver)/5 p.m. EDT (D.C., NY) Wed., Aug. 27

New U.S. Poll: 63 Percent of U.S. Voters Support Military Action Against Iran if Diplomacy Fails

According to a new poll conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research and commissioned by The Israel Project:

87 percent of American voters say if Iran developed nuclear weapons it would pose a threat to the U.S.;
90 percent say if Iran acquired nuclear weapons, it would share the technology or materials with terrorist organizations;
81 percent say the international community should try to prevent Iran from further nuclear research;
62 percent feel there is still an opportunity to pursue a diplomatic solution with Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons;
55 percent say they would approve of the United States and its allies making targeted strikes against Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities;
63 percent say if diplomacy fails, they would approve of Israel taking targeted military action against Iran’s nuclear sites to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon;
69 percent say America should be a supporter of Israel and only six percent say America should be a supporter of the Palestinians.
Washington, D.C. - A new bipartisan poll commissioned by The Israel Project (TIP) shows that Americans across the political spectrum see the Iranian regime as a threat to the U.S. Fully 85 percent of Democrats and 97 percent of Republicans believe Iran represents a serious threat to the U.S. 

A total of 91 percent of American voters agree Iran poses a threat to Israel; the percentage jumps even higher - to 96 percent - when respondents were asked whether a nuclear-armed Iran poses a threat to Israel. Another 83 percent view this threat as serious. Similarly, 87 percent of American voters say a nuclear-armed Iran poses a threat to the U.S.

Fully 90 percent of Americans believe Iran will likely share nuclear technology or materials with terrorist organizations if it obtained nuclear weapons. Additionally, 80 percent of Americans say it is likely Iran would use nuclear weapons if it acquired them. American voters oppose Iran’s development of a civilian nuclear research program, with 71 percent of the public strongly in favor of international efforts to prevent such a program. 

Among those polled, 62 percent say an opportunity to pursue a diplomatic solution with Iran still exists. However, 55 percent of Americans would approve of the U.S. and its allies making targeted conventional military strikes against Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities, with nearly a third of Americans strongly approving of such action. In addition, if economic and diplomatic action does not stop Iran’s pursuit of nuclear technology, and Iran acquires medium-range missiles and a nuclear capability, 63 percent of Americans say they would also approve of Israel taking targeted military action against Iran’s nuclear sites.

The poll shows that negative feelings about Iran are rising in the U.S. and Germany: 77 percent of likely American voters hold an unfavorable attitude toward Iran, and 64 percent of Germans view Iran unfavorably. Moreover, attitudes toward Iran are consistently negative in the UK, with 39 percent of the British public holding a negative view of Iran.

“Americans, the British and the Germans worry about the direct threat to Israel from Iran and fear Iran’s potential to share nuclear technology with terrorist groups,” said Stan Greenberg of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. “All countries want diplomacy over military action to address this threat. The Germans oppose military action for historical and cultural reasons and the British do not want another Iraq. Yet the Americans are more open to military action, especially if a diplomatic solution fails to become a reality.”

Said Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, founder and president of The Israel Project, “The threat of a nuclear Iran isn’t a Democratic issue or a Republican issue – it’s a concern for all peace-loving people who don’t want to live under the constant threat of a nuclear attack by an unstable regime and its terrorist proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas. Let us not forget that Iran is the world’s largest state sponsor of terror and continually threatens to attack the U.S. and Europe.”

Mizrahi also said the international community needs to work harder to keep Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from realizing his goal of gaining nuclear capabilities, particularly as he threatens to annihilate Israel and trigger a catastrophic war between countries in the Middle East and the West. “The nuclear clock is ticking faster than the diplomatic clock and time is running out,” Mizrahi said.

Threats by Iran’s president to wipe Israel off the map and Iran’s funding, training and arming of terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas worry Americans, the British, and Germans. Iran’s threats against Israel and its promises to share nuclear technology with terrorist groups are of particular concern to Americans and Germans.

American support for Israel vis-à-vis the Palestinians is at an all-time high of 69 percent, and only six percent support the Palestinians. Americans say they feel close to Israel, ranking it only behind Canada and the UK. Israel’s image has steadily increased among German opinion elites during the past two years, as 40 percent now view Israel favorably.

The national survey of 800 U.S. likely voters was conducted by telephone July 23-27, 2008. The national omnibus surveys of 1,001 German adults and 229 opinion elites and 995 UK adults and 158 opinion elites were conducted July 18-22, 2008. The surveys were commissioned by The Israel Project and carried out by Neil Newhouse of Public Opinion Strategies and Stan Greenberg of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. The margin of error for the U.S. poll  is +/- 3.5 percent; the margin of error for the UK and German polls is +/- 3 percent.

Earlier this week, The Israel Project launched a major TV and print campaign at the Democratic National Convention in hopes of pushing for diplomatic and economic measures that can help prevent war. The ad, which will also air during the Republican convention next week, will focus on the threat of a nuclear Iran. The Israel Project does not rate or endorse any candidates.

The nuclear Iran ad (click here to view) along with a second one about U.S.-Israel efforts to develop alternative energy technologies (click here to view), will run more than 1,300 times overall on CNN, CNN’s Headline News, FOX NEWS, MSNBC and other networks at the Democratic convention in Denver Aug. 25-28 and the Republican convention in Minneapolis/St. Paul Sept. 1-4. The Israel Project also began running its alternative energy ad Aug. 25.

The print campaign includes informational fliers about the threat of a nuclear Iran and alternative energy technologies. The front of the nuclear Iran flier shows a photo of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, posing the question, “Just one man’s opinion?” The other side states, “Actually, it’s government policy” and explains that support for terrorist groups, Iran’s avid pursuit of nuclear technology and hatred of Israel and the West are doctrine shared by the highest echelons of the Iranian government. It also contains numerous quotes by Iranian leaders backing up that doctrine with their own words. A second piece about Iran shows a ticking bomb where time is running out and explains the dangers of a nuclear Iran. 

The alternative energy flier depicts a gas pump where the prices are an “Arm,” a “Leg” or “Both.” The back contains information on Israel’s pioneering efforts to cut reliance on Middle East oil.

The Israel Project has a team of 22 people on site at the Democratic convention wearing blue T-shirts stating “I love Israel” and “I want peace” as they distribute materials about both the threat posed by Iran and the opportunities of alternative energy. The Israel Project will do the same at the Republican convention.


The Israel Project is an international non-profit organization devoted to educating the press and the public about Israel while promoting security, freedom and peace. The Israel Project provides journalists, leaders and opinion-makers accurate information about Israel. The Israel Project is not related to any government or government agency.
 Board of Advisors: Sen. Evan Bayh (IN), Sen. Ben Cardin (MD), Sen. Saxby Chambliss (GA), Sen. Tom Coburn (OK), Sen. Norm Coleman (MN), Sen. Susan Collins (ME), Sen. Judd Gregg (NH), Sen. Joe Lieberman (CT), Sen. Ben Nelson (NE), Sen. Gordon Smith (OR), Sen. Arlen Specter (PA), Sen. Ron Wyden (OR), Rep. Rob Andrews (NJ), Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV), Rep. Tom Davis (VA), Rep. Eliot Engel (NY), Rep. Frank Pallone (NJ), Rep. Jon Porter (NV), Rep. John Sarbanes (MD), Rep. Jim Saxton (NJ), Rep. Brad Sherman (CA), Rep. Joe Wilson (SC), Actor and Director Ron Silver
