Author Topic: Is David Irving Jewish?  (Read 3124 times)

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Is David Irving Jewish?
« on: August 28, 2008, 09:40:06 AM »
Is this Holcaust revisionist Jewish i found it on an anti Jewish site but it appears to be true               

 David Irving Is Jewish! [ Post 296424908 ]

   Category: News & Opinion (Specific)  Topic: Race-Ethnic-Religious Relations: Supremacy and Separatism: White
   Synopsis: Cheese unt cracker! More dreaded Nazis are [***]s!!!
   Published: January 1, 2004  Author: Assembled by John "Birdman" Bryant
   For Education and Discussion Only.  Not for Commercial Use.

Assembled by John "Birdman" Bryant

A Footnote of Irony
By Germar Rudolf

The Revisionist · 2004 · Volume 2 · No. 2 · p. 122

A few weeks ago I met Dietmar Munier in Chicago, owner of the medium-sized publishing company Arndt in Kiel, northern Germany. He was hunting original color photographs of the Third Reich era for his many upcoming book projects, and while visiting archives in the United States, he decided to stop by and meet me so that we could discuss several future book publishing projects. Since Munier published several very interesting and important books on the history of the Second World War in particular as well as the years preceding, I hope to be able to publish English language editions of some of these books shortly.

One series of some five books addresses several aspects of the German-Russian war between 1941-1945. Another series features a collection of great color photos of various theaters of the Second World War; yet another series contains heavily illustrated books focusing on peacetime Germany before the war. As you can imagine, publishing such a large number of fine books requires some financial backing, which is why things may progress only slowly initially. But with a little luck, I may acquire an investor willing to put his money where his mouth is, so that these fine books can be offered to the English-speaking world soon.

During dinner, Herr Munier casually talked about various of his past, present, and future projects. While so doing, he touched briefly upon a project he had carried out several years ago: a Festschrift on the occasion of David Irving’s 60th birthday. Subtitled Historians in Handcuffs (see illustration) and recounting David Irving’s own painful experience, this 1998 book included contributions from a long list of highly renowned German scholars. One personality, however, whose article was originally planned to be included as well, was finally not represented: Ralf Hochhuth, author of the (in)famous play Der Stellvertreter (The Deputy). In this play, Hochhuth had turned the so-called confessions of Kurt Gerstein     this is me talking Kurt Gerstein tried to save Jews about his alleged activities at the purported extermination camp Belzec into a worldwide theater success, popularizing one of the most outrageous pieces of evidentiary nonsense on the ‘Holocaust’.

The reason Hochhuth’s article was not printed was that it contained many statements about Irving that were closer to unfounded ad hominem attacks than to the kind of statements one would expect in a Festschrift. One of Hochhuth’s statements about Irving piqued the publisher’s interest most intensely, and that was his claim that Irving’s mother was Jewish. Herr Munier inquired about this in disbelief, but David Irving happily confirmed it: yes, his mother was Jewish, but he was never interested in this fact, nor was he raised within the Jewish tradition. He therefore never considered it to have any relevance. Thus, according to orthodox Jewish tradition, David Irving is a Jew, plain and simple.

The interesting questions arising from this are: Why did Ralf Hochhuth want to blow the whistle on Irving in this regard? Had he an interest in undermining Irving’s financial basis by hoping to cut him off from some of his supporters who are anti-Semitic to the point where they would reject Irving because of this? And why was this fact never mentioned by anybody? Why was it not raised during Irving’s libel case against Lipstadt? I bet all sides knew that an atheist Jew (Irving) was fighting against orthodox Jews (Lipstadt, van Pelt, and others). It was, and continues to be, a case of Jewish in-fighting, if you wish to label it that way.

Of course, Holocaust promoters can have no interest in advertising that the “main exponent” of “Holocaust Denial” is a Jew. Oy vey, what a publicity disaster that would be! (Even though Irving is, strictly seen, not even a Holocaust revisionist, but merely a benevolent observer.)

At the end of the day, one can argue that it doesn’t matter what heritage Irving’s mother had, at least not in regard to where the historical truth is to be found. But for many individuals it might make a difference in their personal attitude toward revisionism.

For me personally, this is only an interesting, curious, ironic footnote, the most interesting aspect being the reactions of others to this revelation.

>> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
> >>
> >> On 7/12/04 at 4:50 AM * redacted * wrote:
> >>
> >> >From: * redacted *
> >> >Date: 2004/07/12 Mon AM 03:15:59 GMT
> >> >To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> >> >Subject: David Irving says-"That is rubbish, my mom wasn't [Jewish]! "
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Dear Michael:
> >> >
> >> >That is rubbish, she wasn't!
> >> >
> >> >David Irving (now writing in Key West, Florida)
> >> >pp Focal Point Publications
> >> >
> >> >USA cellphone: * redacted *; or tollfree: 1 * redacted * -- email:
> >> >* redacted *
> >> >==============
> >> >
> >> >Dear David:
> >> >
> >> >It may be "rubbish", but it still begs the question of where the info
> >came
> >> >from and why someone like Germar, who is noted for his precision and
> >> >accuracy,
> >> >would go to the trouble to circulate it.
> >> >
> >> >Peace.
> >> >Michael Santomauro


bpocatch writes: "The reason Hochhuth’s article was not printed was that it contained many statements about Irving that were closer to unfounded ad hominem attacks than to the kind of statements one would expect in a Festschrift. One of Hochhuth’s statements about Irving piqued the publisher’s interest most intensely, and that was his claim that Irving’s mother was Jewish. Herr Munier inquired about this in disbelief, but David Irving happily confirmed it: yes, his mother was Jewish, but he was never interested in this fact, nor was he raised within the Jewish tradition. He therefore never considered it to have any relevance. Thus, according to orthodox Jewish tradition, David Irving is a Jew, plain and simple.

The interesting questions arising from this are: Why did Ralf Hochhuth want to blow the whistle on Irving in this regard? Had he an interest in undermining Irving’s financial basis by hoping to cut him off from some of his supporters who are anti-Semitic to the point where they would reject Irving because of this? And why was this fact never mentioned by anybody? Why was it not raised during Irving’s libel case against Lipstadt? I bet all sides knew that an atheist Jew (Irving) was fighting against orthodox Jews (Lipstadt, van Pelt, and others). It was, and continues to be, a case of Jewish in-fighting, if you wish to label it that way.

Of course, Holocaust promoters can have no interest in advertising that the “main exponent” of “Holocaust Denial” is a Jew. Oy vey, what a publicity disaster that would be! (Even though Irving is, strictly seen, not even a Holocaust revisionist, but merely a benevolent observer.)"
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 10:05:16 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Is David Irving Jewish?
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 10:03:22 AM »
BTW Kurt gerstein was not evil  HE WAS   Righteous       


This is the story of one remarkable man who refused to surrender his conscience in the face of mass murder as one of the few SS officers in the Third Reich. Kurt Gerstein showed true heroism, tirelessly denounced Hitler's Nazi genocide and alerted the Allies, the Pope, the Germans and the church of the crimes during World War 2.

The mission of Kurt Gerstein was to expose the horrors of the Nazism to the world and to mitigate the suffering around him. The conscience-stricken Gerstein left one of the most horrifying testimonies of the Holocaust - he visited the death camps Belzec and Treblinka in August 1942 and witnessed the mass gassing of Jewish men, women and children.

"There are not ten people alive, who have seen or will see as much as you," he was told by SS Major Christian Wirth, responsible for overseeing the murder of more than two million Jews in the death camps Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka.

Kurt Gerstein, thirty-seven-year-old head of the Waffen SS Technical Disinfection Services, was shocked by what he had seen. Yet, he realized that as a witness, his position was unique, and he was determined to expose what he knew to the world to stop the atrocities.

Holocaust Photos

The Pulitzer Prize-winning historian John Toland describes how Kurt Gerstein upon arrival in Warsaw set off immediately for Berlin, resolved to tell those who would listen of the ghastly sights he had witnessed:

"A modern Ancient Mariner, he began spreading the truth to incredulous colleagues. As a rock thrown into a pond creates ever widening ripples, so did the tale of Kurt Gerstein .."

Eventually he risked his life to inform the Allies: "I was one of the handful of people who had seen every corner of the establishment, and certainly the only one to have visited it as an enemy of this gang of murderers ..."

All his efforts proved futile and Kurt Gerstein died in a French prison on July 25, 1945 - overwhelmed by a sense of personal responsibility and guilt ..

His friend, Pastor Martin Niemoller, later said: "He was a very special kind of saint, but perfectly pure and of irreproachable rectitude. He was prepared to sacrifice, and indeed did sacrifice, his honor, his family and his life ..."




One of the most horrifying testimonies from the horrors of the Holocaust was left by a conscience-stricken SS officer, Kurt Gerstein, who visited the deathcamps Belzec and Treblinka in August 1942 and witnessed the mass gassing of Jewish men, women and children. Gerstein was shocked by what he had seen. Yet, he realized that as a witness, his position was unique, and he was determined to expose what he knew to the world to stop the atrocities: "I was one of the handful of people who had seen every corner of the establishment, and certainly the only one to have visited it as an enemy of this gang of murderers ..." 

As he noted in his post-war testimony:

"I prayed with them and cried out to my God and theirs. How glad I should have been to go into the gas chambers with them! How gladly I should have died the same death as theirs! Then an SS officer in uniform would have been found in the gas chambers. People would have believed it was an accident and the story would have been buried and forgotten. But I could not do this yet. I felt I must not succumb to the temptation to die with these people. I now knew a great deal about these murders."

His report was one of the first and most important documents relating to the extermination of Jews in the death camps, including facts and events that Gerstein personally witnessed. After the war the basic facts of Gerstein's report were verified by SS Obersturmbannführer Dr. W. Pfannenstiel before the Land-Court of Darmstadt in the Federal Republic of Germany, on June 6, 1950.

Kurt Gerstein, born on August 11, 1905, of an old Prussian family, graduated as a mining engineer in 1931. He had close links to the Christian anti-Nazi Resistance and remained very active in the youth groups, especially the Federation of German Bible Circles until it was disbanded in 1934. He joined the Nazi party in 1933, but outspokenly critical of Nazi blasphemies, he was expelled from the party in 1936. In 1938, he was arrested by the Gestapo and sentenced to a term in a concentration camp to reappraise his premises. Later Gerstein reapplied to become a Nazi party member but was refused.

In 1940 he applied to the SS in order to infiltrate the Third Reich and gather information about the Nazis and their dark secrets, after being told by the Bishop of Stuttgart that mentally ill patients were being killed at the institutions Hadamar and Grafeneck. In the beginning of 1941, Kurt Gerstein's own sister-in-law, Bertha Ebeling, died mysteriously at Hadamar. Gerstein was shocked by her death and became determined to find out the truth about the numerous deaths at Hadamar and similar institutions.

No questions were asked about his past, and on March 10, 1941 he was admitted to the Waffen SS.

In 1942 Kurt Gerstein was appointed head of the Technical Disinfection Department of the Waffen SS, responsible for improving the efficiency of the gas chambers by procuring the highly toxic prussic acid Zyklon B. In the late summer of 1942 he was sent on a mission to introduce Zyclon B gassing into the Nazi death camps in Poland in place of gas engines.

Kurt Gerstein was deeply shaken by what he witnessed - he had but one desire: to gain an insight into the Nazi death machinery and shout it to the whole world. Eventually he risked his life to inform the Allies. He described how the Jews were forced to undress, the piles of shoes were allegedly 25 meters high, the women's hair was cut off, the naked Jews were driven between two barbed wire fences to the gas chambers. Kurt Gerstein desperately tried to alert the world about the atrocities:

"I see everything! The mothers, their babies at the breast, the little naked children, the men and women, naked. They enter into the death chamber, pushed by the leather whips of the SS. Pack well, that is what the captain ordered. Seven to eight hundred persons on twenty-five square meters. More than half are children ..."

A five-year-old girl dropped a necklace and a three-year-old boy picked it up as they passed into the chamber, where victims were crammed in so tightly they could not move. Men, women, children filed past in ghastly parade as a burly SS man promised in a loud, priestlike voice that nothing terrible was going to happen to them. "All you have to do is breathe in deeply. That strengthens the lungs. Inhaling is a means of preventing infectious diseases. It's a good method of disinfection." To those who timorously asked what their fate would be, the SS man gave more reassurance: the men would build roads and houses, the women would do housework or help in the kitchen.




When the doors closed, the diesel engine would not work but broke down while pumping its deadly carbon monoxide gas into the chamber. While mechanics worked to repair the diesel engine, the Jews had to await death, pressed body-to-body against one another. An SS officer, Wilhelm Pfannenstiel, looking through the glass peep hole in the door of the gas chamber, commented that the Jews were weeping "as they do in the synagogue." 

Finally after two hours, it stuttered to life. "Up till then people were alive in these chambers .. another 25 minutes went by. True, many were now dead. After 28 minutes, only a few were still alive. At last after 32 minutes, everyone was dead. Finally, all were dead like pillars of basalt, still erect, not having any place to fall", Kurt Gerstein later wrote.

The outside doors to the gas chamber were opened and the bodies taken out. "One could tell families even in death. They were still holding hands, stiffened in death so that it was difficult to tear them apart to clear the chamber for the next load," Gerstein wrote.

Piles of the victims' glasses and shoes

Before the corpses of the Jews were tossed into large trenches, they were searched for valuables in the form of gold teeth or gems or gold hidden in the vagina or rectum. Gerstein was shown the processing of the dead: "With gold to the left - without gold to the right .. Dentists hammered out gold teeth, bridges and crowns. In the midst of them stood Captain Wirth. Hew as in his element, and showing me a large can full of teeth, he said: "See for yourself the weight of that gold! It's only from yesterday and the day before. You can't imagine what we find every day - dollars, diamonds, gold. You'll see for yourself!"

Kurt Gerstein forced himself to watch the final process. The bodies were flung into trenches, each some hundred yards long, conveniently located near the gas chambers. He was told that the bodies would swell from gas after a few days, raising the mound as much as six to ten feet. Once the swelling subsided, the bodies would be piled on railway ties covered with diesel oil and burned to cinders.

On the night of August 21-22, 1942, on his way back to Germany, Kurt Gerstein travelled by train from Warsaw to Berlin and accidently encountered the Secretary to the Swedish Legation in Berlin, Baron Göran von Otter. 

Less than an hour from Warsaw, the train stopped in open country. "We both got down to get a breath of air," von Otter later recalled. "There were beads of sweat on his forehead. There were tears in his eyes. And his voice was hoarse when he said at once: I saw something awful yesterday - can I come and see you at the Legation?" Von Otter suggested that they talk on the train. Gerstein agreed. "Is it the Jews?" von Otter asked. "Yes, it is," Gerstein replied. "I saw more than ten thousand die today."

In a feverish conversation lasting hours, Gerstein poured out the whole story, crying and smoking incessantly. He related all he had just seen to the Swedish diplomat and begged him to tell the Swedish government about the atrocities in the camps. He desperately urged von Otter to make it known to the Allies and the outside world.

Von Otter later described the encounter: "It was hard to get Gerstein to keep his voice down. We stood there together, all night, some six hours or maybe eight. And again and again, Gerstein kept on recalling what he had seen. He sobbed and hid his face in his hands. From the very beginning as Gerstein described the atrocities, weeping and broken hearted, I had no doubt as to the sincerity of his humanitarian intentions."


Göran von Otter filed a report to his own government, which found it, as did other neutrals, too bizarre for credibility, and it was never acted on. But Gerstein maintained contact with the Swedish embassy in Berlin and kept it informed of the extermination operations.

Gerstein continued to tell people what he had seen, anyone he felt would spread the word about the atrocities:

"Taking my life in my hands every moment, I continued to inform hundreds of people of these horrible massacres. Among them were the Niemöller family; Dr. Hochstrasser, the press attaché at the Swiss Legation in Berlin; Dr. Winter, the coadjutor of the Catholic Bishop of Berlin - so that he could transmit my information to the Bishop and to the Pope; Dr. Dibelius, bishop of the Confessing Church, and many others. In this way, thousands of people were informed by me."

Gerstein also urged members of the Dutch underground to broadcast his information by radio to Great Britain. But Kurt Gerstein was ignored - nothing happened. All were disinclined to believe his gruesome narrative of mass murder, it was rejected as atrocity propaganda. All his efforts to inform the church, the Allies and the opinion abroad proved futile as did his premise that, if the facts became known, the extermination of the Jews would be stopped.

As months continued to pass and still the Allies had done nothing to stop the extermination, Gerstein became increasingly frantic. He behaved in a desperate manner, risking his life every time he spoke of the death camps to persons he scarcely knew ..

Later during the war a despairing Gerstein risked his life destroying shipments of Zyklon B gas to be used for the extermination of thousands of Jewish people. The gas was buried on the pretext that it had been spoiled in transit.

On April 22, 1945, near the end of the war, Kurt Gerstein surrendered to the French, who arrested him as an alleged war criminal. They took him to the Cherche-Midi Military Prison on July 5, 1945. Twenty days later, Gerstein was found dead in his cell. Whether he committed suicide out of despair and guilt in not being able to stop the Holocaust or whether he was murdered by other SS officers in the prison remains a mystery.

Gerstein was buried in the Thiais cemetery under the name Gastein. But even that was temporary, for his grave was within a section of the cemetery that was razed in 1956.

In 1950, a final blow was given to Kurt Gerstein - a denazification court posthumously condemned him: "Taking into account the extenuating circumstances noted the court has not included the accused among the main criminals but has placed him among the 'tainted' .."

It was not until January 20, 1965 that Kurt Gerstein was cleared of all charges, by the Premier of Baden-Württemberg.

While in prison Gerstein turned over to a French intelligence team his detailed report on atrocities in Belzec and Treblinka. His date provided the Allies in later trials with their most detailed accounts of the Nazi murder mills, and it was used at Nuremberg. Kurt Gerstein' report became perhaps the most horrifying eyewitness account of the Holocaust - one handwritten French and two type-written German versions.  - Louis Bülow
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 10:18:17 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Is David Irving Jewish?
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 10:05:15 AM »
Hochhuth the bolschewist and Irving are long time buddies. I remember that before only one or two years Hochhuth wrote something to excuse Irving. But after this cracked down on him a lot of people defended Hochhuth.

Imo Hochhut is a freak. This whole accusing the pope for close his eyes after WW2 is so cheap.

All Germans loved him for this. But not because of the original issue, but because of two other reasons.

1. They love immorality and everything what made them a bad conscious about it is in their eyes evil

2. The pope, the Zionists, Bush etc. are only punshing bags for them, while beating they felt like winners of ww2. Imo they have understood nothing.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline mord

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Re: Is David Irving Jewish?
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 10:08:30 AM »
Hochhuth the bolschewist and Irving are long time buddies. I remember that before only one or two years Hochhuth wrote something to excuse Irving. But after this cracked down on him a lot of people defended Hochhuth.

Imo Hochhut is a freak. This whole accusing the pope for close his eyes after WW2 is so cheap.

All Germans loved him for this. But not because of the original issue, but because of two other reasons.

1. They love immorality and everything what made them a bad conscious about it is in their eyes evil

2. The pope, the Zionists, Bush etc. are only punshing bags for them, while beating they felt like winners of ww2. Imo they have understood nothing.
Yes i understand but is irving  Jewish like finkilstein YIMACH SHMO
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Is David Irving Jewish?
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2008, 12:16:09 PM »
He atleast don't use his "Jewishness" as shield as finkelstein did, but mainly becouse he's woried of his nazi budies reactions... either way  YIMACH SHMO to him.
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline mord

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Re: Is David Irving Jewish?
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2008, 12:18:06 PM »
He atleast don't use his "Jewishness" as shield as finkelstein did, but mainly becouse he's woried of his nazi budies reactions... either way  YIMACH SHMO to him.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: Is David Irving Jewish?
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2008, 01:00:23 PM »
Come on, you can't seriously believe that Irving is Jewish.  This is a tactic of the deniers.  If a holocaust denier is Jewish, then it can't be an expression of anti-Semitism, it has to be objective.  Give me a break.