Just curious when everyone here bought their first computer?
The first one I recall that I had was a IBM PC AT 5170, that was around 1986 or 1987, I was only about 3 when I used my first computer, my dad worked a computer job so we always had top of the line computer equipment.

This was before CD-Rom drives to my knowledge were commonly available as I don't remember getting one until 1990 or 1991, it was a huge step up from floppys.
I used to run DOS, windows 3.1 was available at the time but I didn't really like it and barely used it.
The first time I used internet, I was 10 years old, I used AOL 2.5 at the time, it wasn't cheap as they charged a minutely rate, then it changed to hourly which I could use it more. Got lan modem around 1997 and cable modem in 1999.
I built my first computer when I was 12 in 1997 when the Pentium II came out.
I remember the laptops from that generation as well, I don't remember the brand but I used to play flight simulator on it, had the mouse built into the laptop, they were bulky and the screen was only in two colors (Black & Orange), I remember when Texas Instruments released one of the first color screen laptops, it was a huge advantage.