Young teenagers should not study Othello in their English lessons because they are too young to discuss racism, according to a report from the Government's exams advisers.
The themes of race and sexual jealousy in Shakespeare's tragedy are "too mature and sensitive" for 11-14-year-olds, the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) report said.
The recommendation came just a week after Education Secretary Alan Johnson announced moves to reform school lessons in an effort to stamp out "ignorance and bigotry" following the Celebrity Big Brother race row. From the top of my memory I remember this line: 'For shame! an old black ram is tupping your young white ewe.'
It's very relevant to Britain today.
Young white women are going with negroids like never before.
And young white men are jealous about it, let me tell you.

Another good line from the play is one of Desdemona's white suitors complaining about her preferring a Moor and he is promptly told, 'Put money in thy purse.'
From this play I derived my sense that white men exist only to make money and that white women are ravished by noble black men.
But, I did not read the play at school. If I had it would have made no effect on me.
I needed to read that play in my own time, after I became intellectually mature.
And I read it in summer 2006, at the same time as I saw dozens of hot girls parading about town with black and Asian lovers.
White women don't want me.