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Christian churches demand greater tolerance of Third World invasion

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Christian Zionist:
"Christian" organizations like World Council of Churches, Anglican communion, Presbyterians, Lutheran Synod and other established Churches do not believe in the Bible in the first place.  I did a research on what their theological seminaries teach.  They deny the account of creation in Genesis and criticize all imporatant Biblical events.  Since they do not believe in the fundamental teachings of the Bible naturally they are anti-Jewish and anti-Israel.  Many of their clergy believe in evolution. These traitors introduce liberal theoloy into Christianity and spoil it.  But thank God they are rapidly losing members from their Churches.

Exodus: Why Americans Are Fleeing Liberal Churches for Conservative Christianity by Dave Shiflett vividly explains this.

I know even the so-called conservative leaders in Britain like Nick Griffin of the British National Party is a known Jew-hater.

Therefore Mr. Satan groups like WCC do not represent all Christians.  To quote their words in your signature does not make any sense.

However I agree with you that liberal Christian Church denominations like Anglicans should renonce their pro-Islam postions (ex-Arch Bishop of Canterbury) Dr. Robert Runchi attacked Salman Rushdie for writing that book)

I hate to break this to you but the majority of all European Christians believe in 'evolution'.

Evolution is the doctrine out of which many European mental illnesseses and alienation sprang.  Europe is a G-dless, decadent, drink-and-drug-fuelled, licentious hellhole because every European believes on evolution and deep down disbelieves in G-d.

The Europeans are FAR from being superior in any sense, except in being disgusting and abominable.

You demonstrate your total lack of knowledge about European CHristians by claiming that the WCC does not represent mainstream European Christian positions.

Like I say, the U.S. may very well be different although there are bound to be some similarities.

El Cabong!:
Here is your own statement: "Jews are never made to feel truly welcome in gentile nations anyway."  You criticised gentile nations, not the council of churches in your post. Hence my comment on this gentile nation. Stop twisting the post around to suit your spin. You're the one who made the statement about "gentile nations" so try to understand my post and stop sensationalizing in order to seem right. You're an anti-Christian bigot bent on spreading lies and propaganda against Christians. You're new here and already you're starting trouble. We Christian who post here are friends of Jews, unlike you who are coming here to inflame. Stick to posting something more productive and don't come here to divide.


--- Quote from: El Cabong! on September 05, 2006, 10:22:48 PM ---Here is your own statement: "Jews are never made to feel truly welcome in gentile nations anyway."  You criticised gentile nations, not the council of churches in your post.
--- End quote ---

But the context was in the behaviour of Jewish organizations within gentile nations.  It is beyond doubt that many powerful Jewish organizations are promoting multiculturalism and they do so because they wish to avoid conflagrations of Nazism, which white people seem very predisposed towards at certain times.  On the other hand, churches are promoting multiculturalism because they have given up on their own people and want to get 'darkies' into their Sunday services. 

I meant no slander against Americans.

--- Quote ---Hence my comment on this gentile nation. Stop twisting the post around to suit your spin. You're the one who made the statement about "gentile nations" so try to understand my post and stop sensationalizing in order to seem right. You're an anti-Christian bigot bent on spreading lies and propaganda against Christians. You're new here and already you're starting trouble. We Christian who post here are friends of Jews, unlike you who are coming here to inflame. Stick to posting something more productive and don't come here to divide.

--- End quote ---

Notwithstanding, this is an important article because it demonstrates that European Christians are totally under the sway of anti-Israel forces.

This is beyond doubt.

Zionist Revolutionary:

--- Quote from: Get thee hence Satan on September 05, 2006, 10:04:48 PM ---I hate to break this to you but the majority of all European Christians believe in 'evolution'.

Evolution is the doctrine out of which many European mental illnesseses and alienation sprang.  Europe is a G-dless, decadent, drink-and-drug-fuelled, licentious hellhole because every European believes on evolution and deep down disbelieves in G-d.

The Europeans are FAR from being superior in any sense, except in being disgusting and abominable.

You demonstrate your total lack of knowledge about European CHristians by claiming that the WCC does not represent mainstream European Christian positions.

Like I say, the U.S. may very well be different although there are bound to be some similarities.

--- End quote ---

I tried looking, and I found the word "European" to be absent from christianzionist's post.

Many Europeans who go to Church aren't even Christians.  They pay lip service because, maybe their parents were Christians.

The fact is, a Leftist is ALWAYS a Leftists before his secondary faith (Be it Christianity, Judaism or otherwise) because his first faith is Liberalism.

I have exposed the WCC of being a political organization, and their "Reverend" to be a reformist and a priest of Liberalism.  If you have problems with them or their statements, it is with thier politics, and not their religion.  They use words like "Church" or "Reverend" or "Minister" like Jesse Jackson or Roger Mahoney do.

Their Anti-Semitic actions are of course evil, and they will pay for it on the Day of Judgement.


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