.. or How To Mold Minds
While reading some articles on this site, the question arose in my mind as to where Israel acquired their oil. For all I knew, they drilled their own, but I decided to Google "Where does Israel get their oil?" anyway. To my surprise, I found something even more interesting. What seems to be an American site pops up for review. Replete with the Red, White and Blue patriotic theme, it even boasts Uncle Sam and the "In God We Trust" logo of the U.S. currency; all done to make the reader feel more at ease and comfortable while digesting the within propaganda.
However, upon closer review, one finds that the message being sent is the stuff conspiracies are born of. This page message is:
The United States went to War With Iraq to Get Oil for IsraelIt's keenly worded and uses enjoining words such as "our country" when referring to the United States; giving the reader the impression it's a trusted American bestowing C.I.A.-like knowledge. But certain phraseologies contest that facade when stuff like blatant false facts, missing information, suspicious gaps in history and the following jumps off the page at you:
In fact, israel's insatiable quest for oil and gas can even explain its relentless assault against Hamas in Gaza."

Now there's the mother of all oxymorons, "assault against Hamas", where Hamas, even by American definitions, is the pioneer of terroristic suicide bombings and the anti-thesis of peace. But what else would you expect from a site that promotes conspiracy theories such as Zeitgiest, NWO, Illuminati and 9/11 myths galore.
I call attention to this site not only for the propaganda it reveals, but the carefully planted comments and structuring that all points to an organized methodology connected not only to carefully circuited links but theme. The hatred for Israel and the U.S. is clear, so are the subliminal threats on other pages squarely directed at journalists and the not so subliminal message that "everyone wants to steal Arab oil". What's puzzling, is why they just don't say something, anything, about Islam? Why hide behind the Red, White and Blue they obviously detest?
Here's the link: