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Shalom from U.S.

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I am a Christian, at present called out of the institutional church, also having overcome Darby's eschatology.
Adopted Jew per circumcision of the heart of Romans 2:28-9 and being grafted in as per Romans 11:17.
I love Muslims, and so spend a lot of time trying to bring G-d to them, as I believe that this is the only thing that can resolve the 1400 year conflict of the scourge of Islam against humanity. Former PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat as an example who was transformed from hating Jews to loving Jews.

Seems the church has a great deal of difficulty in seeing Islam in bible prophecy, primarily because of unsound eschatology of Jesuit Ribera/John Darby and Jesuit Alcazar.
Perhaps a couple of the more stunning fulfillments of prophecy that these doctrines prevent the church from seeing are Daniel's "times" problems, where he wrote about the dispersion of the Jews and control of the holy land by a succession of satanically led Gentile kingdoms. He gave us a couple of time pins of "in the first year of Belshazzar", and "the third year of Cyrus" (in Babylon). Supportable approximate years:

First year Belshazzar 552 B.C.E. + 2500 = 1948

Third year Cyrus 533 B.C.E. + 2500 = 1967 (first year Cyrus 536)

Textually: (Tanach)  Daniel 12:7 And I heard the man clad in linen, who was above the waters of the river, and he raised his right hand and his left hand to the heavens, and he swore by the Life of the world, that in the time of [two] times and a half, and when they have ended shattering the strength of the holy people, all these will end.

As of 1967 the Jews are back in town (to the tune of "Boys are Back in Town").
In control of Jerusalem again for the first time since Daniel gave us those prophecies.
Shattered strength of the holy people restored.
Right on G-d's schedule.

Werlcome JohnWilliams O0 O0

Welcome John Williams. Not sure I agree with you about saving muzzies, other than for target practice.

You love mussies???

Welcome to JTF.


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