The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Bin Laden Allowed To Stay Unbothered in Pakistan

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--- Quote from: NeverMore on September 12, 2006, 11:29:14 AM ---
--- Quote ---Liberals use bin-laden's name and call for his death in order to appear hawkish, and to maintain the illusion that, "only a FEW muslims are bad."  They are good cop, bad copping us to death.
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only fews here agree with me that there are good muslims at all. i say that only a few muslims are good, but there must be some good people among them too. "tsadik ehad be sdom" one righteous in sdom. at least one arab is righteous.

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Your point is reasonable, but I don't think that we can afford to worry about a tiny number of people who might be good. 


--- Quote from: Scriabin on September 12, 2006, 11:34:37 AM ---
--- Quote from: NeverMore on September 12, 2006, 11:29:14 AM ---
--- Quote ---Liberals use bin-laden's name and call for his death in order to appear hawkish, and to maintain the illusion that, "only a FEW muslims are bad."  They are good cop, bad copping us to death.
--- End quote ---

only fews here agree with me that there are good muslims at all. i say that only a few muslims are good, but there must be some good people among them too. "tsadik ehad be sdom" one righteous in sdom. at least one arab is righteous.

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Your point is reasonable, but I don't think that we can afford to worry about a tiny number of people who might be good. 

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sure, we need to deal with the threat the arab PEOPLE poses on us, regardless of wether there are also good arabs. its only a philosophycal question.


--- Quote from: keyser on October 12, 2006, 11:20:41 AM ---Let me put a nail into this coffin! Why does anyone as a muslim have to explain themselves to a bunch of Racist jews on here! I say f.uc.k them, and there stupid theories. They want to take on Pakistan then let them try, if a country that small can hold the might of INIDA of then what chance has a couple of jews in f16's no chance. I am sick of muslims on here ass licking these losers. Before I came onto this forum, i didn't mind jews at all, in matter of fact have friends, but now next time I see one on the road, he's getting a load of verbal!!!

This place is a JOKE, but I will stick it out!

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Rabbi Kahane said, "There are no moderate [muslims].  There are intelligent [muslims] and there are stupid [muslims]."  (He used the word 'Arab'.)

Stupid muslims speak and act as they think.  Intelligent muslims hide behind the veil of false diplomacy.

Stupid muslims want to blow us up now.  Intelligent muslims want to breed us out eventually.

BOTH groups however want us destroyed.


--- Quote from: keyser on October 12, 2006, 11:20:41 AM ---Let me put a nail into this coffin! Why does anyone as a muslim have to explain themselves to a bunch of Racist jews on here! I say f.uc.k them, and there stupid theories. They want to take on Pakistan then let them try, if a country that small can hold the might of INIDA of then what chance has a couple of jews in f16's no chance. I am sick of muslims on here ass licking these losers. Before I came onto this forum, i didn't mind jews at all, in matter of fact have friends, but now next time I see one on the road, he's getting a load of verbal!!!

This place is a JOKE, but I will stick it out!

First you get the MONEY
Then U get the POWER
The U kill the ****

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So you call us racist and then you say stuff like this??? Are you nuts? So all Jews are going to get it from you now?

Do us a favor... don't "stick it out"... just take your non-sense somewhere else. You should be embarrassed for this garbage you've posted.

Spare the Jews on the road... you already gave us a "load of your verbal".


--- Quote from: keyser on October 12, 2006, 11:20:41 AM ---Let me put a nail into this coffin! Why does anyone as a muslim have to explain themselves to a bunch of Racist jews on here! I say f.uc.k them, and there stupid theories. They want to take on Pakistan then let them try, if a country that small can hold the might of INIDA of then what chance has a couple of jews in f16's no chance. I am sick of muslims on here ass licking these losers. Before I came onto this forum, i didn't mind jews at all, in matter of fact have friends, but now next time I see one on the road, he's getting a load of verbal!!!

This place is a JOKE, but I will stick it out!

--- End quote ---
Honestly your quite comical! Who really cares what you mind ! Save your coffin nails they will be needed elsewhere. Pakistan is like a ticking bomb one bump in the road and its own population will turn against itself. The great thing about Muslims is that they are so nuts they will even kill fellow Muslims.  You say "This place is a JOKE, but I will stick it out!" . By all means stick around we need an example of warped Muslim thinking and the stupidity of people who try to defend it. Finally you should pay attention to your driving it would be ashame for you to rearend something in one of you verbal tirades against Jews.


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