The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Bin Laden Allowed To Stay Unbothered in Pakistan
Ooooooo....seems I hit a sore point here....easy to dish your rubbish out, but be men as you claim to be when you get it back!
--- Quote from: keyser on October 13, 2006, 07:09:29 AM ---Ooooooo....seems I hit a sore point here....easy to dish your rubbish out, but be men as you claim to be when you get it back!
--- End quote ---
The only nerve you hit was wasting my time. I never dished rubbish out on you, sir. You seem like such an angry little man... everything you say is so vile and hateful.
And if you disagree with that so much, then why on earth would you dish it back? If you hate us so much, why on EARTH are you wasting your time posting here?? Aren't you actually exibiting the same behavior that you claim to hate? Am I alone on this or are other having a hard time taking this guy seriously? I suppose the internet has all kinds...
El Cabong!:
His feeble comebacks are reminiscent of Pee Wee Herman, lol. "I know you are but what am I?" What and uneducated moron. And he claims to be some computer programmer or something. This coming from the people who raise their kids to kill themselves. Even rodents defend their offspring and protect them from harm. These muslim animals send their own children to their deaths. This is what differentiates us from them, our love and our kindness, of which they have none of. We love and protect our children while they hate everything so much, their hearts have no room for even the scarcest affection for their own children.
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