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Obama Solicited and Accepted Anti-Semitic Hate Group’s Support !
« on: September 07, 2008, 02:33:02 PM » also published a derogatory photomanipulation of the Pope
by Bill Levinson

It is a matter of record that Barack Obama solicited and accepted the support of, whose now-disgraced Action Forum served as a platform for the most vicious imaginable anti-Semitic hate speech. This included an actual blood libel of Jews, a statement that Jews control all the media, and even a suggestion that Jews did “something” to deserve the Holocaust.

Jews were not the only targets of the MoveOn-sponsored hate speech. The Action Forum included remarks about the “Catholic Pedophiles of America,” and itself published a derogatory photomanipulation of Pope Benedict. 9/11 denial and 9/11 conspiracy theories, anti-Evangelical hate speech, contempt for Vietnam veterans similar to that expressed by’s defamation of General Petraeus, and even racist commentary rounded out the Action Forum’s content. This is the organization whose support Barack Obama solicited and accepted. has attempted to argue that it is not responsible for the reams of hate speech that the Action Forum users posted, and that it deleted the hate speech when it came to’s attention. However:

It is a matter of record that was told about the hate speech more than two years before it became a scandal.
The Action Forum’s FAQ page (still online as of September 6 2008) says that the moderators read each entry twice, thus giving the lie to MoveOn’s contention that it “discovered” the hate speech only in August 2006. exercised editorial control over the Action Forum as showed by its deletion of material with which the moderators did not agree.
We harvested dozens of examples from the Action Forum two or more weeks after Pariser said the hate speech had been deleted.
Contrary to Pariser’s statement that other Action Forum users were quick to condemn the hate speech, they voted overwhelming approval of it. Eight out of eight Action Forum participants who voted on the statement that Jews control all the media agreed with it.
In summary, knowingly and willfully allowed its Action Forum, over which it exercised editorial control, to serve as a platform for the following material. The picture of Barack Obama behind a MoveOn PAC lectern shows that he solicited this hate groups’s support, and’s own Web page shows that he accepted it.

Obama’s decision to court an anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic hate group is entirely consistent with his long membership in a racist church, and his endorsement of the prominent racist and anti-Semite Al Sharpton along with Sharpton’s National Action Network, the organization that, while under Sharpton’s leadership and supervision, shouted racial and anti-Semitic epithets at a Jewish-owned store, Freddy’s Fashion Mart, that one of Sharpton’s deranged followers later burned to the ground. In Obama’s own words, “Reverend Sharpton is a voice for the voiceless, and a voice for the dispossessed. What National Action Network has done is so important to change America, and it must be changed from the bottom up.”

Now let’s take a look at what Obama’s friends in have to say about Jews and Catholics. While Eli Pariser says that the Action Forum’s members were quick to denounce the hate speech, the votes that go with the entries tell a different story: that Eli Pariser is a dishonest punk whose defamation of General David Petraeus further underscores his lack of character, ethics, integrity, and maturity.

Congressman Tom Lantos told PM Olmert of Israel that he wants to freeze the $ 230 million U.S. aid package to Lebanon. Lantos is the ranking democrat on the House Foreign Relations Comte. Lantos said, “The [Lebanese] aid package should be witheld until the Lebanese government displays responsibility”. Responsibility ? Israel is guilty of war crimes in their cowardely attack on Lebanon and the whining, arrogant Jew wants Lebanon to demonstrate responsibility ! This is another example of how many Jews/Zioniosts in our Congress use the U.S. for their own greedy purposes. DUMP ISRAEL.

14 out of 17 voted to AGREE with this.

The following is a response to “Jew Lieberman done, Corporate Clinton next.” Emily, one of the moderators for Obama for America, is on record as telling users to use “Israel Lobby” instead of “Jewish Lobby.”

We need your help in finding a word that is less offensive.
One that describes the Jewish congressmen and Jewish owned media that has a greater allegiance to Israel than the US. And who are demonizing Israel’s neighbors and supporting Israel’s bombing and occupation.
Read “Israeli Lobby” google it.

7 of 8 voted to AGREE with this

This is the organization whose support Barack Obama solicited and accepted:

We can all see how AIPAC/Israel has taken control of America. Not to get nasty but jews have a long history of subverting governments for their own enrichment and glory to the detriment of whole societies. Many more than “6 million” have died by semetic aggression, 100’s of millions even, remember the conqueror writes history. Even the roman empire feared jewish power. Over and over again, whites, particularly semites have distorted truth through their supremacist, zenophobic minds. Ariel Sharon Oct of 2001 per Kol Israel, “… Don’t worry about america, we control america and the americans know it.” There is a mental pathology gripping my tribe, as the native americans say, “white man have forked tongue”, we must become enlightened, or we will be destroyed.

13 of 16 voted to AGREE with this

10 out of 13 Action Forum members meanwhile agree that the Talmud is a “hateful scripture” and Israel is run by “Judeo-Nazis.” Here is yet another keeper; note that most of the so-called “Israel obsessed Jews” in Congress are liberal Democrats.

Israel has 8,000 Palestinian prisoners, Hezbollah and Hamas has 3 Israeli prisoners.
Israel is killing civilians and their children with our missiles and has never stopped stealing Palestinian land, farms, and precious aquifers.
Removing all Israeli obsessed Jews from congress would stop a lot of killing.

12 of 14 voted to AGREE with this

Nine out of twelve Action Forum participants agreed that Jews did “something” to deserve the Holocaust.

Nearly 3/4 of the entire Jewish population was exterminated. If you can’t tell us why, We are stuck with logic and commonsense.
I’m saying Jews instead of Israelis because I read the Israeli newspapers, the “Israeli Lobby” papers and have seen the House vote 410-8 in support Israel while the UN typically votes 191-4 against Israel. Also the billions in aid and military equipment are conspicuous. The world court unanimously voted against Israel.
By blaming Hitler you don’t have to face the truth.
I will stop condemning Jews when they become acclimated with all people.
Stop professing to know and start reading.
9 of 12 voted to AGREE with this

Eight out of eight agreed that “Jews control all the media,” an assertion that also shows up at, under the editorial control of Obama for America.

Another neo-con appeared today on C-Span to defend Bush and his spying program! I am Jewish and proud of it (despite everything) but I am sick of seeing those neo-cons posing as average joes on national television to defend Bush and his lies. Since they don’t have the decency or honesty to identify themselves by saying: “But you know, I am a Zionist and may be biased” and since most Americans can’t tell the difference and don’t have the courage to ask, maybe they should be forced to wear an Israeli flag on the lapel of their jackets. Isn’t it time to tell the American people the truth, i.e. that Jews control all the media.

8 of 8 AGREE that the Jews control all the media

This and other examples show that is in fact an anti-Semitic hate group. What other kind of organization would exercise editorial control in favor of this kind of commentary? also spewed anti-Catholic hatred similar to that propagated by the notorious 19th century cartoonist Thomas Nast.

Barack Obama’s acceptance of an anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic hate group should be enough to disqualify him by itself. In connection with his membership in a racist and America-hating church, his endorsement of Al Sharpton and the National Action Network–an organization that behaved toward a Jewish-owned store the way the Ku Klux Klan once behaved toward Black-owned stores in white neighborhoods–and his reluctance to “reject” the endorsement of Louis Farrakhan, we have a clear and complete picture of what he really stands for.


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Re: Obama Solicited and Accepted Anti-Semitic Hate Group’s Support !
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2008, 04:46:27 PM »
I can shed a little light here on why the attacks on the Pope are happening.

On September 12, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI held a "Meeting With the Representatives of Science".  He gave a lecture to the Aula Magna of the University of Regensburg regarding the necessity for theology and science to continue together and not apart.

The Pope brought his ideas in line with reason and basically laid bare his thoughts on theologies that did not utilize reason.  He said, in part,

"The dialogue ranges widely over the structures of faith contained in the Bible and in the Qur'an, and deals especially with the image of God and of man, while necessarily returning repeatedly to the relationship between - as they were called - three "Laws" or "rules of life": the Tanach, the New Testament and the Qur'an. It is not my intention to discuss this question in the present lecture; here I would like to discuss only one point - itself rather marginal to the dialogue as a whole - which, in the context of the issue of "faith and reason", I found interesting and which can serve as the starting-point for my reflections on this issue.

In the seventh conversation (διάλεξις - controversy) edited by Professor Khoury, the emperor touches on the theme of the holy war. The emperor must have known that surah 2, 256 reads: "There is no compulsion in religion". According to some of the experts, this is probably one of the suras of the early period, when Mohammed was still powerless and under threat. But naturally the emperor also knew the instructions, developed later and recorded in the Qur'an, concerning holy war. Without descending to details, such as the difference in treatment accorded to those who have the "Book" and the "infidels", he addresses his interlocutor with a startling brusqueness, a brusqueness that we find unacceptable, on the central question about the relationship between religion and violence in general, saying: "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”[3] The emperor, after having expressed himself so forcefully, goes on to explain in detail the reasons why spreading the faith through violence is something unreasonable. Violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul. "God", he says, "is not pleased by blood - and not acting reasonably (σὺν λόγω) is contrary to God's nature. Faith is born of the soul, not the body. Whoever would lead someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly, without violence and threats... To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm, or weapons of any kind, or any other means of threatening a person with death..."

To this, the Islamic world responded, but not by way of personal correspondence alone.  They printed theirs on the internet for public scrutiny.

"On October 13th 2006, one month to the day after Pope Benedict XVI’s Regensburg address of September 13th 2006, 38 Islamic authorities and scholars from around the world, representing all denominations and schools of thought, joined together to deliver an answer to the Pope in the spirit of open intellectual exchange and mutual understanding." -

The response from the Vatican, was as follows:

Pope's Response to Muslim Scholars' Letter, part:

"I am pleased to communicate that His Holiness would be most willing to receive Your Royal Highness and a restricted group of signatories of the open letter, chosen by you. At the same time, a working meeting could be organized between your delegation and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, with the cooperation of some specialized Pontifical Institutes (such as the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies and the Pontifical Gregorian University). The precise details of these meetings could be decided later, should this proposal prove acceptable to you in principle." - Signed by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican - Secretary of State

Other sources:


I have read the Encyclicals of Pope Benedict XVI, and I can assure you, he will be congenial, but he already stated that he won't be changing his position.  He's made it clear what his position is and has made scathing reprimands to his Church in the west for not teaching in accord with Catholic theology regarding this issue, not to mention other issues he's not pleased about (and I have firsthand knowledge why but that's another thread).  This Pope is old-school, very learned and a previous Professor.  He knows the subject matter and there are few more qualified to dialogue with Islam.

If attention is brought throughout the world for this conference this November, it's a good thing because it will break Islam wide open and the world will be looking at both sides for once in the same forum.

Consider this: They're going up against a man who is German, is well-versed in the ways of the Nazis and rose to become a Pope despite the indoctrination of his surroundings:

"Following his fourteenth birthday in 1941, Ratzinger was enrolled in the Hitler Youth — as membership was required for all 14-year old German boys after December 1939[7] — but was an unenthusiastic member and refused to attend meetings.[8] His father was a bitter enemy of Nazism, believing it conflicted with the Catholic faith, according to biographer John L. Allen, Jr. In 1941, one of Ratzinger's cousins, a 14-year-old boy with Down syndrome, was killed by the Nazi regime in its campaign of eugenics.[9] In 1943 while still in seminary, he was drafted at age 16 into the German anti-aircraft corps. Ratzinger then trained in the German infantry, but a subsequent illness precluded him from the usual rigours of military duty. As the Allied front drew closer to his post in 1945, he deserted back to his family's home in Traunstein after his unit had ceased to exist, just as American troops established their headquarters in the Ratzinger household. As a German soldier, he was put in a POW camp but was released a few months later at the end of the War in summer 1945. He reentered the seminary, along with his brother Georg, in November of that year." -

It should be interesting to see how this conference pans out and I'm sure that's the reason for the attacks; because they know they aren't up against just another fool who doesn't know what it's all about.  Pope Benedict, XVI does know.

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Re: Obama Solicited and Accepted Anti-Semitic Hate Group’s Support !
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2008, 05:05:14 PM »
As far as the rest of this organization's attacks, I see it as more of the same network of people trying to brainwash the clueless.  But if history tells us anything about those who do nothing but mudsling, it comes back to bite them in the end.  There's just so much slander a person can do until they turn off everyone around them.  In the end, people don't want to be around constant negativity.

Here's one example of obvious propaganda:

"Removing all Israeli obsessed Jews from congress would stop a lot of killing."

I'm not Jewish but I can tell you this type of talk throws up the red flag for me and says that the writer hates Jews and is bent on trying to coerce me to do the same.  In the end, I find myself more sympathetic to the Israeli cause BECAUSE of people like this.  They hate, and it's obvious.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Obama Solicited and Accepted Anti-Semitic Hate Group’s Support !
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2008, 05:13:10 PM »
As far as the rest of this organization's attacks, I see it as more of the same network of people trying to brainwash the clueless.  But if history tells us anything about those who do nothing but mudsling, it comes back to bite them in the end.  There's just so much slander a person can do until they turn off everyone around them.  In the end, people don't want to be around constant negativity.

Here's one example of obvious propaganda:

"Removing all Israeli obsessed Jews from congress would stop a lot of killing."

I'm not Jewish but I can tell you this type of talk throws up the red flag for me and says that the writer hates Jews and is bent on trying to coerce me to do the same.  In the end, I find myself more sympathetic to the Israeli cause BECAUSE of people like this.  They hate, and it's obvious.
"Those who do not hate are incapable of love." - Meir Kahane Z"L

I think, prior to posting like this you might delve into research of what and why those who have these opinions hold them. 

You say you are a "sympathetic to the Israeli cause" and you are pro-Jewish.  There are very few groups that are more of what you say than JTF and their like minded thinkers/supporters. 

What is this "negativity" stuff anyway?  Have people become so indoctrinated and dumbed down that they are incapable of noticing why things are declining into debasement and, moreover, feel guilty or somehow bad to suggest a reason? 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: Obama Solicited and Accepted Anti-Semitic Hate Group’s Support !
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2008, 05:53:20 PM »
As far as the rest of this organization's attacks, I see it as more of the same network of people trying to brainwash the clueless.  But if history tells us anything about those who do nothing but mudsling, it comes back to bite them in the end.  There's just so much slander a person can do until they turn off everyone around them.  In the end, people don't want to be around constant negativity.

Here's one example of obvious propaganda:

"Removing all Israeli obsessed Jews from congress would stop a lot of killing."

I'm not Jewish but I can tell you this type of talk throws up the red flag for me and says that the writer hates Jews and is bent on trying to coerce me to do the same.  In the end, I find myself more sympathetic to the Israeli cause BECAUSE of people like this.  They hate, and it's obvious.
"Those who do not hate are incapable of love." - Meir Kahane Z"L

I think, prior to posting like this you might delve into research of what and why those who have these opinions hold them. 

You say you are a "sympathetic to the Israeli cause" and you are pro-Jewish.  There are very few groups that are more of what you say than JTF and their like minded thinkers/supporters. 

What is this "negativity" stuff anyway?  Have people become so indoctrinated and dumbed down that they are incapable of noticing why things are declining into debasement and, moreover, feel guilty or somehow bad to suggest a reason? 

I don't agree with that quote because if Jesus loved and did not hate, is this person now suggesting that Jesus could not be capable of love?  Is a child ingenuine when he loves and has not learned to hate yet?  I'm not sure where or how he came to this conclusion.

It's certainly not the only reason I'm pro-Israel.  I'm pro-Israel because I believe in democracy and the historical facts that entitle them to be there.  I understand that the hatred of the Jews is without merit and thrives with the consent of some evil written in a so-called "holy book" that promotes violence and killing of anyone who doesn't believe in Allah.  I am under no delusion that others would not meet the same fate as the Jews because this little evil book (and prejudices that exist) considers and labels everyone other than them as the "infidel", if given the chance.  So I believe if you take a stand for something, it should include everyone that meets the criteria of what you're taking a stand about.

I noticed the negativity but I noticed even more than that.  I notice again the same agenda that I'm seeing all over the internet.  It's ludicrous.  It's insanity.  It's so old-age and hardly belongs in today's enlightened society.  It's almost as if we've turned back the clock to barbarism.  But I could have sworn that we grew enlightened because were sick of that type of living.  Have we regressed?

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Re: Obama Solicited and Accepted Anti-Semitic Hate Group’s Support !
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2008, 07:10:03 PM »
I don't agree with that quote because if Jesus loved and did not hate, is this person now suggesting that Jesus could not be capable of love?  So hating evilness is wrong?  Murderers, rapists and pedophiles are supposed to be loved? Is a child ingenuine when he loves and has not learned to hate yet? Correct. One learns hate mainly through ignorance while education and knowledge allows the morality surrounding "hate" to come to the fore.  The basic here is the identification between the difference between killing and murder. I'm not sure where or how he came to this conclusion. If one hates you so much so that he wishes to exterminate you simply because you believe in Christ, do you allow him to murder you or do you kill him first should he attempt to murder?

It's certainly not the only reason I'm pro-Israel.  I'm pro-Israel because I believe in democracy and the historical facts that entitle them to be there. Very good, but sadly Democracy, in the Socialistic sense has its flaws which the entire West is now feeling... I understand that the hatred of the Jews is without merit Not necessarily, there are many "Jews" (the UN-Jewish Jews) that are the main thorn causing Jews the most pain.  Similarly to those "Christians" like Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton for the Christian Communityand thrives with the consent of some evil written in a so-called "holy book" that promotes violence and killing of anyone who doesn't believe in Allah.  This is most certainly true.  I gather you've read the Qur'an and Hadith?  You then know that the Christians are also in the sights to be exterminated or subjugated by the Mohammedan..I am under no delusion that others would not meet the same fate as the Jews because this little evil book (and prejudices that exist) considers and labels everyone other than them as the "infidel", if given the chance. Very true...  Good observation.. So I believe if you take a stand for something, it should include everyone that meets the criteria of what you're taking a stand about. Absolutely, you've just supplied base for reason to hate Islam?

I noticed the negativity but I noticed even more than thatThe concept of "positive" and "negative" are purely pagan and often found in the Eastern more Gnostic faiths like Hinduism, Buddhism etc. There is nothing wrong with "negative" only we tend to use it in the same application as you did above: evil.  It is purely justified to hate evilness whether it be found in Communism, Islam, Nazism, Rapists, Child Molesters, Murderers etc. .  I notice again the same agenda that I'm seeing all over the internet.  It's ludicrous.  It's insanity.  No, insanity is not understanding what hate is and "negativity" is as applicable to ridding the true reason from this Earth: Evilness as you used above speaking about Islam.  The ignorant fool cannot comprehend that there are bad, negative and evil things out there that are to be hated, confronted and eliminated.  Ridding Evilness from the Earth is a blessing to G-d and morality is it not?It's so old-age and hardly belongs in today's enlightened society. Do you understand the ideology behind "Enlightenment" to use such a statement?  Those who are "Enlightened" do not believe in G-d, morality, nationalism, culture, faith etc.  The basic text stemming from "Enlightenment" are: The Communist Manifesto (Communism/Socialism), Mein Kempf (Nazism), Protocols of the Elders of Zion (predicated on a story by Maurice Joly "Dialogue in Hell" (Communism))  and the so-called "Humanist" ideal.  Have you ever considered why there is no morality but there is something called "Human Rights"?   It's almost as if we've turned back the clock to barbarism. Yes it is, but the barbarism is not found within this line of thinking.  This organization, and like minded movements, openly confront everything that you speak of: aforementioned, however harsh the words may be. But I could have sworn that we grew enlightened because were sick of that type of living.  "Enlightenment" is the problem.  Those that are "progressive" or "enlightened" are the most closed minded, ignorant and arrogant fools that are currently ruining every country.  You might wish to read up on the effects of Communism and the various movements/revolutions that were caused by these "enlightened" savages that murdered between 100-150 million people under Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro etc. You might as well read about how Islam grew.  Have we regressed?  Yes we have, and its those that identify the problems, like you had done with the Qur'an/Islam....  Sometimes being "negative" is a good thing because it means you've identified a potential problem, confront it and able to suggest remedies for it.  ;)

Happy posting.  I look forward to discussing this further at your convenience.  Should you wish to ask direct questions, please feel free to message me direct... :)

"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: Obama Solicited and Accepted Anti-Semitic Hate Group’s Support !
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2008, 07:15:13 PM »
As far as the rest of this organization's attacks, I see it as more of the same network of people trying to brainwash the clueless.  But if history tells us anything about those who do nothing but mudsling, it comes back to bite them in the end.  There's just so much slander a person can do until they turn off everyone around them.  In the end, people don't want to be around constant negativity.

Here's one example of obvious propaganda:

"Removing all Israeli obsessed Jews from congress would stop a lot of killing."

I'm not Jewish but I can tell you this type of talk throws up the red flag for me and says that the writer hates Jews and is bent on trying to coerce me to do the same.  In the end, I find myself more sympathetic to the Israeli cause BECAUSE of people like this.  They hate, and it's obvious.
"Those who do not hate are incapable of love." - Meir Kahane Z"L

I think, prior to posting like this you might delve into research of what and why those who have these opinions hold them. 

You say you are a "sympathetic to the Israeli cause" and you are pro-Jewish.  There are very few groups that are more of what you say than JTF and their like minded thinkers/supporters. 

What is this "negativity" stuff anyway?  Have people become so indoctrinated and dumbed down that they are incapable of noticing why things are declining into debasement and, moreover, feel guilty or somehow bad to suggest a reason? 

I don't agree with that quote because if Jesus loved and did not hate, is this person now suggesting that Jesus could not be capable of love?  Is a child ingenuine when he loves and has not learned to hate yet?  I'm not sure where or how he came to this conclusion.

It's certainly not the only reason I'm pro-Israel.  I'm pro-Israel because I believe in democracy and the historical facts that entitle them to be there.  I understand that the hatred of the Jews is without merit and thrives with the consent of some evil written in a so-called "holy book" that promotes violence and killing of anyone who doesn't believe in Allah.  I am under no delusion that others would not meet the same fate as the Jews because this little evil book (and prejudices that exist) considers and labels everyone other than them as the "infidel", if given the chance.  So I believe if you take a stand for something, it should include everyone that meets the criteria of what you're taking a stand about.

I noticed the negativity but I noticed even more than that.  I notice again the same agenda that I'm seeing all over the internet.  It's ludicrous.  It's insanity.  It's so old-age and hardly belongs in today's enlightened society.  It's almost as if we've turned back the clock to barbarism.  But I could have sworn that we grew enlightened because were sick of that type of living.  Have we regressed?

in israel it should only be democracy for jews, because israel as a jewish state, accepting that presmise, means that jews decide its destiny, and if G-d forbid there was an arab majourity, then with democracy, israel would no longer be a jewish state.

democracy in america, great. But not for israel. not western democracy anyway.

rabbi kahane actually said, there is no basis for democracy in the torah, but, he is willing to accept it in israel, to avoid civil war.  But democracy for jews. Not western democracy which would be for all to vote.

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Re: Obama Solicited and Accepted Anti-Semitic Hate Group’s Support !
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2008, 07:26:57 PM »
This is most certainly true.  Rabbi Kahane actually wrote a very good book on this subject called "Revolution or Referendum".  It can be found here for your convenience:

Israel needs a Constitutional Monarchy in my opinion.  This system thrived in Israel for at least 450 years under each Kingdom.  A far cry longer than any Democracy in the Western sense. 

If one studies the fall of Rome one will conclude that history is repeating itself.  Those "enlightened" folk "progressed" towards the Utopian and borderless/"multi-cultural" ideal allowing hordes of foreigners into their country.  Often, like today, many of these people come from inferior cultures and faiths that are entirely contra to those of the ever decreasing majority.  Islam is a very good example. 

A good example of the effects of this silent cancerous growth is the once thriving Christian Democracy in Lebanon that was undermined by the Mohammedan and when they managed near parity they, and their allies, rolled Lebanon into the ground making it another Mohammedan Islamic terrorist turd hole.

This is now happening all over Europe and too the Americas where cultural minorities are using the vote to gain influence to change the host country's culture, rules and norms to suit there, often digressive agenda: Sharia Law in parts of Michigan is a very good example.

Read B'at Yeor's book "Eurabia".  A very good read about the Islamitization of Europe... 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.