Author Topic: gr8 article melanie phillips on sarah palin. britain needs a pitbull in lipstick  (Read 840 times)

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Contempt, apathy and lies  -  why Britain is crying out for our own 'pitbull with lipstick'

I won't copy/paste the whole article, but she points out that

Regarding Obama
"Yes, he has amazing gifts of charisma and oratory; along with his youth and black ancestry, this all helps create the impression that he is an outsider and embodies a fresh start. But, on closer inspection, he looks suspiciously like yet more of the same old same old. The way he changes his political message to fit the audience he is addressing sits ill with his pitch to represent a new politics of integrity.

and regarding Sarah Palin, she says
"so-called 'progressives' on both sides of the Atlantic have gone into paroxysms of rage and panic over Sarah Palin.  For she has taken the supposed characteristics of the Left  -  youth, dynamism, change, excitement and social conscience  -  and presented them as conservative virtues

The whole article is beautifully written. and touches on this subject that Dan brought up about leftists shifting.

She points out that liberals today are not about change at all.

talking about a british PM, david cameron. Though this could apply to Obama and the world too.
"He made the error of assuming that the reactionary old order to be overturned was conservatism, while change, hope and progress resided on the Left.
But this is a caricature which, although an article of faith among the media, bears scant relation to reality.

It is the Left which upholds the miserable social and educational status quo which causes such misery and harm to so many at the bottom of the heap.

It is the Left which preaches despair by believing that nothing can be done to stop social ills such as crime, drug addiction or teenage pregnancy.

Instead, it sets up vast infrastructures at public expense to mitigate their worst effects  -  which has the effect of entrenching and deepening those very social ills.
