Microsoft is way overblown and I work virtually free of Microsoft. My company does work with Microsoft too but it is only a part of our business. I was interviewed by Microsoft in the year 1998 and although it is impressive I am very glad I never worked for them. I dont know how they sleep at night knowing how much harm they have done to many very intelligent and good software engineers.
I will say Microsoft Sucks. I have used every incarnation of Windows since Windows 3.1 which was the worst operating system ever invented. At the time I was the leading software engineer on a strategic project for Commodore Amiga which brought Novell Netware to the Amiga platform. AmigaOS was head over heels more advanced than Windows at the time. It was a true multitasking Operating system while Windows was a co-operative multitasking environment making Amiga much faster and much more appealing for sofware development. At the time we started to develop digital video hardware for the {386} platform and we got involved with Microsoft. Microsoft ended up stealing a good portion of the work we did and we had no recourse {aside from suing Microsoft}.
And as to the review... I noticed the homo bent on the ad when it first appeared. I dont need others to tell me what the subtext is.
I dont care too much for Sienfeld and I only saw a couple episodes of his show. I dont like shows about nothing. My time is too precious to waste on a show which goes nowhere.
I dont wish any of them ill. But I am sick of the advertisers using homo themes to push thier junk.
PS: I am interested in why you idolize Bill Gates so much... What exactly did he invent? He wrote a derivative language called BASIC and thats about it.
Muman, you are right about MSFT. But you think as SW engineer, not as a businessman and MSFT is a business and should be run like one. They were not exactly facing boy scouts in their competitors either. This is why Gates is so brilliant to combine genius business acumen and SW architect genius. And majority of their products are very good- Office, XP, SQL, .NET. OCS, etc. I don't know about VISTA - it seems quite stable now and very straightforward and user friendly.
I've never watched one full Seinfeld episode as well - never thought it was a bit funny and Gerry was downright annoying. I do love "Curb your enthusiasm", though!
I actually did not see any homo-erotic theme in this lame MSFT commercial. So, okay we see things different. Perhaps you are right as we know that there are so many gays are working in the advertisement industry, there may have been a certain sub-context to churo and Gate's but wiggling and walking down the parking lot together. I don't know - my hairdresser tells me that there are some subliminal and not so subliminal messages in advertisement that most gay people recognize, so it went over my head. By no means I am suggesting this about you, but perhaps the reviewer sees things like that is why he wrote this spoof review. Perhaps this review influenced the way you saw this commercial? Did you see the commercial prior to reading the review?
If you are wondering, I am a proud, almost 100% MSFT SW user (well except I am using Firefox instead of IE7). I am looking for a new laptop, and checked out Apple Macbook Pro - I was underwhelmed and for variety of business and personal preferences I am going with Sony Z series with Vista Business - I need to business tool not a toy. Oh yeah, I would not touch MS Windows Mobile with a 9ft stick - there, I made it up to you?