Author Topic: Video about Top Secret WW2 Operation Halyard (Truth about Gen.Draza Mihailovich)  (Read 4391 times)

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Offline knindza87

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First of all I want to say Hi to everyone,I'm new here and I want thank admin for giving to Serbia and Serbian people whole new category where we can discuss both our problems and interests. O0

Concerning the video,its about full success ww2 operation named Halyard,greatest one time  rescue operation behind enemy lines in US history in occupied Yugoslavia,where over 500 downed US airmen were saved by Gen.Mihailovich and his Chetniks.But covered up by State Department just to not offend communist regime in Yugoslavia after ww2.Communists did everything to show Gen.Mihailovich like collaborator and traitor,since they have won the power after ww2 and US and British governments stood silent,they had free hands to create false history.But surviving rescued airmen got story to tell,hear them out.

Here is the link to video  :     

Offline Dan

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Welcome Aboard!

Offline Jasmina

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  OMG!!! That's amazing!!!Thank you so much for sharing this video with us!!!! And welcome aboard!!! Let's change the history!!!!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline Shamgar

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WOW what a great story. Welcome and thank you for the post. Amazon has the HC book on it's site for $4. Just ordered a copy.
Infidels fighting Obamazombies and Islamazombies in the wastelands of the former United States.

"I will stand with the Blue Line should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."


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This video is very nice. You have constructed this video very good.
Just continue like this.

This is a famous story.
The Serbian Cetnik movement was responsible for the rescue of these American pilot fighters but also for the rescue of many Serb and Jew civilians. As gratitude for the Cetnik’s contributions into the anti-fascist actions and the loyalty to the ally nations, the allies declared the Cetniks as fascists? They betrayed the Cetniks somewhere in 1944 when Nazi Germany started, little by little, to collapse. The Serbian Cetniks were accepted by the US and its allies, when there was a need for warriors against the enemy, the Germans. As soon as the problem with the Germans was solved, the US showed its real face towards the Serbs by betraying and handing them over to the bloodthirsty communists! With other words, Serbs are only good if they die fighting for the West.
The same had happened during the rise up of the Ottoman Empire.
The Serb rights were respected because the Serbs were blocking the Turkish expansion towards the West. As soon as the Ottoman Empire disappeared, the West started to place the Serbs in concentration camps. Remember WW1 and WW2!

If you had learned real history you would be informed that the first death camps in Europe were build for the extermination of the Orthodox Serbs.

America supported of course Tito.
Tito was their man, an exponent of the West.

After Tito gained control over Yugoslavia he started to colonize Kosovo, by bringing Albanians from Albania to Kosovo. Before 1941 the Serbs were the majority of Kosovo.
So, if Tito’s communists did not had colonize Kosovo during the period of 1945 until 1988, today the Serbs would still be majority on Kosovo. This would disturb the American and European colonization plan against Kosovo. The Americans were able to occupy Kosovo, only because they had first managed to arrange an Albanian rebellion in Kosovo. After the Albanians, instructed by the NATO, provoked a civil war in Kosovo the Americans, the third party, get involved and won.

Tito started the colonization of Kosovo and was probably preparing civil wars in Yugoslavia.   

Tito was the biggest mistake of the Serbs.
Everything was is happening today was planned during the “peace” period of Tito’s Yugoslavia.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 05:09:57 AM by DALMACIJA »

Offline Nikola1389

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i especialy agree with the last 3 statements(recenice,zaboravi kako se kaze na engleskom xD)


  • Master JTFer
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i especialy agree with the last 3 statements(recenice,zaboravi kako se kaze na engleskom xD)


You are a real Serb!

Offline Jasmina

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  Now we know the truth, what can we do in order to let the other know this as well?!?
  After all this, the Serbs are still want to enter in European Union and "be a part of civilisation".
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 12:50:14 PM by Jasmina »
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!


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 Now we now the truth, what can we do in order to let the other know this as well?!?

Were not we propagating this also during the war?
Like the others do not know anything about this? Every intellectual even in the West knows and understands the position of the Serbs.

The international community did not want to listen to the truth.
The problem is they do not wish to do anything with it.
Jasmina, tell me is it possible to say something to a deaf person?
Europe is deaf regarding the Yugoslav conflicts.

  After all this, the Serbs are still want to enter in European Union and "be a part of civilisation".

To be part of their civilization?
The civilization whose foundation is based on the principles of colonialism?
The civilization which believes that the church must be separated from the state?
That is not a civilization. They must become part of our civilization not the other way:)

They want us in the EU so that we can do their dirty works like the Poles are doing!
I do not wish to be a part of a civilization which is declaring my people as a genocidal nation!
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 12:57:12 PM by DALMACIJA »

Offline Pescarii

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The problem is rather one of ignorance. The Western intellectuals will believe anything that fits their whims. Their supposed intelligence is not applied in common sense and cynicism.

Diversity, Muslim victimhood, and the evilness of nationalism were their buttons. The Croats and Muslims knew how to manipulate the leaders. Like all large organizations, the people on the top did not listen to the boots on the ground and viewed the statements of journalists to be more reliable. That trust was severely misplaced.

By now it is a moral position that the Serbs were evil and Nazis. They will not accept debate on the point because of the certitude of the point by the media and idealists (read idiots) earlier. It is now a point of mass culture, not a factual claim to be analyzed.

Political correctness is what has made this demonization possible. Ignorance enables it. Ideological stupidity fuels it.
Never underestimate human error. You may erroneously assume a different location but the magnitude is still beyond human comprehension.