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Jakov Sedlar:Serb-hating pro-Croat nationalist lies to Jews on Youtube
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Topic: Jakov Sedlar:Serb-hating pro-Croat nationalist lies to Jews on Youtube (Read 3601 times)
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JTFer in Exile
Master JTFer
Posts: 1115
Jakov Sedlar:Serb-hating pro-Croat nationalist lies to Jews on Youtube
September 14, 2008, 09:34:55 AM »
Jakov Sedlar:a Serb-hating pro-Croat nationalist "film-maker" lies to Jews on Youtube
Shalom to all the wonderful people here on JTF,
Jakov Sedlar is supposedly a Croatian Jewish "film-maker". He is apparently one of those disgusting phony Jews (like Joe Lieberman, Wesley Clark and Madeleine Albright) who really hates the Serbs and lies about them incessantly in order to please his Croat, Albanian and Bosnian moslem benefactors.
The worst thing about this video is that it was posted by a supposed Jew who lives in Israel and claims to be a "historian" in some Israeli university. LOL!
"Historian", my foot! What a pathetic joke of a "historian" this guy is.
SHAME ON HIM FOR SPREADING THESE CROAT NAZI LIES against the heroic Serbs.That is definitely NOT funny at all.
Have a look at the name in the description column on the right of the video. Does any Serb here know who on earth is
She too is quoted as some supposedly impartial "historian" whom acted as a "consultant" for this Croatian Nazi trash film. Also note the pro-Ustasha Croat nationalist organizations in the opening credits who sponsored this Croat Nazi garbage masquerading as a "documentary".
Our dear friend of JTF in Israel, "JudeaWarrior" (formerly known as "JudeaFighter" before his account was deleted by the moslem & Croat loving pro-Nazis on Youtube) has uploaded a JTF video by the wonderful and brilliant speaker, Chaim Ben Pesach, in response to these vicious anti-Serbian lies.
Well done, JudeaWarrior!!
Master JTFer
Posts: 1736
Re: Jakov Sedlar:Serb-hating pro-Croat nationalist lies to Jews on Youtube
Reply #1 on:
September 14, 2008, 09:51:07 AM »
Jakov Sedlar is btw not a regular Croatian name.
I assume that he is part Jewish?
This is man is a supporter of Franjo Tudjman and he is allowed to enter in Israel!
Tudjman was a great holocaust denier!
Israel had recognized Tudjman's Croatia in 1991 while Tudjman in 1990 had openly questioned the existence of the holocaust not only the one against the Serbs but also against the Jews.
Jacov Sedlar is lobbying for Jewish support to Croatia.
This man must be banned from Israel. Believe me the propaganda of this man will disturb the Serbian Jewish relations. He claims that the Serbs were murdering the Jews in Serbia together with the Nazi authorities. He uses also communist fake pictures of partisans dressed up as Cetniks and murdering civilians.
This man will poison your nation with anti-Serb propaganda!
Master JTFer
Posts: 1736
Re: Jakov Sedlar:Serb-hating pro-Croat nationalist lies to Jews on Youtube
Reply #2 on:
September 14, 2008, 03:29:02 PM »
Jacov Sedlar and his cooperators against the Serbs:
Please see his video (English)
Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 03:36:46 PM by DALMACIJA
Master JTFer
Posts: 1736
Re: Jakov Sedlar:Serb-hating pro-Croat nationalist lies to Jews on Youtube
Reply #3 on:
September 14, 2008, 03:37:54 PM »
Thank God that we also have Chaim Ben Pessach:
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Jakov Sedlar:Serb-hating pro-Croat nationalist lies to Jews on Youtube