Author Topic: Rabbi Boteach writes letter to Britney Spears.  (Read 3286 times)

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Rabbi Boteach writes letter to Britney Spears.
« on: February 12, 2007, 09:30:12 PM »
The immoral Rabbi Boteach wrote a letter to Britney Spears today which I saw in the NY Jewish Voice today when eating at a kosher resturant in Manhattan.  I found it on the internet on World News Daily. In it he says he feels that deep down Michael Jackson is a decent man. Please, Yacov Ben Menashe throw Rabbi Boteach's book "Kosher Sex" in the garbage where it belongs. Rabbi Boteach has time for Britney Spears and Michael Jackson who abused 10 year old boys. He writes a book on Peace in the home when he supports such a monster like Michael Jackson and still does. He has no time obiously for men and women that are less famous. The evil Jewish Press also prints articles by this monster Rabbi Boteach. G-d will not tolerate us tolerating immorality. Here is the letter Boteach wrote to Spears.

An open letter
to Britney Spears

Posted: January 10, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Dear Britney,

I don't know all that much about you, and the little I do know makes me not like you very much. Please forgive me for not having studied your life in greater detail. That has little to do with my resentment toward you and everything to do with simply being busy with my own existence. I realize that this may unnerve you, that by now you may have become dependent on people like me wanting to read what you ate for breakfast. So I apologize at the outset, both for my judgmentalism, as well as for inadvertently startling you. Although I plan to speak my mind in this letter – and you may consider me highly unfair – I believe it is important that I finally share my thoughts with you.

You and I once met, in the hotel room of Michael Jackson in late 2000 (I was the short one with the frizzy whiskers; Michael was the one with the high-pitched voice and the sunglasses). On that occasion, I barely knew who you were, although I had heard some reports of your striptease at the MTV music awards. When we met, you were all of 19 years old, and you looked it. You were unsure of yourself in front of Michael and your boyfriend, Justin Timberlake – some boyfriend he turned out to be – did most of the talking.

Who would have thought that meeting would have prophetically portended your having become the female Michael Jackson. That three short years later you would have tragically deteriorated into a female celebrity train wreck. A woman famous not for her music or dance, but increasingly for her irresponsible public antics. A performer notorious no longer for her albums, but for the outrageous sexual impact she has on young kids. A celebrity renowned not for public talent, but private desperation, not for virtue, but for being prepared to do almost anything for one more headline (did I say the word almost?).

Perhaps, Britney, this should make me pity rather than dislike you. Not knowing much about your childhood, I am unsure whether you were given the attention you needed as a young girl, and if not, whether this obsession with tawdry publicity is simply a cry to be loved. But pity, sadly, is the last emotion I feel since you have decided to pursue your fame at the expense of something that was once honored as a woman's dignity.

I can hardly turn my head these days without seeing you in a bra or panties on some magazine cover. Now, you can tell me not to look and, to be honest, my subjective dislike for you makes it pretty difficult to find you attractive, even when you strike those artificially sexy poses in your underwear. (That serious, determined stare you seem partial to can look comically incongruous coming from a woman decked out in her skivvies. Try to smile more.)

The problem is that whether or not I look, it is my five young daughters that I am far more concerned for. They see pictures of you and the kind of attention that sleaziness garners. And even though they are being raised in a religious household where modest dress is always mandatory, and attend a girls-only school where they thankfully need not seek popularity with the boys, your seedy image cannot help but negatively influence them. Thus, you are one of the people largely responsible for religiously inclined people like me feeling that our daughters must be increasingly cut off from the popular culture.

We are having to become much more strict with how our daughters dress, what music they listen to, who their friends are – all because we would rather be mauled by Rottweilers than ever allow our daughters to grow up dressing and acting like you. And the increased discipline leads to increased tension between parents and their offspring. It does seem a bit unfair that because you may not have gotten the love and attention you needed from your parents – for which I am truly sorry – you are now serving as a wedge between mothers and daughters.

Isn't there a better way, a healthier way, for you to get the love you crave? Lord knows, your recent 55-hour elopement marriage with a childhood sweetheart – reported even in the New York Times – showed that perhaps what you seek all along is a real relationship with a real person. I would urge you to pursue this. A man who really loves you – and not just your stardom – would provide the necessary balm for your aching heart. Flashing your underwear at a husband would be as appropriate as it is inappropriate to be flashing it at complete strangers.

No doubt you will feel that I am judging you harshly in this letter and that I am not being understanding of how all the racy, saucy stuff – the near naked photo spreads, tongue-kissing Madonna – is a necessary part of your rebellious public persona, something that a non-famous mortal like me could never understand. So let me share with you a story from someone who even you would agree should know something about fame.

A few weeks after your meeting with Michael Jackson, he and I were watching you on TV. You were doing some interview (and though I don't remember exactly what you said, I do remember that you were partial to the word "like").

Michael turned to me and said, "In a few years, this girl is gone from the public eye. Nobody's gonna care about her. She is all over the place. There is no mystery. I would never do what she does. I hold myself back."

Michael, of course, was only half right. He predicted, correctly, that a few years down the road your fame as a performer would already be on the wane. But what he did not see – what he could not see because he is blind to it even in his own life – is that it would be eclipsed by the notoriety of being a rash ruin, an unfortunate young woman, her self-respect in tatters, becoming more prominent as she becomes more misshapen.

And here is where, amid everything I articulated above, you do truly elicit my sympathy. Because I can only imagine how painful it must be – amid your obvious talent – to be famous for being one step above porn star.

My old friend Michael Jackson should be a lesson to you. At heart he is a decent man, a kind-hearted and humble spirit. But what destroyed him – and what is destroying you – is being bereft of a normal life, the sting of which is compensated for by the soothing warmth of the spotlight.

I close by asking you to forgive me for being so harsh while I urge you to please get your life together. Not for me (I assume by now that I'm not exactly your most favorite person) or even for the young women of the world. But for yourself, so that you can finally discover the happiness that has been denied you.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2007, 12:42:29 AM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

Offline Yoel

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Re: Rabbi Boteach writes letter to Britney Spears.
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2007, 12:06:32 AM »
He does make some good points.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2007, 12:42:45 AM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »


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Re: Rabbi Boteach writes letter to Britney Spears.
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2007, 01:11:18 AM »
I guess it is OK for a Rabbi to support a man who abused 10 year old boys. Michael Jackson also abused his own children. I don't understand this. Rabbi Boteach feels no compassion for abused children. But he does feel compassion for Michael Jackson. This is great. This movement does not care when parents abuse their own children.  It feels you should FEEL COMPASSION TOWARDS THE ABUSER. There is no compassion to the abused. Believe me I know. Nobody cares when Jewish boys are abused by their mother or sometimes their father. Nobody cares when girls are abused by their mother.  30-year old women are more oppressed then  7 year old girls. They only care when the father is the abuser and the daughter is the abused. Otherwise, child abuse is OK and sadly this movement by supporting Rabbi Boteach is showing compassion towards a Rabbi that has compassion towards child abusers.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: Rabbi Boteach writes letter to Britney Spears.
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2007, 05:15:56 PM »
I think Boteach is seriously losing it...
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline Sarah

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Re: Rabbi Boteach writes letter to Britney Spears.
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2007, 06:45:22 PM »
What concerns me is how  did he become a RABBI?-especially with this extremely immoral behaviour...
"Rabbi Boteach", seriously how do you become one?

Why is he wasting his time writing to Britney Spears who is far from being able to be "saved", when there are thousands of other females just as famous as her who are on the threshold and verge of becoming just like her. Shouldn't he try helping some of  the people that are more likely to listen to him. I think he just wants publicity and therefore writes to the so-called "Famous", he is being hypocritical as the "spotlight and fame" he refers to Britney spears wanting, is just what he is looking for in a way himself. Though he seems to understand her in a way, it would be more meaningful for him to be a psychologist. Its not exactly a short letter, so Im not sure Britney would be "UP" to reading it. Another wasted space in the newspaper.

Then again, when you think about it, these people have reached and become famous. Have experienced what we have not. It may not look pretty, but they have got there. They have something we don't. Actually.....they may have done it a bad way, so i guess its not a good factor.


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Re: Rabbi Boteach writes letter to Britney Spears.
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2007, 11:06:41 PM »
>I think Boteach is seriously losing it...

The guy is pure evil. Anyone who just makes what Boteach does as  no big deal and Boteach not being smart should have the same thing done to them as what Michael Jackson did to his children and did to other children.

It shocks me to my core that some people take child abuse so lightly and make it out as no big deal. (The parents who took their kid to Never Never Land to meet Michael Jackson privately are also child abusers. They should be arrested. The people that support child abusers like Boteach are just low IQ and not evil. The fact that a right wing movement attracts many people like this and even moderators like this is extremely disturbing.

Yochanan Zev

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Re: Rabbi Boteach writes letter to Britney Spears.
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2007, 02:11:56 PM »
Why on earth does Britney Spears warrant all of this attention anyway.  She's a moron.  Who in their right mind over the age of 15 pays attention to her anyway?

Not to go off subject:  I always understood that to be permitted to study Kabbalah, you had to be a Jew and at least 40 years of age? 

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Rabbi Boteach writes letter to Britney Spears.
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2007, 03:13:29 AM »
Now she shaved her head and went into rehab for drugs. She's a loser.

Yacov Menashe,

This is what I mean when I always say that (white) gentiles should be more careful before htey bring children into the world.  This 'woman' - look at the state of her - she has two white children and I bet they are living a mixed-up kind of life without a proper father OR mother.   ::)  Honestly, some people only bring children into the world as fashion accessories or because they want to please their own selves.  I think it's terrible.

I should ask Chaim about his opinions on family planning and use Britney as a good example.  Some people don't deserve children.  Some of us desperate to have and raise good children never get a chance.  It is abomination.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline cosmokramer

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Re: Rabbi Boteach writes letter to Britney Spears.
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2007, 04:20:37 AM »
Who cares abour Spears, she is just another drug addicted whore craving attention. No way you just shave your head like that and not want attention. I dont buy it.

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Re: Rabbi Boteach writes letter to Britney Spears.
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2007, 08:00:46 AM »

    I'm surprised to find out that Rabbi Boteach has defended people who are immorally.  Does he think that Michael Jackson has a severe mental disorder?  Thanks for informing me. 

    He has a show called "Shalom in the home" and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey, where he discussed to featured guests about how they could improve their home family lifestyle. 

    Does his "Kosher Sex" book advocate things that are against Judaism.  I haven't read it.  Could you either elaborate on it or find an article that summarizes it.