This is only just starting to sink in to my head.
The international purge of the white man is being accelerated ... now the system is so perverse that even savages can integrate into it, in fact even savages can master it ....
What kind of a message does this send out about young white men?
Imagine if a white man became President of an African country ... there would be an outcry and demands for racial self-determination and majority rule.
But the white man is going to be physically exterminated after he has been thoroughly humiliated ... and here we see the white woman smiling, and handing over he children to the coloured man, who is a real man, and not a monster like the white man is ... no, the white man is cold and unloving, but only with a coloured man can the white woman reclaim the spiritual Garden of Eden. Only with a coloured man can a white woman become pure and sanctify herself before the L-rd.
I hate that I was born as a white male.
We are the chandala of modern times. We are untouchable.
White women no longer love us.
Our time of dying approacheth nigh.
I pray that G-d will take my life from me: my soul is vexed unto dementia.