POINT FIVE: An immediate end to all foreign immigration into the United States, combined with the complete expulsion of America's millions of illegal aliens and the stringent removal of her legal ones at the expiration of their work or residency visas.
Have you forgotten that only two generations ago, we were immigrants to this country? Where does the jtf get the idea that it can ban immigration. And my final question is, WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH THE SECURITY OF ISRAEL??
What is the point of the jtf? What good does slander of politicians who have been dead for 20+ years serve?
This group is nothing more than a hate group hiding behind the facade of people who love Judaism and Israel. You people will be the end of Judaism, not people who seek peace.
Dear Ashamed,
as you rightly should be. Ending, not all immigration but only immigration from NON-Judeo-Christian States into the United States of foreign nationals who have no intention of embracing or accepting the American Judeo-Christian culture is both logical and moral if one wishes to keep America the great progressive beacon to the World: civilly, economically and spiritually stable. "Multiculturalism", "diversity" and the "Melting Pot" do not and have never worked between strongly opposing cultures, faiths and political schemas: Canada, France, England, Holland, Denmark, Sweden etc. for direct examples.
I don't know about JTF but I get the idea of banning immigration every time I walk down the street seeing peoples of uncivilized cultures from the most diabolical murderous religions [censored] on America in wanting to change Rome rather than "When in Rome". Just asking the question:
"WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH THE SECURITY OF ISRAEL?" identifies to me that your head is stuck in the sand or you are so brainwashed with something so un-Jewish and purely Marxist "Politically Correct" propaganda you have not understood any of the last 30 years+ of Islamic and Communist expansionism working from within your own midst. Those working to degrade and/or undermine America are the exact same ones who have already accomplished their goals in Europe: Denmark, Holland, France, Spain and even the UK. I suggest strongly you pull your head out of the G-dless "Utopian" Leftist propaganda pro-UN, "West Bank", "Balestinian Beople", Edward Said, Susan Sontag, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Michael Moore, Noam Chumpsky and Finkelstein Stalinist propaganda books, abandon Reform "Judaism" for the real thing. Perhaps then you will find true wisdom and a bit of self respect at the same time. It saddens me everytime an unlearned Jew comes on here and spews his/her arrogance.
JTF has many good points, listen, read and learn there are always two sides (with many variations) to any position be it social or political. Ask yourself: "Why is it the public, by and large, only receives the Liberal/Socialist Leftist point of view?" Perhaps when you realize this you will see there is a true need for JTF. Slandering vulgar politicians and other self loathing figures is both acceptable and moral in keeping the population knowledge of the facts and to assist in assuring those in the future not to follow in the same footsteps as these dispicable human beings. Ask yourself the same question about Martin Luther King Jr and Yassir Arafat. Do you feel it acceptable that your Socialist Judenrot friends have assisted in the pure fabrication of an entire "Balestinian Beoble", aided in their mass murdering terrorist Marxist homosexual leader "Yasshole Arafag" attaining a "Nobel Peace Prize" which equates a mass murderer of Americans, Israelis, Jews, Christians, Druze etc. with Mother Theresa? Perhaps you might ask yourself, if you have an education, how the ilk you are so fond of could award MLKjr with a Ph.D and a Rev title when he had plagiarized immensely, embezzled masses of funds to pay for his whores and booze and was a G-dless Communist who worked directly to create racial conflict wherever he went to forward the Marxist Dialectical Materialist goals.
Your last statement is one, not out of knowledge, but one of pure ignorance. In times when it is openly acceptable to defame or slander the Jew, Christian, America, democracy, Israel and ol-Whitey you dare to come here with a closed mind. Does not the Talmud not say "Those who are kind to the cruel in the end will be cruel to the kind."? Does not the Torah say "Thou shalt not stand idly by thy brother's blood."? Your ignorance and arrogance is insulting to me as a Jew who sees another lost Jew supporting
kindness to the cruel and
standing idly by thy brother's blood."Please feel free to check each and every fact yourself to what is aformentioned. Should you feel the urge to ask, question or debate on this site with any of us you will be more than welcome as we are open minded to learn and tolerant of others opinions BUT we do not feel one must be
"tolerant" of intolerance or
"open minded" to closed mindedness.
"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?" - Scott Adams