Do you realize it's just over six weeks until we go to the polls to elect a new president?
This election is
vitally important to the welfare of America and Israel.
Obama has probably been groomed for years to take over the presidency. The Marxists have waited many years for this moment- and they will give it all they've got! This election is by no means settled- and we must not let up in our war on Obama for a minute!
There will be voter fraud and the whole nine yards. I wouldn't put it past the Obama thugs to try to take Palin out.
You can take it to the bank; every black church, every black organization, every Muslim Mosque, every Muslim organization in every town and city across this country will get their people to the polls- even bus 'em in.
Every person who stays home, votes third party or 'write in' in helping to put Barack Hussein Obama into the White House.
McCain is the only thing standing in his way.
It's up to us to counter this by spreading the word about this dangerous, dangerous man to the naive American voting public- every day, in every way. Hit the newspapers, hit the forums. Tell your friends. Get them out to vote!
THE place for ammunition (updated daily) for our war on Obama:
http://theobamafile.com/A good place to spread the word- Topix!
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