Author Topic: Definition of "Serbophobia".  (Read 15420 times)

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Re: Definition of "Serbophobia".
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2008, 04:17:38 PM »
Thanks for correcting me,tho.I appreciate that,I really did make huge mistake there .


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Re: Definition of "Serbophobia".
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2008, 04:24:13 PM »
It is official claim that after(here we go again)Great Schism main group of Serbs stood by Orthodoxy but there was also Serbs who were between Western and Eastern influence and didn't alleged to none,until Rastko Nemanjic - Saint Sava united them under common Serbian Orthodox church.Yeah I kinda didn't expressed well there by saying that they "were" Catholic,but Roman Church did had some influence over them.

That were Serbs from Dubrovnik, which were occupued by the Roman Church.
It was2% of the whole Serbian population. A very small number.

After Saint Sava organized a common Serbian Church, I do not know if they went back to Orthodoxy.

This is a difficult subject, brother...


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Re: Definition of "Serbophobia".
« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2008, 04:41:51 PM »
The Serb tribe existed before the split between the Western and Eastern Churches.

The autochthony of the Serbs in Krajina has been proved through archeological research. In Dalmatia, Lika and Bosnian Krajina Serbian tombs from the fourth century AD have been found. In that way the hypothesis of the Serbian arrival to the Balkan Peninsula only in the sixth or seventh centuries AD has been denied.

This statement which is confirmed by archeological research rejects the Western theory that the Serbs arrived to the Balkans only in the 6th century.

The Serbs are the autochthones of the Balkans.
Many other nations are actually formed from Serbs.
Serbs who have for example accepted Roman Catholicism, had also changed their national identity.

Catholic Serbs are today known as Croatians. Most of them are Catholized Serbs.
Real Croatians, like many other nations at the Balkans, disappeared or assimilate into other nations.

Real Croatian did not speak that language which is today the officially language of Croatia. The today's officially language of Croatia, is not Croatian but Serbian.
The real Croatian language is not the same as the Serbian language.
Today the Serbs and Croats can communicate with each other, because they share one language. This is because they are both one common nation, which is only divided by religion. Croatians of today are Catholic Serbs. Catholic Serbs were declared as national Croatians (who disappeared from the Balkans after Turkish arrival) by the Vatican in order to totally covert their Serbian roots/ remains.

Catholic Serbs (Croatians) were Vatican's fanatical instruments who fanatically participated in the extermination of the Serbs.

In order to hide their Serbian background or to prove to others that they have no physical relation with the Orthodox Serbs at all, they, the Catholic converted Serbs, started to extremely fanatically murder their Orthodox relatives. This all only to prove that they are not Serbs.

Offline Pescarii

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Re: Definition of "Serbophobia".
« Reply #28 on: October 05, 2008, 04:48:06 PM »
I know that Albanians are a pre-Slavic people (at least parts of them, many others groups arrived and eventually all became Albanian) but I am unsure as of Serbs living in the Krajina before the Slavic migrations.

There were non-Latin tribes living there but I thought they were displaced by Slavs moving in around the 500's. Can you give me a reference for that?
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Re: Definition of "Serbophobia".
« Reply #29 on: October 05, 2008, 05:00:23 PM »
I know that Albanians are a pre-Slavic people (at least parts of them, many others groups arrived and eventually all became Albanian) but I am unsure as of Serbs living in the Krajina before the Slavic migrations.

Today's Albanians came to the Balkans somewhere during the Turkish expansion towards the Balkans. Natives of Albania were Serbs and not the  today;s Albanians who lie that there are descants of the Ilyrs! Today's Albanians were colonized into Albania and Kosovo.

Slavic migration to Europe, which so called took place in the 6 th century, is exposed as a lie which is intended to remove the autochthonic status/ rights of the Slavs  in Europe.

The Slavs are Europe's natives.
The Vatican and Western history rejects this and replaces this fact with lies that the Slavs migrated to Europe in the 6 th century.
The communists, which have their roots from the Vatican, had introduced this lie into Russian and Serbian schools..

This is exposed as a colonial fraud.
The colonial West uses this false history to conduct colonization against Slav nations.

We Serbs are the oldest nation at the Balkans also of Europe with oldest tradition, culture and language. 
Our language is specific and has all types of sounds and letters which no other language has: for example: č,ć,ž,š,đ

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Re: Definition of "Serbophobia".
« Reply #30 on: October 05, 2008, 05:23:00 PM »
Unless those lies somehow managed to get past some of Romania's most respected historians, that seems doubtful. Slavs, like the Celts, Phoenecians, Goths, and Greeks came to Europe.

There is archeological work done in Central Asia which is finding mummified bodies with yellow and red hair indicating that "white" tribes existed in Central Asia. Historical records from some Turkic tribes (pre-Muslim conversion) have found that some tribes even had green eyes and that trait died out later with intermarriage with other tribes.

The small genetic changes have been mapped and show that people gradually moved westwards from Central Asia. The ancient Greeks trace their heritage from migrating from somewhere north of India. The Phoenicians came from around Mesopotamia. The Celts did not build Stonehenge, others did and the Celts only added to it. Celts migrated in a few hundred years before the founding of Rome.

Serbs are Slavs and Roman (both from Western Imperial sources and from the Government in Constantinople) sources indicate the Slavs were coming from around the Ukraine north of it. Surviving Roman settlers in Dacia did deal with Slavs who had more recently moved in.

The concept of native is a fluctuating term and is largely irrelevant. Most Slavs are part of European culture because of their religious history, not their biological one. Bosnian Muslims are Slavs but they generally are not considered European not is a subset of the "Palestinian" population formed of Bosnian Muslims sent to the then Ottoman territory considered European despite their white skin. The relevant issue is cultural and Slavs are part of European culture.

Albanians were a tribal people in the time of the Athenian rise to the time of the Roman Conquest. The succeeding times saw a few invaders settle but they generally did not spend much time there due to the poverty of the area. Modern Albanians draw their culture from both the previous Albanian culture and the Turkish legacy. Few Turks desired to move from the wealth of Anatolia to the poverty of Albania hence the effort to "Turkify" the Albanians.

All this is confirmed by both British academic and Romanian academic sources. There is no colonial reason to deny any pre-existing Slavic presence.

No people has existed in a territory forever. Most Americans are not "Native Americans" yet they are certainly the people of America. Even the "Native Americans" did not live in the territory that long before Europeans came. Most of the tribes in the current US came to the area a few hundred years before Europeans did. Are they native?

The problem is not one of Slavs being denied rights based on not being "native" to Europe, it is one based on a cultural and religious disconnect.
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Offline knindza87

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Re: Definition of "Serbophobia".
« Reply #31 on: October 05, 2008, 05:44:13 PM »
I must correct both of you there,Dalmacija you are pushing unofficial theory as official and you Pescarii probably think that Slavs did came to Balkans like Greeks,Illyrians,Dacians,etc..not Europe because official theory based on Byzantine theory which means that Serbs just migrated south from Poland,not from Asia to Europe,that basically happened much earlier :
  Byzantine sources report that part of the White Serbs, led by the Unknown Archont, migrated southwards from their Slavic homeland of White Serbia (Poland) in the late sixth century and eventually overwhelmed the Serbian lands that now make up Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Dalmatia. After settling on the Balkans, Serbs mixed with other Slavic tribes (which settled during the great migration of the Slavs) and with descendants of the indigenous peoples of the Balkans: Greeks, Thracians, Dacians and Illyrians.

Afterwards, overwhelmed by the Ottoman wars in Europe which ravaged their territories, Serbs once again started crossing the rivers Sava and Danube and resettling the previously abandoned regions in Central Europe which are today's Vojvodina, Slavonia, Transylvania and Hungary proper. Apart from the Habsburg Empire, thousands were attracted to Imperial Russia, where they were given territories to settle: Nova Serbia and Slavo-Serbia were named after these refugees. Two Great Serbian Migrations resulted in a relocation of the Serbian core from the Ottoman-dominated South towards the developed (Christian) North, where it has remained ever since.
        I must remind you that this is not topic about Serbian History,few last post could be transfered to that topic if it would be created,but this topic just study part of Serbian History when Anti-Serb sentiments reached its peak in region and further and term Serbophobia itself,for which can be said it is twin sister of term Anti-Semitism.Term Serbophobia is being disputed even today,but I wanted to show similarities in propaganda of anti-Jew/anti-Serb sentiments.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 05:51:46 PM by knindza87 »

Offline Pescarii

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Re: Definition of "Serbophobia".
« Reply #32 on: October 05, 2008, 05:57:48 PM »
I apologize for being unclear about the specific time periods I was talking about. In the long run, people moved from Asia to Europe. In the few hundred years we are talking about 300's to 7'00s, Serbs migrated from north of modern Austria to what is now Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Croatia, and the surrounding area.

I know little about the period before the press into Roman territory but I know about the general Slavic and Gothic population movements.

Once The Ottoman Turks decided to Islamicize the people of Bosnia and the Albanians, Serbs migrated out of those territories into Serb territories less controlled by Turkey (the northern part of modern Serbia), Austrian ruled Croatia (hence the Serbian presence in the Krajina after almost all Orthodox had been converted to Catholicism), and into the surrounding territories of the Banat.

I'll ask to see of this can become a separate thread.
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Re: Definition of "Serbophobia".
« Reply #33 on: October 06, 2008, 02:36:26 AM »
I must correct both of you there,Dalmacija you are pushing unofficial theory as official and you Pescarii probably think that Slavs did came to Balkans like Greeks,Illyrians,Dacians,etc..not Europe because official theory based on Byzantine theory which means that Serbs just migrated south from Poland,not from Asia to Europe,that basically happened much earlier :

That what you consider as the official theory is ONLY the official theory in the West!

In the Eastern block we have our own head and our own BRAIN!

Historical research rejects the false "official" theory, written by the Vatican, that the Serbs (Slavs) arrived to the Balkans only in the 6 th century! You must read about the history of the Serbs before the New Age.
We Slavs are the natives of Europe!

Further the so called official theory does not acknowlegde the fact that Serbia was as powerfull and influential as it was during the rule of king Dusan Njemanic...
They also do not recognize other Serbian historical happenings...

I am not learing my history from a Western source !
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 02:45:18 AM by DALMACIJA »


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Re: Definition of "Serbophobia".
« Reply #34 on: October 06, 2008, 02:55:05 AM »
Once The Ottoman Turks decided to Islamicize the people of Bosnia and the Albanians, Serbs migrated out of those territories into Serb territories less controlled by Turkey (the northern part of modern Serbia), Austrian ruled Croatia (hence the Serbian presence in the Krajina after almost all Orthodox had been converted to Catholicism), and into the surrounding territories of the Banat.

correct, the Wests says today that the Serbs only arrived in todays Croatia in the 15 th century during the Ottomanic expansion towards the Balkans.

This uses Croatia to converted the Serbs from a native nation (statebuilding nation)
into a national minority. Declaring that the Serbs have no equal historical rights as the Croatians have - in Croatia Krajina.

Serbs were present in Croatia and Krajina, before the Ottomanic colonization Empire destroyed, with support from the Vatican, the Orthodox  Byzantic Empire.

When did the Turks arrived to the Balkans? After the historical battle between the Serbs and Turks took place in 1389 on Kosovo!

I will only now provide one of the many historical proves to confirm my statements.
In 1317 the Serbs from Krajina (Dalmatia) had established their Serbian Orthodox monastry of Krupa!

Well, we Serbs do not coincidently establish our sanctums on certain regions.
Holy buildings like monasteries are only build there on those areas, on our historical areas,  where we have our strong historical and national presence.

This also rejects the colonial fraud that the Serbs are not native in Krajina!

Colonial frauds are used by the worlds power to conducted ethnic cleansing.
These colonial frauds were uses to justify Croatia's ethnic cleansing campaigns against 500.000 - 800.000 Krajina Serbs!
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 07:31:17 AM by DALMACIJA »