The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Salt Lake City shooter is a Muslim immigrant
Muslim “nice” boy who killed five at a Salt Lake City mall had a violent history
The shooting rampage at Trolley Square was not Sulejman Talovic’s first act of violence.
At age 12, Talovic was before a judge for allegedly holding a knife over the head of girl while stating, “I’ll kill you,” according to a source who is familiar with the case.
Two years earlier, Talovic was referred to juvenile court for throwing rocks at a little girl.
About the same time, he threatened his parents’ landlord with a knife.
The first girl was not struck by the stones. And the mother of the second girl snatched her up in the nick of time, just as Talovic took a swipe with the blade, according to the source, who has seen court documents relating to the case.
FBI spokesman Patrick Kiernan said investigators are aware of Talovic’s juvenile criminal history and are considering what role it might have played in the Trolley Square shootings.
“It’s all part of the investigation,” Kiernan said. Talovic’s relatives have referred to him as “a very nice person” who had never hurt anyone.
“Everything about him was nice. Everybody said so,” said his father, Suljo Talovic.
But Musto Redzovic, the family’s first landlord in Salt Lake City, said Talovic pulled a knife on him at their duplex apartment in 1998 or 1999. Talovic would have been 9 or 10 at the time.
Talovic was also referred to court for stealing fireworks from a Smith’s grocery store on June 22, 2001.
On July 9, 2001, Talovic admitted the shoplifting crime, and it was the last time he appeared in juvenile court, according to the source, quoting court records.
Court officials said they have been unable to find any juvenile court history on Talovic. The source said the records were expunged in October, when Talovic turned 18.
--- Quote from: Marzutra on February 15, 2007, 10:20:21 PM ---... The fellow who lives next door to my sister says he's a Balestinian. I said "I've been to Jordan." ;)
--- End quote ---
Haha Marzutra :D You're very firm with your views......
This guy is a nutter and theres nothing else to it. He should have shot himself.
Hi Sarah. Yes I am very firm with my views as I have learned there is a very big difference between factual correctness and Communist Political Correctness. There are many frauds that are passed off as truths, because most are too lazy and dumbed down to do the most basic level or research to question these molestations get passed on as "truths". Some good examples: Egyptian homosexual mass murderer Yasshole Arafag attains a Nobel Peace Prize. Martin Luther King Jr. was a G-dless communist negro fraud who plagairized everything he did and was a moral leper but made a national "hero" to the ignorant black community. Everything about the guy, even his name is a fraud. Islam is a religion of "peace" while if one reads up on Mohammed and Islam, including the Quraan and Hadith they'll find everything opposite to "Peace", not to mention ALL major conflicts on the Earth today involve Muslims and Islam in some horrible way. "Slay the Christians, Kill the Jew, Cut of their heads, their from monkeys and swine" from the Quraan and Hadith upon many many more.... Sadly, this deprave pseudo-religion is making its mark known all over Europe, Russia, Asia, Eretz Yisrael and most specifically Africa with the on going genocide by Muslims against Black Christians in the Sudan. This too shows the agenda of the UN who sits idly by soaked in Arab/Muslim oil money and Communist/Socialist deprave do nothing corruption. And lastly, the greasy Arab squatters known as the Balestinian Beoble who occupy Judea, Binyamin, Samaria and Aza actually "exist" today in the minds of the ignorant although there is not a shred of factually related or attained archeological evidence of them ever being a nation in all the history of Eretz Yisrael or Bolistine. The Balestinian Beoble or Bolistine are not mentioned in any Egyptian, Mesopatamian, Persian or Greek sources. The Balestinian beoble are not mentioned in the Torah/Tanach, not in both Talmuds or any Ancient Jewish texts, not by Josephus or Philo. The Balestinian Beoble are not mentioned in the Christian New Testament. Nor are they mentioned within the Quraan or Hadith and not even met by Mark Twain who toured the entire Holy Land in the 1860'd and didn't see one Balestinian. A few bedouin Arabs, Christians and masses of Jews but no Balestinains. Come to think of it, there is no mention of a "West Bank" in any of those texts/sources either.
All are purely political hoaxes fabricated by certain groups (Socialists/Communists and now Moslems) to further a specific political goals/agenda being Socialistic/Communistic in nature: destroy Culture by promoting multi-culturalism and black Dis-tory month, eliminate Christianity/Judaism by advocating molestations of Islam and Liberalism and of course the elimination of any Jewish State re: Balestinian Beoble... Lenin stated "A lie told often enough becomes truth." and Hitler stated: "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.", sadly this is the result of G0dless ideologies that place their trust in man which is becoming more and more of a plague of our times.
Marzutra that was very well said. What amuses me is that fact that the people who believe these lies are the MAJORITY and yet they are not all complete fools or idiots when one comes to think about it. They have managed to rule countries, attain exceptional skills and yet they still fall for the nonesense lies that continue to disrupt the world. I don't believe the intelligent people are doing it out of fear either. They have proof against all these problems but they daren't use it. Truthfully i cannot just blame Islam but instead the people who are sucked in. They are more then just the victim, they bring it upon themselves in some way. Beckoning for the muslims to take over and entagle themselves in its web of lies, revelling and relishing the excitement. Its interesting what you mentioned about Mark Twain. Even though there aren't any palestinians, does it make much of a difference, be they egyptians or jordanians? They are still Arabs and believe it is their is mainly a term that one refers to.
Shalom Sarah, you say many intelligent statements that are worthy for address. I have found that it is partially human arrogance and ignorance that the G-dless deems them worthy of self praise as they know what is best for all others. This is the basis for Socialism and Communism. You and I both know, as know you too can read Arabic and are too educated in the Quraan/Hadith, that Islam is not, whatsoever, a religion of peace in that it is a pseudo-religion and a political ideology rolled into one. That, I am certain we are both on the same page. I will too agree with you that it is the G-dless Communist World Elitists that are using the Muslims, and too the Socialist/Communists to further their goals of a One World Government. It is well to note that all three have very similar agendas. Socialists/Communists demand a One World Government according to Platonic, Morish and Marxist Communal beliefs. Islam demands Dar Al Islam, a One World Government under a Muslim Dictator and Sharia Law and too the Elistists, like the United Nations for example, a G-dless entity, that demands self rule answering to the few wealthy, lucky and powerful enough to be members of their One World Government.
For your age, I give you very much credit for keeping an open mind and also seeking the desire to learn everything truth of the wise and lies of those that hold evil agendas. This is why I have read everything from the Mein Kempf and Quraan to the Bible and working on the Talmudic knowledge. There are many agendas at work and I wish you to know I do NOT hate Arabs or anyone but I do hate the ideology and pseudo-religions of Islam and secular humanism/socialism/communism/liberalism etc.
We both know that man is not the end all and be all of life. There is a higher power and we call him HaShem, G-d, L0rd etc. which is why psalms 118:8, if one studies history, is emphatically correct: "It is better to place your faith in HaShem than to rely on man." This my dear friend is the crux of the problem with all G-dless leftist ideologies....
To address your last statement about the Balstinians and Bolistine, it matters a great deal. If they, as they are in reality, were known openly to be Jordanians, Syrians, Iraqis, Lebanese, Egyptians, Algierians, Libyans etc. there would be no problem dismissing this entire murderous fraud out of hand, it is solely because all of these nationalities were combined into one political entity for the sole purpose of destroying Israel from within, as publically stated by Gamel Abdel Nasser shortly thereafter the 1967 War, it is a major problem. Honestly, you check for yourself, if Jerusalem, Bolistine or the Balistians are so important to Islam why are none of them mentioned, in specific name, within the Quraan/Hadith? This tells any thinking person that they are nothing but frauds and hold no importance to Islam whatsoever. Sharia Law demands that once any land conqured by Muslims must stay under Muslim Law. That is the only tie Muslims have to anything in Bolestine. The Romans re-named Yisrael to Bolestine in 500+ years before Mohammed and Islam were even thoughts. Jeruslam was around 1000's of years before Islam and Mohammed were even thoughts. It makes sense that if either were really of importance to Islam they'd be named in name in their holy books. Not Jerusalem, not Bolestine, not The West Bank and not Bolistinains..... This ensures to any thinking individual that there is a political agenda at work and it is corruption, immoral and evil. This is the importance of the entire issue. To show my logic, The Christian New Testament pre-dates Mohammed and Islam by 600+ years yet Jerusalem is mentioned, in name, like 300 times, with Judea, Samaria etc. but no Bolistine or Balestinians. This, even being a totally different language to Hebrew insures the accruacy in attachment Christians have to Historical Israel not Bolistine, Arabs or Balestinian Beople... Please give your parents my very best JUST KIDDING... I wouldn't want them to take you in the middle of the room and perform a mercy killing for conversing with a learned Jew...... ;)
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