The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Salt Lake City shooter is a Muslim immigrant

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You are 100% correct.  The older I get and the more I read the more I realize life is one tragic lie.  One is lied to by those with a pure political agenda from the cradle to the grave.  Canada is truly a closed state.  If you speak anything of factual correctness, instead of political correctness, one is a "racist", "homophobe", "sexist" or will get tossed in jail for a "hate" crime.  Canadian media still hasn't said anything about this [censored] being a Muslim savage...  The fellow who lives next door to my sister says he's a Balestinian.  I said "I've been to Jordan."   ;)

I bet if some muslim blows himself up on a train in the US the media would cover it up and not reveal that it was a muslim.  We live in evil times.  History repeats itself every 50 years and the people are too dumb to realize they are being led like sheep to an impending slaughter that is coming. 

Now check out the f---ing media trying to help us "understand" the actions of this filthy muslim terorist. Check out this story, unf--ingbelievable.

Oh.. the poor muslim.. his family was persecuted by the cruel serbs...

Most of the people I know are so apathetic about the world around them.   They are happy to be spoonfed the BS the media dishes out.  To pursue the truth is too much work.  In addition - the truth of what is really happening would be too frightening for them to deal with.  They would rather stick their head in the sand.
I hope the day never comes that I meet a muslim terrorist face to face at my local mall - but I know enough to fear that happening.
9/11 was not enough of a wake up call - I call that pathetic.

Remember guys "every Jew a .22!"  When they muslims come, be ready. 


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