It's not just about it being a good investment (which it isn't) it's about the morality. Government just prints more money and does whatever it wants. 94% of all Americans oppose this bailout yet the politicians are stealing their money. Millions of Americans can't even afford health care or higher education because they're overtaxed. The government has created a situation where there's less and less incentive for intelligent wealthy people to work harder because of the progressive tax and at the same time welfare bums have no incentive to work because they can leech. This is both immoral and unproductive. This is tyranny.
All your posts are great but I picked Ralph's because he used the word tyranny among other great points...94% oppose the bailout. What I am going to report to you is from a liberal friend of mine who listens to talk radio. The host's name is Alex Jones on Coast to Coast radio. I think it is one of his pinko stations he loves so much, the liberal, radical, socialist, etc. that he is, but i've known him for 13-14 yrs.

It was reported on 9/23/08, that Congress is being bombarded by their friends on Wall Street to be reassured that everything would be back to normal: millions and billions in bonuses in their bank accounts, no regulations, etc. A caller called in and stated that JP Morgan Chase [see link below,] along with Bank of America and some other banking institutions are doing a "military raping," [didn't get the whole dialogue because I can't write or type as fast as they talk,] of other banking/lending institutions. What is happening is in legal terms [I spoke to a lawyer,] and it was said on this radio show,
the Marshall Law is being suspended. That means all of our rights are being taken away. I have provided links on Marshall Law. We could not determine if this is the truth or not. No one seems to know what is going on! I listened a bit to President Bush and he assures us we will all get our loans. Please tell me what you think. All your opinions are appreciated. Here we go with Marshall Law, but first who JP Morgan Chase is for those in other parts of the world and on that radio show the host said pretty much, in these words: "it's a hoax and affects everyone in every country":"President Bush seized this unprecedented power on the very same day that he signed the equally odious Military Commissions Act of 2006. In a sense, the two laws complement one another. One allows for torture and detention abroad, while the other seeks to enforce acquiescence at home, preparing to order the military onto the streets of America. Remember, the term for putting an area under military law enforcement control is precise; the term is "martial law.""And incidentally, in the not too distant past, Richard wrote on this blog how close it appeared that the US and UK were to becoming police states. And from certain quarters, Richard received in reply rather a lot of ridicule. So right here and now Richard unreservedly retracts those remarks."
"Police state? Naw. Not really. Never. It's now even worse than that in America."