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--- Quote from: Pheasant on February 27, 2009, 01:24:30 PM ---
--- Quote from: ProudZionist on February 27, 2009, 12:47:28 PM ---Who are the biggest criminals in Germany? Arabs, Turks etc?  :P

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Yes your assumption is right.

According to the official statistics the most criminal groups are:

Gold medal of crime: Arab Muslims specially from so called Palestine
Silver medal of crime: Bosnian Muslims and Albanians
Bronze medal of crime: Turkish citizens ->Turkish and Kurdish Muslims (But to be fair, Turks are far from the first two places. In fact their criminal level is only minor higher than the average person)

People from eastern Europe (Christian and Jews) are according to the official statistics not more criminal than autochthone German people. Only the socialists of the green party and the SPD claim this in order to excuse the quranimals. But it is a lie.

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Turks in the UK have the appearance of model citizens.

In London they also run the biggest drug trade in Europe.

Carreg, I think people from Turkey are far more heterogen than it seems on the first view.

There are Kurds, Alevites, Kemalists, Communist atheists, classic quranimals some Jews some Christians of different denominations, atheist Nationalists and much more.

So it depends.

The most Turkish criminals and extremist quranimals come from the eastern parts of this country.

They didn't seem much different from Muslim Arabs. Even the Turkish media brings regulary horror-stories about this kind of people. I mean real cruel stories about domestic violence, drug trade and much worse things.

This kind of people are today the majority and the election results for the AKP proof it.

Imo Turkey is lost. In a few years it will become a Quranimal dictatorship, even more it is today.

P.S.: The EU praises the AKP and calls this kind of beasts modest and modern in order to bring this failed state into the EU. I hate them for the death and suffering they will cause through this wicked action.

Yes, I agree. Western Turkey contains any number of bright, intelligent, attractive and well educated females who have never in their adult years entered a mosque, and whose prime ambition is to get out of Turkey for good. Watch the queues outside the UK's Istanbul Embassy anytime to get an impression of this. Males from Western Turkey appear somewhat similar, but Islam has rotten their brains from an early age. They can't think for themselves.

Turkey's paradox is that it needs the army to maintain the outward impression of democracy. This is hard for the educated youth to swallow. Unfettered democracy would lead to the rise of the Islamic parties to a level where democracy would be sniffed out in an instant. Our liberal minded EU politicians still have to realize this.

What/who are the so called 'anti Germans' ?


--- Quote from: Zelhar on March 01, 2009, 10:58:28 AM ---What/who are the so called 'anti Germans' ?

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They are a small group of German leftists, who support Israel and the USA.

They call themselve Communists, but their worldview is in fact classic liberal.

They think that Germany is the main problem in the world and I am shure that they hate Islam.

Imo they should realize, that they are in fact no communists, but atheist classic liberals. I have really no idea, why they call themselves communist.

This is their main homepage:

I like to read the articles there.


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