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Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« on: September 25, 2008, 08:18:18 PM »

I dont necessarily agree with Rabbi Brody but I do respect him and his words. This article, written by Tamar Yonah, is re-posted from IsraelNationalNews.

( Can a Holocaust happen in the United States of America?  "Yes," say Rabbi Lazer Brody of the award wining blog Lazer Beams and Shifra Hoffman, Executive Director of Shuva, The Israel Emergency Aliyah Movement. Both stated, in back-to- back interviews with Tamar Yonah on Israel National Radio's Weekend Edition show, that a holocaust could be just around the corner the United States.

"People think that a holocaust starts with concentration camps." Hoffman said. "[But] that's where it ends.  It doesn't start with that.  It starts with graffiti; it starts with murmurings in the bar, as the late [Rabbi] Meir Kahane used to say, 'When times are good, the Jew-haters hate the Jews quietly.  When times are bad, they hate Jews loudly, and when times are economically terrible, they hate Jews violently.'"

Both interviewees opined that the Wall Street meltdown, alongside the devastation from the last two hurricanes Gustav and Ike, throw the future of the American economy into uncertainty. %ad%

"I pity the poor brokers in America that don't have emunah [faith] and personal prayer to fall back on," says Rabbi Lazer Brody, who served in Israel's most elite IDF Matkal unit. "In a bar off Wall Street, the stock brokers were drowning their woes in their wine at the close of the market.  And one broker commented very prophetically, that nothing will be like it was before." 

"Hashem [G-d] is making big changes in the world and thousands are being laid off in the high tech and other fields," Brody stated.

With the recent reports of the U.S. Government having to bail out banks and companies to the hundreds of billions, Brody stated, "We see here, America elects itself a Republican administration, and they end up getting something that is more socialist than the democrats, something more liberal than almost communism."  He added, "The Bush administration is not at fault; it's Hashem doing this."
With banks collapsing, mortgage closures, layoffs, and people losing their homes, "Hashem is talking to us loud and clear," he states. Brody stated that he knows it will not be popular to say it, but what we see today "is a template for a holocaust, but people don't want to know about it.  They want to know about the World Series, what's for dinner, and what's on TV tonight. But we have a template like pre-holocaust Germany."

Shifra Hoffman agrees: "American Jews, wake up, they mean what they say, and they mean YOU."

Hoffman recently put out an ad in several international publications: "Warning! American Jews are in danger.  As the monetary crisis in the United States worsens with leading banks failing, countless neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups are spreading their venomous message on the internet and at public demonstrations blaming Jews for America's economic and racial problems as well as the war in Iraq.  Calling themselves 'true American patriots', these Jew-haters praise Hitler as a hero, and advocate violence.  American Jews, wake up!  They mean what they say, and they mean you!  Come home to Israel now, before it's too late."

The ad ends with a quote from The Ethics of our Fathers: "Who is wise?  Those who see the future." 

I hope this will not come to pass...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2008, 08:35:59 PM »
The Rabbi makes some good points however if the decline comes I think things will be on shaky grounds world wide. When American money doesn't circulate through world markets as it should the downturn is visible everywhere. I think this may be the wake up call and how we proceed from here will make all the difference. No matter what sort of bailout comes one thing for sure things are going to be a lot different for the foreseeable future.
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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2008, 08:56:49 PM »
I hope not either. Kahane had the exact same view as Rabbi Brody. The truth is it could happen anywhere. Look at what Kahane said on the matter, he was absolutely spot on:

"G-d forbid, should there be an economic crash in this country, G-d forbid, it's the Jews who will be the scapegoat not the blacks! The anti-Semites blame Jews for everything including blacks! They sit and they play games with themselves: "The incidents of anti-semitism has dropped by 7%." They play games. The average synagogue which is vandalized rushes to paint it over quickly and never reports it.

If you speak to Morton and say, you know Kahane spoke about anti-semitism, ah Kahane is paranoid this isn't Germany! He's right! This isn't Germany. And I have news for him, neither was Germany Germany once. And in Germany, when those few Jews thought Hitler is dangerous, they said what are you crazy? This isn't Poland! You're right, it wasn't Poland. Poland is Poland, Germany is Germany, America is America. Only a racist can think the Germans were different. Germans weren't different, they dont have horns, and they don't have tails. Germans are people like anyone else and I can name you ten different people in Eastern Europe who were more anti-semitic than the Germans were. The Ukrainians, the Lithuanians, the Slovaks, they just loved us to death!

If anything, if you were to ask a Jew, in 1920, who were the best of the peoples? He would of said the Germans! They were the most cultured, the were the most civilized, they had Gurtha, and Kant, and Beethoven! Indeed, the German Jew didn't call himself a Jew, he called himself a German of the Mossaic persuasion. And when Hitler rose and cried out Juden Juden Juden! Jews Jews Jews! The Germans said he didn't mean me, he means the Ost Juden! The East European Jews with the black coats and beards! He hated those Jews more than the Germans did. But Hitler meant all Jews, the beards and the beardless, the circumcised and the un, those whose mothers weren't Jewish and whose grandmothers weren't Jewish, he was still a Jew. The Germans did that not because they were inherently evil people, thats not true, they did it because there was a terrible terrible crash and people lost their jobs and hopes. And someone rose and said I'll give you hope, and they followed him! Because he gave them hope. You want to tell me that could not happen here? You want to tell em that could not happen here?! G-d forbid there is an economic crash and they take away the superbowl. Of course it can........."

The complete speech is here:
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2008, 09:04:29 PM »
Hoffman recently put out an ad in several international publications: "Warning! American Jews are in danger.  As the monetary crisis in the United States worsens with leading banks failing, countless neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups are spreading their venomous message on the internet and at public demonstrations blaming Jews for America's economic and racial problems as well as the war in Iraq.  Calling themselves 'true American patriots', these Jew-haters praise Hitler as a hero, and advocate violence.  American Jews, wake up!  They mean what they say, and they mean you!  Come home to Israel now, before it's too late."
This is the reason I made that thread yesterday about the demonic Nazi Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro). That is exactly what Buchanus is trying to do. Fag is telling everybody that it is Jewish investors who are responsible for the economic meltdown. This is why he harps on "Goldman Sachs" and uses codewords like "the bankers". When he's trying to stir up anti-Semitism on economic issues, he says "bankers". When he's trying to provoke Jew-hatred on international issues, he uses "neocons" or "AIPAC lobby". That's the reason that Nazi pig lives and breathes. The only thing he lives for is to do his best to create a second Shoah. Yimach schmo to that satanic demon.  >:( >:(

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2008, 10:50:54 PM »

I have been listening to Michael Savage and every day for the past month he keeps blaming Goldman Sachs for our economic problems.  He keeps saying "Goldman Sachs controls America," and "Goldman Sachs rigs the election like Arnold Rothstein rigged the World Series," and this is now the "United States of Goldman Sachs."  A few days ago he played an edited version of the Pledge of Allegience where he had a singer sing "I pledge Allegience to Goldman Sachs and the bankers on Wall Street." 

Savage also said that during the interview Obama had with George Stepanopoulos, where Obama said he was a Muslim, Savage said that when Stephanapolous said 'You mean your Christian Faith" it was because because of the "ugly guy in the back room with curly hair and glasses from Brooklyn" who wanted to make Obama look good.

Democrats stand for schmutz 98 percent of the time.-Rabbi Yehuda Levin

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2008, 11:12:58 PM »

I have been listening to Michael Savage and every day for the past month he keeps blaming Goldman Sachs for our economic problems.  He keeps saying "Goldman Sachs controls America," and "Goldman Sachs rigs the election like Arnold Rothstein rigged the World Series," and this is now the "United States of Goldman Sachs."  A few days ago he played an edited version of the Pledge of Allegience where he had a singer sing "I pledge Allegience to Goldman Sachs and the bankers on Wall Street." 

Savage also said that during the interview Obama had with George Stepanopoulos, where Obama said he was a Muslim, Savage said that when Stephanapolous said 'You mean your Christian Faith" it was because because of the "ugly guy in the back room with curly hair and glasses from Brooklyn" who wanted to make Obama look good.

clearly savage is an anti semite.

The comparisons to Germany would be more valid once the government starts pasting anti semitic posters everywhere, releases anti semitic movies, and makes public statements blaming the jews for everything.

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2008, 11:29:34 PM »

I have been listening to Michael Savage and every day for the past month he keeps blaming Goldman Sachs for our economic problems.  He keeps saying "Goldman Sachs controls America," and "Goldman Sachs rigs the election like Arnold Rothstein rigged the World Series," and this is now the "United States of Goldman Sachs."  A few days ago he played an edited version of the Pledge of Allegience where he had a singer sing "I pledge Allegience to Goldman Sachs and the bankers on Wall Street." 

Savage also said that during the interview Obama had with George Stepanopoulos, where Obama said he was a Muslim, Savage said that when Stephanapolous said 'You mean your Christian Faith" it was because because of the "ugly guy in the back room with curly hair and glasses from Brooklyn" who wanted to make Obama look good.
What do you expect? Michael Maggot is a self-hating homo. I thought you saw the light when he started endorsing Obama. Jewish anti-Semites like Michael Sewage are the reason the Holocaust happened.

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2008, 11:29:58 PM »
I disagree with the idea that G-d caused the market collapse, and while we're at it, I don't think that G-d caused the holocaust to happen.  I know some people think that G-d causes these things to teach the Jews a lesson, but I don't think so.  G-d gave us free will.  Think about what that really means.  It's no small thing.  Freedom of will allows humanity to go to the extreme of extremes in either direction-good or evil.

I believe that at upon the conclusion of our lives we will have to face G-d and there will be an accounting that will take place.  One of the questions, I think, that G-d will ask us is "Did you slander My Name?"  There will be many who will have to say "yes."

Freedom of will is a burden and a blessing.  It is a challenge posed to us by the Almighty.  We have to accept that we will falter occasionally but must try our best just the same.

Anyway, I do not know if there is an imminent holocaust awaiting in the United States, but if it happens it will not be G-d who causes it to happen, it will be man.

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2008, 01:04:20 AM »
I disagree with the idea that G-d caused the market collapse, and while we're at it, I don't think that G-d caused the holocaust to happen.  I know some people think that G-d causes these things to teach the Jews a lesson, but I don't think so.  G-d gave us free will.  Think about what that really means.  It's no small thing.  Freedom of will allows humanity to go to the extreme of extremes in either direction-good or evil.

I believe that at upon the conclusion of our lives we will have to face G-d and there will be an accounting that will take place.  One of the questions, I think, that G-d will ask us is "Did you slander My Name?"  There will be many who will have to say "yes."

Freedom of will is a burden and a blessing.  It is a challenge posed to us by the Almighty.  We have to accept that we will falter occasionally but must try our best just the same.

Anyway, I do not know if there is an imminent holocaust awaiting in the United States, but if it happens it will not be G-d who causes it to happen, it will be man.


Did you learn this or are you making it up? Hashem CONTROLS EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD. This is the FACT of Judaism. The idea of Freewill is very true as everyone has to decide if they believe or they don't believe. That is the extent of freewill. As it is said, "Everything is in the hands of heaven, except for the fear of heaven."

If Hashem did not wish the Holocaust to happen, it would not happen. If the Jews had merited redemption there is nothing that any army in the world could do to change the outcome. A man who has faith can see that there is no coincidence in this world. Everything happened for a reason.

If you read Torah and learn the wisdom of Chazal, you learn that even the Jews descending into Egypt was a part of the plan. Why would it be so hard to understand that our persecution in Germany may have been a parallel? I dont have trouble with it. I also dont have trouble believing that my brother died in 9/11 because of Hashem sending us a wake up call. If you read the Megillah Ester you see that Hashems hand is very vivid in the events of history.

If you could back up your hypothesis then maybe we could argue about it. But at this time it seems like you are expressing an opinion.


PS: You know this Monday we start Rosh Hashana, the new year. At this time Hashem is judging us in this world. He will decide if we live, or if we die. If we die he decides if we die by fire, or die by drowning. He decides how much money we will make for the year. It is hard to justify your position from a Jewish perspective.


Even as we face divine judgment on the high holy days, it's hard not to think about the worldwide monetary melt-down and the carnage of corporations that we thought were invincible. After all, it's not just our lives that stand in the balance when G-d makes his decisions about our future. As the deeply moving prayer of Rabbi Amnon, Unetane Tokef, puts it, these are the days when both our fate and our fortune for the coming year are sealed: "Who will live and who will die, who will become impoverished and who will become wealthy."

The Hebrew word "Damim," the rabbis tell us, means not only blood, but also money. A strange combination at first sight, but one filled with profound insight. Judaism does not denigrate the importance of money. It is not the root of all evil; it is morally neutral. Just as it can be misused for improper purposes it can also serve to ennoble our lives and the lives of others. We are permitted to pray for wealth, just as our forefathers did. The Kohanim, the priests who are commanded to bless the Jewish people, are told to keep financial security in mind as they lift their hands for their benediction. Money is the fruit of our efforts, earned with the aid of our blood and our toil. And it is as much the concern of divine Providence as our lifespan.

So if God is involved with our portfolio, we have to wonder why He has allowed us to suffer so much this past year?

If only we could have had a window into the future we would have been spared the incredible turnabouts of the stock market. Even the most wizened professionals say they have never seen anything like it. In January of this year Barron's magazine advised its readers to concentrate purchases from its list of most secure and risk-free companies. At the very top of their suggestions for best performers for the coming year were Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae and AIG. But of course neither Barron's nor Fortune nor Forbes had any idea that these pillars of capitalism, these bastions of financial strength, would soon collapse into bankruptcy or federal takeover. So today many of last year's billionaires have to sadly confront the fact that they are now only millionaires -- and the rest of us have to deal with the reality of rapidly sinking retirement funds, plunging real estate values and panicking margin calls.

Strangely enough we have very conflicting views about God's role in all of this. The Austrian playwright Arthur Schnitzler pointedly observed, "We know of some very religious people who came to doubt God when a great misfortune befell them, even when they themselves were to blame for it; but we have never yet seen anyone who lost his faith because an undeserved fortune fell to his lot." We attribute success to our own efforts. We call catastrophes acts of God. When we "make it," we thank ourselves. When we lose it, we blame an unjust Heavenly Ruler.

People of faith, however, have to acknowledge that both good and bad fortune in the final analysis simply represent the will of God. Good times are blessings from a Higher Power. Tough times are divine decrees with a message and meaning all of their own. And that is what we should be thinking about as we contemplate our diminishing bank accounts.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 01:11:24 AM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2008, 01:12:10 AM »
Don't feel safe here in the USA. I'm not Jewish and even I don't even feel safe here anymore. It's very dangerous when someone like Barack Hussein Obama can even be considered for the President. Can you imagine how many anti-Semites and other general lowlifes that indicates are around? It must be growing dramatically.

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2008, 01:18:46 AM »
Don't feel safe here in the USA. I'm not Jewish and even I don't even feel safe here anymore. It's very dangerous when someone like Barack Hussein Obama can even be considered for the President. Can you imagine how many anti-Semites and other general lowlifes that indicates are around? It must be growing dramatically.

Hi Ruby,

Very scary indeed. I really dont believe that he will win.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2008, 01:27:40 AM »
I sure hope you are right, Muman. I sure hope you know something we don't.

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2008, 02:02:17 AM »

Did you learn this or are you making it up? Hashem CONTROLS EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD. This is the FACT of Judaism. The idea of Freewill is very true as everyone has to decide if they believe or they don't believe. That is the extent of freewill. As it is said, "Everything is in the hands of heaven, except for the fear of heaven."

If Hashem did not wish the Holocaust to happen, it would not happen. If the Jews had merited redemption there is nothing that any army in the world could do to change the outcome. A man who has faith can see that there is no coincidence in this world. Everything happened for a reason.

I would like to add to your post to clarify for others. Just because Hashem is in control of everything doesn't mean we just say to ourselves "well, if G-d wants it that way, then that's just the way it is and what difference does it make because the extent of my freewill is only believing", G-d forbid. I disagree with the way that is worded. We are still commanded to do everything we can to bring the light of Hashem into this world and to stop wicked people from hurting the innocent. We would not have commandments (like Rosh Hashana where G-d judges on more than just believing) if we did not have free will further than just belief.

We are required to use our free will (a VERY, VERY deep subject with a lot of opinions from many different great sources) to do mitvahs (righteous deeds) and abstain from averahs (sinning against G-d or man). No matter what free will actually is, the fact remains that Hashem wouldn't command us to do (or not do) things if the full extent of our free will was only to believe - no matter what our perception of free will actually is compared to the reality of Hashem's predestination. Even the "fear of Hashem" and belief have much, much deeper meanings that aren't obvious from a surface level.

Again, this is an incredibly deep subject that cannot be given proper context in a single post and can be dangerous if misunderstood.
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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2008, 03:49:12 AM »

Did you learn this or are you making it up? Hashem CONTROLS EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD. This is the FACT of Judaism. The idea of Freewill is very true as everyone has to decide if they believe or they don't believe. That is the extent of freewill. As it is said, "Everything is in the hands of heaven, except for the fear of heaven."

If Hashem did not wish the Holocaust to happen, it would not happen. If the Jews had merited redemption there is nothing that any army in the world could do to change the outcome. A man who has faith can see that there is no coincidence in this world. Everything happened for a reason.

I would like to add to your post to clarify for others. Just because Hashem is in control of everything doesn't mean we just say to ourselves "well, if G-d wants it that way, then that's just the way it is and what difference does it make because the extent of my freewill is only believing", G-d forbid. I disagree with the way that is worded. We are still commanded to do everything we can to bring the light of Hashem into this world and to stop wicked people from hurting the innocent. We would not have commandments (like Rosh Hashana where G-d judges on more than just believing) if we did not have free will further than just belief.

We are required to use our free will (a VERY, VERY deep subject with a lot of opinions from many different great sources) to do mitvahs (righteous deeds) and abstain from averahs (sinning against G-d or man). No matter what free will actually is, the fact remains that Hashem wouldn't command us to do (or not do) things if the full extent of our free will was only to believe - no matter what our perception of free will actually is compared to the reality of Hashem's predestination. Even the "fear of Hashem" and belief have much, much deeper meanings that aren't obvious from a surface level.

Again, this is an incredibly deep subject that cannot be given proper context in a single post and can be dangerous if misunderstood.


You are correct. I posted a post written by an Aish Rabbi which mentions a Paradox of Rosh Hashana. I think that this pertains to this discussion too.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2008, 05:10:09 AM »
Hoffman recently put out an ad in several international publications: "Warning! American Jews are in danger.  As the monetary crisis in the United States worsens with leading banks failing, countless neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups are spreading their venomous message on the internet and at public demonstrations blaming Jews for America's economic and racial problems as well as the war in Iraq.  Calling themselves 'true American patriots', these Jew-haters praise Hitler as a hero, and advocate violence.  American Jews, wake up!  They mean what they say, and they mean you!  Come home to Israel now, before it's too late."
This is the reason I made that thread yesterday about the demonic Nazi Buchanus (yimach schmo vezichro). That is exactly what Buchanus is trying to do. Fag is telling everybody that it is Jewish investors who are responsible for the economic meltdown. This is why he harps on "Goldman Sachs" and uses codewords like "the bankers". When he's trying to stir up anti-Semitism on economic issues, he says "bankers". When he's trying to provoke Jew-hatred on international issues, he uses "neocons" or "AIPAC lobby". That's the reason that Nazi pig lives and breathes. The only thing he lives for is to do his best to create a second Shoah. Yimach schmo to that satanic demon.  >:( >:(

Hi again C.F.!

Your post is the 3rd one on this thread I have read.  This is an outstanding thread.  Yesterday, I had to make sure I knew exactly who you were talking about, i.e., "Fag" so I did an image search on google, and, I knew before seeing Faggie's pic, that it is the same person lol.  I see him on tv all the time.  You have insight, an intuitive sense of this pig, as you call him, lol...!!! i will call him that, too, anyhow, you know in your gut and in your heart what you hear, see and feel.  I believe you.  Reading the excellent first and second posts, this is not something so outlandish that it could not happen again.  My father, who died 5 years ago, used to say, "Everyone hates the Jews."  He didn't go around muttering it like a fool but he said it a few times only when he was in his '50s.  We get blamed for things that because we are convenient for these anti-semites, or for our mere existence on earth.  Usually, because pig is unattractive looking to me, i don't look at him when he's on tv, that's why i had to do a google image lol.  i will listen more attentively to see if i pick up on what you do.  thanks for the head's up!  i am very sensitive to anti-semitism because when the goyem find out you're Jewish, look out.  you can see it in their eyes because they study us.  that's how they find out we are Jewish.  we don't walk around shouting it.  it's all subtle, hateful, dangerous and insidious.


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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2008, 05:41:13 AM »
<snip snip>
i am very sensitive to anti-semitism because when the goyem find out you're Jewish, look out.  you can see it in their eyes because they study us.  that's how they find out we are Jewish.  we don't walk around shouting it.  it's all subtle, hateful, dangerous and insidious.

Shalom Jaime,

I dont know about anyone else but I actually do go around shouting that I am Jewish. I have 'come out' and am openly Jewish every day, at work and out in the grocery market. I wear my kippah and my tzittzits and I am not ashamed. And thank Hashem I have not noticed the anti-semitism first hand. I work with people from all around the world. I know that some of my Indian and Chinese friends are often interested in learning about what Judaism is about.

It is true we must ALWAYS be on the lookout for antisemitism. I have a very low threshold for accepting people who hate me for my beliefs and my family ethnicity. This is why I am openly Jewish. In some parts of the country it is cool to embrace your heritage. Indians are embracing theirs, Chinese are embracing theirs, everyone is able to do what makes them who they are. I am Jewish and I am proud of it. I will not allow antisemites to affect the things I do and believe.

Shana Tova!

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2008, 08:48:43 AM »
There's a lot to be said in this article, but I cannot let this one point pass:  "As the monetary crisis in the United States worsens with leading banks failing, countless neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups are spreading their venomous message on the internet and at public demonstrations blaming Jews for America's economic and racial problems as well as the war in Iraq."

It's understandable that Jewish people would be constantly wary of a return to the dark days of ~70 years ago.  However, their incessant vigilance is against neo-Nazis and white supremacists, neither of whom can even march in public anywhere in the western world (ahem, that's why they're on the internet).  On the other hand, there's a broad, dark-skinned menace that's growing by the day:  we have enormous migration to the United States from Muslim nations, and we have a spoiled minority population that's permanently in the custodial care of the taxpayers.  This two-headed monster has long held sway on our college campuses and in our major cities, and it's reaching its apex, in what some author referred to as 'The Red, Green, Black, and Red alliance' (based on the PLO flag and Marxism), as it nears the White House.

Honestly, I've met plenty of rednecks, and I've never met an open neo-Nazi or white supremacist.  Heck, most that will talk politics at all would qualify as Christian Zionists.

This author is looking over his shoulder at a redneck a mile away even as a Black Muslim is pulling a knife within arm's reach.  And if he's looking for culpability for where we are now, there's plenty to go around, and a lot can be directed at the 'self-hating leftist Jews' (to use a term coined on this board), who coddled the minorities and campaign for open borders.


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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2008, 09:04:02 AM »
  I dont believe that many people REALIZE what type anti-semitism is REALLY out there.. the liberal leftist Jews did EVERYTHING to keep forced-indoctrination, and holocaust AWAY, but didnt REALIZE that in the process, their 'politically correct' nicey nice has created a DISASTER that is effecting ALL OF US that are Jewish.  On my email thread, it was FILLED with Anti-semitism.  The meanest most ROTTEN person on the thread hated Jews the MOST, when we showed ourselves RIGHTEOUS, he has CHANGED, bigtime.  When he used to dump on us, & call David horrible names, and ME, A TRAITOR!!! He CHANGED when he saw that we are NOT leftist Jews that HATE ourselves.  Although David is not Orthodox, and I am not as well, we are all for morals, ethics, holiness, g-dliness, ETC.. When we showed ourselves to be MORE righteous than the "Christians" on the thread, NOBODY attacks us ANYMORE. 

  This is IMPORTANT for JTF, VERY IMPORTANT to stand AGAINST- at ALL times, the unrighteousness, ung-dly, anti-American Jews, WE HAVE TO.  David & I had to stand against a Jewess, b/c we will NOT be accessories to the crimes that we feel the liberal Jews are creating in USA, a nation that has been a haven for Jews.  While I realize that IF something like this were to happen, they would not care if you were liberal, conservative ETC.. but as long as it is NOT, we HAVE to condemn this UNRIGHTEOUS behavior, and REBUKE these very UNFAITHFUL Jews.

  But- Christians HAVE to do the SAME.. WHERE ARE THE PASTORS AND MINISTERS in USA CONDEMNING Hussein Obama for NOT being a Christian?? HE IS NOT A CHRISTIAN, WHERE ARE THEY?? NONE have come out!!!  When christians that are in power,- sin- LIKE CONGRESS....HELLO??? ALMOST ALL OF CONGRESS IS CHRISTIAN, NOT JEWISH!!!!! Christians NEED to STAND AGAINST this, b/c if they DO NOT, they WILL be guilty of bloodshed AGAINST The Jewish people... The neo-nazi and white pride movements ARE CHRISTIAN BASED- to NOT come out PUBLICLY and RENOUNCE this, they ARE CONDONING it!!!!

  SO- Simply PUT: IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN, STAND AGAINST these "White Pride" White Power" "Christians!!"  Say: NO! NO & NO! Because NOWHERE in YOUR book does it say to persecute Jews and curse Jews- NO WAY- After all, was not the MAN of the Book a JEW? Were not his followers supposed Jews?!?!?!

  DO NOT SIT IDLY BY!  As for me, I rebuke BOTH faiths, (NOT being 'self-righteous here') but WE HAVE TO! This HATRED against Jews is ABOMINABLE! It is getting bigger- b/c of ECONOMIC WOES, and for some SICKO REASON, people automatically BELIEVE that ALL Jews make $$$$$ and that is ABSURD!  Excuse me..Joel Osteen? Joyce Meyer, Benny hinn? MILLIONS of $$$$'s!   I believe that the ONLY Christians that will shine are the ones to stand against this ATROCITY that is being committed, it IS GETTING WORSE.   Goldman & Sachs ARE GREEDY, Bernanke is WRONG! WE HAVE TO CONDEMN this! It just may SAVE lives in the end.


    STAND UP & SAY NO, before it is TOO LATE:


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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2008, 10:01:54 AM »
  I dont believe that many people REALIZE what type anti-semitism is REALLY out there.. the liberal leftist Jews did EVERYTHING to keep forced-indoctrination, and holocaust AWAY, but didnt REALIZE that in the process, their 'politically correct' nicey nice has created a DISASTER that is effecting ALL OF US that are Jewish.  On my email thread, it was FILLED with Anti-semitism.  The meanest most ROTTEN person on the thread hated Jews the MOST, when we showed ourselves RIGHTEOUS, he has CHANGED, bigtime.  When he used to dump on us, & call David horrible names, and ME, A TRAITOR!!! He CHANGED when he saw that we are NOT leftist Jews that HATE ourselves.  Although David is not Orthodox, and I am not as well, we are all for morals, ethics, holiness, g-dliness, ETC.. When we showed ourselves to be MORE righteous than the "Christians" on the thread, NOBODY attacks us ANYMORE. 

  This is IMPORTANT for JTF, VERY IMPORTANT to stand AGAINST- at ALL times, the unrighteousness, ung-dly, anti-American Jews, WE HAVE TO.  David & I had to stand against a Jewess, b/c we will NOT be accessories to the crimes that we feel the liberal Jews are creating in USA, a nation that has been a haven for Jews.  While I realize that IF something like this were to happen, they would not care if you were liberal, conservative ETC.. but as long as it is NOT, we HAVE to condemn this UNRIGHTEOUS behavior, and REBUKE these very UNFAITHFUL Jews.

  But- Christians HAVE to do the SAME.. WHERE ARE THE PASTORS AND MINISTERS in USA CONDEMNING Hussein Obama for NOT being a Christian?? HE IS NOT A CHRISTIAN, WHERE ARE THEY?? NONE have come out!!!  When christians that are in power,- sin- LIKE CONGRESS....HELLO??? ALMOST ALL OF CONGRESS IS CHRISTIAN, NOT JEWISH!!!!! Christians NEED to STAND AGAINST this, b/c if they DO NOT, they WILL be guilty of bloodshed AGAINST The Jewish people... The neo-nazi and white pride movements ARE CHRISTIAN BASED- to NOT come out PUBLICLY and RENOUNCE this, they ARE CONDONING it!!!!

  SO- Simply PUT: IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN, STAND AGAINST these "White Pride" White Power" "Christians!!"  Say: NO! NO & NO! Because NOWHERE in YOUR book does it say to persecute Jews and curse Jews- NO WAY- After all, was not the MAN of the Book a JEW? Were not his followers supposed Jews?!?!?!

  DO NOT SIT IDLY BY!  As for me, I rebuke BOTH faiths, (NOT being 'self-righteous here') but WE HAVE TO! This HATRED against Jews is ABOMINABLE! It is getting bigger- b/c of ECONOMIC WOES, and for some SICKO REASON, people automatically BELIEVE that ALL Jews make $$$$$ and that is ABSURD!  Excuse me..Joel Osteen? Joyce Meyer, Benny hinn? MILLIONS of $$$$'s!   I believe that the ONLY Christians that will shine are the ones to stand against this ATROCITY that is being committed, it IS GETTING WORSE.   Goldman & Sachs ARE GREEDY, Bernanke is WRONG! WE HAVE TO CONDEMN this! It just may SAVE lives in the end.


    STAND UP & SAY NO, before it is TOO LATE:


It is just another sad commentary of our times, Paulette..... :'(

These Pastors and Ministers, don't care about homeless people they walk by on a daily basis, they care more about lining their pockets so they can have their Lear Jets, vacation homes, Rolex Watches, well, you get my point. They care more about MONEY than most rightous things...... >:(

There are some "Christians" who actually try to tell me that Obama is a "Christian" with "Christian" values, etc....of course I disagree and they tell me I am in error and I tell them no I'm not.


One person was condemning me about the birth certificate thing and I told them, "Well, we can let the judge decide because he is getting sued now" this person now ignores me after I said that.  :laugh:

This is how it is with the Pastors and MInisters (the false ones) they care more about MONEY than anything, and they sure don't want to MAKE ANYONE UPSET BY WHAT THEY SAY because then the MONEY will stop coming in.........!!!!!

Its all about money.

I'm starting to use this as a measuring rod myself, to seperate out the sheep from the goats, so to speak....

They don't want to "OFFEND" anybody, because they have a fear of losing their $$$$$$$.

Many have become Apostate, in my opinion.

It's all about money.
שמע ישראל

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2008, 11:18:21 AM »

  Yes, Apostate. They have went AWAY from their faith, huh? WHY!
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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2008, 11:28:33 AM »
On the other hand, there's a broad, dark-skinned menace that's growing by the day:  we have enormous migration to the United States from Muslim nations, and we have a spoiled minority population that's permanently in the custodial care of the taxpayers.  This two-headed monster has long held sway on our college campuses and in our major cities, and it's reaching its apex, in what some author referred to as 'The Red, Green, Black, and Red alliance' (based on the PLO flag and Marxism), as it nears the White House.

Very well put, Ithaca.  I like your style of writing. 

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2008, 11:35:52 AM »
Muman, I think your approach is the correct one. If every Jew in the world fearlessly and boldly lived out their Judaism, unapologetically, there's a good chance there wouldn't have been a Shoah.

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2008, 03:01:37 PM »
Don't feel safe here in the USA. I'm not Jewish and even I don't even feel safe here anymore. It's very dangerous when someone like Barack Hussein Obama can even be considered for the President. Can you imagine how many anti-Semites and other general lowlifes that indicates are around? It must be growing dramatically.

Yes, I know exactly how you feel....
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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2008, 04:40:54 PM »

It is written that this economic collapse is Gd's doing.  I don't want to discount what Gd does and doesn't do.  However, greed is a human thing unless Gd decides to make human's blindly greedy.  If the economic crisis were due to terrible weather, one can say that it MIGHT be Gd's doing to wake up Jews to go to Eretz Yisrael...however, this way or that way, nobody is a prophet that an economic gain or an economic collapse is Gd's will or not Gd's will.  It is what it is...we need to fix it.  Greedy people are at fault for stealing.  I'm all for capitalism and capitalism brings incentives..but it also brings the great evil of murder and well as jealousy and then war.  We, as humans..and especially Jews, need to learn the proper ethics in business. To be honest. To do Gd's will.  Gd will bless us if we do the right thing even if it seems we won't get rich as quickly...I believe with great faith, that Gd will reward the honest hard worker who puts his faith in Gd and accepts that, despite all his hard work, he will receive what Gd feels he deserves for the sake of the world.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 04:51:59 PM by Dr. Dan »
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: Rabbi Lazer Brody Forsees American Holocaust
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2008, 04:46:52 PM »

In this regard of the Shoah and Gd causing it...

Gd is in everything..even in our free wills.  Does He show us something so that we use our free will for the future?  I'm sure He does.

Could have the Shoah been avoided with our free will?  Probably..but then again, I wasn't alive back at the time to understand Jews.  All I understand is that secular and religious Jews were both vicitims of the Shoah.  All I know is that it doesn't matter if H'shem caused it or if we caused it.  I know that H'shem is great and that He exists.  I know that one lesson for us to learn is that when Jews don't stand up together.  When Jews are not respectful and strong.  When Jews fight for the wrong causes and desire the wrong thigns and look away from Gd and Torah, bad things will come.  I am convinced that if we are a respectable, strong, Gd fearing, Torah loving people and stand up together and rebuke evil, we can avoid such a catastrophe on our people.  This is why I'm in JTF and no other movement. This is why when i listen to Kahane, I think, "wow...what a hero! I might not agree with everything, but I know one thing...he's right that we have to be strong Jews!"
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 04:53:51 PM by Dr. Dan »
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein