Bailout destroying the soviergnty of America.
Bailout putting us in debt to foriegn nations.
Bailout that has high chances of destroying Social Security, Pensions, retirement accounts.
Millions of muslims already inside that are sleeper cells.
Millions of illegal hordes already destroying us from within.
Corruption in politics rampantly out of control.
The most dangerous man to ever run for President on the verge of winning.
Almost sure riots if this man loses.
The military is being deployed here to maintain order in case of riots and rampage in the streets.
Runs on banks, murders on Wall Street, obama losing, terrorist attack.
Massuh's overall scenario might, and I repeat, might, go a little to far, but he is on the right track.
Though running is not the answer. If America turns into a Stalinist martial state does anybody believe this will not have seriously dreadful effects on other free nations worlwide.
Look how our economic crisis is affecting the rest of the world now.
I am not going anywhwere, but most definetly, be prepared.
As far as obeying the law, the law will be relevant to who is making them, they can change fast.
Is this bailout legal.