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USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« on: September 28, 2008, 06:22:16 AM »
USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia

News report in Serbian -  below English

LONDON - Rusija je zabranila emitovanje američkih crtanih serija „Simpsonovi“, „Saut park“ i „Porodični tip“, a ruski parlament je saopštio da će frekvenciju kanala koji emituje crtane filmove „2dž2“ dobiti nova državna mreža koja će emitovati obrazovne programe o patriotizmu, porodičnim vrednostima i značaju sporta, tvrdi britanski Telegraf, prenosi Tanjug.

Pored toga, navodi list, ruska Duma razmatra uvođenje časova patriotizma u sve ruske škole.
Kanalu „2dž2“, čija će sudbina biti odlučena ovih dana, predstoji krivična istraga zbog emitovanja jedne epizode crtane serije „Saut park“ koja navodno podstiče na versku mržnju, dok se za serije „Simpsonovi“ i „Porodični tip“ tvrdi da krše prava dece, piše londonski Telegraf.

In English

Russia has decided to remove, from national Television,  the American cartoons like
„the Simpsons“, „south-park“ and others. The Russian government will replace them with educative programs which content, for example, patriotism, family values and sport activism. 

Russia will introduce lessons of patriotism in all the schools of Russia.
They declared that the cartoon programs like South Park are promoting religious intolerance and the other cartoon program “The Simpsons” is violating the rights of the Children. Source Telegraf of London   

To add:

Russia is one of the few countries whose government represents and protects national interests above the interests of world's powers and their global ambitions. Under Putin’s rule, the Russian federation has recently managed to remove the fatal grips of the international bank, by becoming debt-free to the foreign factor!

The relation Russia – Serbia

The Republic of Serbia is today controlled by a marionette government, which is established by the USA and the EU.

After the communist regime of Slobodan Milosevic  collapsed in the year of 2000, foreign exponents (who called them selves the “democratic” and European representatives of Serbia) in cooperation with national traitors and former communists took control over Serbia. The same communist associations (SPS JUL and KPY) who supported Milosevic during the 90s, have decided to support the today’s marionette NATO regime of Serbia.
Why are the ex communists supporting Tadic’s marionette regime, did not the pro democratic regime captured Milosevic and handed him over, inclusive the heads of it’s former government ad army, to the anti-Hague tribunal? Yes that’s true, but we are dealing with (anti-Orthodox) communists who have no morality. They will sell also their parents, if that would benefit them and their interests.   

This anti-Serbian regime can only be removed in cooperation between the Serbian nationalistic opposition and Russia.  Only Russia will provide to the Serbs fiscally and financially support. Western countries are benefit with the presence of the current regime who is governing Serbia. It are the Western media houses like the B92 and others who spread prostitution values, immorality and hatered towards everything that’s Serbian and Orthodox, trough Serbian nation TV in Serbia!

Russia is restoring its nations from the dark period of communism.
Serbia is still ruled by former communists who have changed their red uniforms into EU’s and NATO’s.

There is no other solution left for Serbia.
If we Serbs want to exist in Serbia and the Balkans we must cooperated with Russia. We can not cooperate with Russia, if we have an anti-Serbian and anti-Russian government. If we want to collectively leave Serbia and to run away to Moscow we should follow the EU integrations. Since we do not want that we should follow the examples like conducted in Russia.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2008, 07:53:31 AM »
They're telling people what they can and can't watch? And this is supposed to be a good thing?

People should have the freedom to choose what they want to watch even if it's not good for them.


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 08:27:21 AM »
They're telling people what they can and can't watch? And this is supposed to be a good thing?

People should have the freedom to choose what they want to watch even if it's not good for them.

The JTF stands for morality, freedom and conservatism, right?
Are the today’s American (Hollywood) media houses conservative or moral, no they are not. They promote everything what stands against normality and civilized societies.
Is it responsible to avoid influences coming from that kind of source, of course it is.
You Americans should also liberated your selves from the evil.

The Western media provides almost only lies.
If you want to be informed about the facts regarding the world’s problems, do not allowed that only the Western media is your source of information.
In that case you will be brainwashed and not able to make reasonable or responsible conclusions. The consequences of that irresponsible behavior are fatal for your future.

Do not think that democracy and freedom are always good!
Be informed that it was democracy which brought Hitler in power in Germany.
People have always the chance to take wrong decisions or wrong choices.
The Russian government does not want to stimulated its people to make mistakes and that’s why they are cutting off immoral programms from national TV.
These actions are taken in order to protect the nation.

If a party establishes limitations in order to avoid you to hurt your self, than you can not compare that with the violation of the right for freedom.
Freedom is dangerous, because if you misuse the freedom, which you have, to chose for the evil, than you will feel the bitter consequences of if. 

People must have limitations, you must not be allowed to do everything what you want.

Dear Rubystars I hope that you now a little bit more understand the meaning of the Russian government. 

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2008, 01:27:00 PM »
The problem I have is how does a secular government determine what exactly is legally defined as moral or decent?

With a tv show you can always change the channel if it offends you.

It would be ok with me if they were taking it off the air to promote Russian-made television and to block out the alien American culture. That would make sense.

However, I think it's not necessarily good if they're taking it off the air because of some vaguely defined moral reasons. These kinds of laws are what are allowing people to go to jail for insulting Muslims elsewhere, because "prejudice" is supposed to be immoral according to some governments.


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2008, 01:34:07 PM »

It would be ok with me if they were taking it off the air to promote Russian-made television and to block out the alien American culture. That would make sense.

Thats exactly whats going on in Russia.
They are replacing American programs and shows with domestic, cultured and moral programs. 

With a tv show you can always change the channel if it offends you.

Well it depands with which kind of shows were are dealing with.

It is always better and easier to keep the door closed for the deef than to remove the deef ouside the house.

The problem I have is how does a secular government determine what exactly is legally defined as moral or decent?

Russia is restoring the government system.
Before the evil communist regime the Church and the state were NOT separated in Serbia and Russia.

We are of the opinion that the the Church and the state should be not separated from each others!

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2008, 02:51:47 PM »
Censorship is not a good thing and goes against 1st amendment rights, you don't like when youtube censors videos that show genocide against Serbs do you? Don't be a hypocrite.

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2008, 02:58:04 PM »
Well Dalmacija, let me ask you this, when has a religious Christian government ever been a good government, especially to religious minorites like Jews? Can you find one instance of Christian theocratic rule where some "heretic" or other hasn't had to pay dearly?

Now imagine a country as powerful as Russia in the modern age under a strict theocratic rule. It would be like Sharia, only with a Christian face. It would be bad... and it would make Orthodoxy look evil.

I believe in a secular government. I don't believe in a the giant "Separation of church and state" like the ACLU in America does, for example I think it's ok for manger scenes and Christmas trees to be in public spaces. However I wouldn't want the government telling me how to be a proper Christian either, or to persecute those who chose another religion or no religion at all.

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2008, 03:01:21 PM »
Censorship is not a good thing and goes against 1st amendment rights, you don't like when youtube censors videos that show genocide against Serbs do you? Don't be a hypocrite.

I think freedom of speech and freedom to watch what you please (unless it's something truly depraved like child or murder porn which would break other laws anyway) should be a right of all modern nations.


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2008, 03:24:51 PM »
Well Dalmacija, let me ask you this, when has a religious Christian government ever been a good government, especially to religious minorites like Jews? Can you find one instance of Christian theocratic rule where some "heretic" or other hasn't had to pay dearly?

Now imagine a country as powerful as Russia in the modern age under a strict theocratic rule. It would be like Sharia, only with a Christian face. It would be bad... and it would make Orthodoxy look evil.

I believe in a secular government. I don't believe in a the giant "Separation of church and state" like the ACLU in America does, for example I think it's ok for manger scenes and Christmas trees to be in public spaces. However I wouldn't want the government telling me how to be a proper Christian either, or to persecute those who chose another religion or no religion at all.


Democracy is dangerous and also parliamentary states.
Because the majority of the people will decide who will govern the state.
Is this a good option? It is not. With out democracy dictators like Hitler and others would not had gained power.

Look what happened after “democracy” brought for example Hitler in power in Germany.
Germany started to introduce the extermination process of Jews and Gypsies, all over Europe. The Croatians and Bosnians (German allies) took Germany’s extermination process over and added the biological extermination of the Serbs.
You see it is the media which controls the people.
If the media has a certain amount of influence on the people, the same people will follow their instructions.
We in Serbia have problems with foreign exponents.
They are organizing Serbian national traitors and foreign mercenaries to control Serbia.
If for example Serbia was ruled by a king and the Church had again its influence,
no foreign institution would be able to take control over Serbia or to have that kind of influence like today.
About the minorities and the past.
Well the Catholic Church had indeed prosecuted minorities like the Jews.
In the same time the Jewish rights and the rights of other minorities in former Yugoslavia were respected by the Serbian majority.
Orthodox countries like Serbia and Russia must be ruled by a king who is loyal to the Orthodox Church and the nation. With this way of governing we can be sure that the power is in the hands of the domestic nation. Orthodox countries had never the same aditutte towards their minorities like for example Nazi Germnay during WW2.

It is not realistic to compare Orthodox Christian rule with the Islamic law.
I think that that is not realistic anymore. Those are two completely opposite ways of governing. So there is no need to fair Orthodox authorization if you have good intentions.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 03:34:27 PM by DALMACIJA »


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2008, 03:29:23 PM »
Censorship is not a good thing and goes against 1st amendment rights, you don't like when youtube censors videos that show genocide against Serbs do you? Don't be a hypocrite.

You are being very, very disrespect full towards the Serbian nation!
A friend of the Serbs would never say something embarrassing like this.

You compare Americanized programs like “the Simpsons” with documentarians which educate about the genocide against the Serbs?

How can you do something like this?
If we do not want Westernized programs in Eastern Europe, what is wrong with that?
There are also no Eastern European influences in the West? Why should we than allow the opposite? Who is being hypocrite? 
Westernized programms and influences propagate femminism, homosexual rights and other activities which are totally wrong.

Everywhere, where you have "Western rights" you have tolerance towards homosexuals and others crimes which are in struggle with the holy Bible.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 09:45:04 AM by DALMACIJA »

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2008, 04:32:28 PM »
They're telling people what they can and can't watch? And this is supposed to be a good thing?

People should have the freedom to choose what they want to watch even if it's not good for them.
I thought that you are against political liberalism.

Political oligarchy that governs Euro-Atlantic zone is propagating and creating liberalism which means propagating and creating relativisation of morality.And propagating and creating conditions for immoral behavior is the essence of political liberalism.

What is the main instrument for propaganda and indoctrination(which is supposed to prepare liberalism and make people want that kind of society)?The answer is mass media.Mass media is no.1 source of presentation of immoral behavior(in every aspect of life).
Mass media creates societies(the no.1 example in the world of that creation is USA society,you know what mass media does in your own country) through its shows,documentaries,movies and "truthful informative programs"(news).
One of those that I mentioned are TV shows and movies."South park" belongs in those groups.And there is more...For example "Beavis and Butthead".I think there is no need to explain what kind of idiotism those cartoons propagates.

So,when you object those things,those elements of political indoctrination which can change people's view of every aspect with damaging people's soul,automatically those who want to install its own liberal "virtues" start to yell :"There is no democracy!There is no free media!There is no free thought!This is not modern and this is not progressive",and so on...In our country,when we stand against those kind of stupidities,pro-EU and pro-liberal forces start to attack us in all media('cause they control almost every media) saying that we are "destructive","non-constructive",that we don't want "to move on in the future" and that we won't get out from our past(as our past is bonded to our religion and respect of moral way of life) and son...

I'll tell you this.One wrong step is preparation for making the another.
It means when you enter in a "smaller" sinful behavior or just accept it by liking it and in the beginning maybe just laughing at it,it is the first step to a "bigger"(second) level of sinful behavior.When you enter the "second level",you are prepared for the third,and so on.
So,you society became like that,that you start to accept the new Babylonian culture,or just NWO.


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2008, 04:38:34 PM »
Babylonian culture that is it!


My respect to you!
You have the intelligence of a real Serbian man!
I could not agree more with the content of your last post!

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2008, 05:51:52 PM »
They're telling people what they can and can't watch? And this is supposed to be a good thing?

People should have the freedom to choose what they want to watch even if it's not good for them.
I thought that you are against political liberalism.

Liberals are often the ones who want to control people's lives. They're not really liberal at all. Liberals are the biggest censors of all, they only want their programming shown on tv.

Political oligarchy that governs Euro-Atlantic zone is propagating and creating liberalism which means propagating and creating relativisation of morality.And propagating and creating conditions for immoral behavior is the essence of political liberalism.

What is the main instrument for propaganda and indoctrination(which is supposed to prepare liberalism and make people want that kind of society)?The answer is mass media.Mass media is no.1 source of presentation of immoral behavior(in every aspect of life).
Mass media creates societies(the no.1 example in the world of that creation is USA society,you know what mass media does in your own country) through its shows,documentaries,movies and "truthful informative programs"(news).
One of those that I mentioned are TV shows and movies."South park" belongs in those groups.And there is more...For example "Beavis and Butthead".I think there is no need to explain what kind of idiotism those cartoons propagates.

So,when you object those things,those elements of political indoctrination which can change people's view of every aspect with damaging people's soul,automatically those who want to install its own liberal "virtues" start to yell :"There is no democracy!There is no free media!There is no free thought!This is not modern and this is not progressive",and so on...In our country,when we stand against those kind of stupidities,pro-EU and pro-liberal forces start to attack us in all media('cause they control almost every media) saying that we are "destructive","non-constructive",that we don't want "to move on in the future" and that we won't get out from our past(as our past is bonded to our religion and respect of moral way of life) and son...

I'll tell you this.One wrong step is preparation for making the another.
It means when you enter in a "smaller" sinful behavior or just accept it by liking it and in the beginning maybe just laughing at it,it is the first step to a "bigger"(second) level of sinful behavior.When you enter the "second level",you are prepared for the third,and so on.
So,you society became like that,that you start to accept the new Babylonian culture,or just NWO.

I think if people don't like a show or think it's morally degrading they should take it off of the air not by force of law but by not watching it and therefore depriving it of advertising dollars. At least in a secular country. And I don't believe that a Christian theocracy in Russia would  be a good thing, no matter what branch.

You are all speaking as if America is the great Satan.  :o

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2008, 06:58:29 PM »
They're telling people what they can and can't watch? And this is supposed to be a good thing?

People should have the freedom to choose what they want to watch even if it's not good for them.
I thought that you are against political liberalism.

Liberals are often the ones who want to control people's lives. They're not really liberal at all. Liberals are the biggest censors of all, they only want their programming shown on TV.

Political oligarchy that governs Euro-Atlantic zone is propagating and creating liberalism which means propagating and creating relativisation of morality.And propagating and creating conditions for immoral behavior is the essence of political liberalism.

What is the main instrument for propaganda and indoctrination(which is supposed to prepare liberalism and make people want that kind of society)?The answer is mass media.Mass media is no.1 source of presentation of immoral behavior(in every aspect of life).
Mass media creates societies(the no.1 example in the world of that creation is USA society,you know what mass media does in your own country) through its shows,documentaries,movies and "truthful informative programs"(news).
One of those that I mentioned are TV shows and movies."South park" belongs in those groups.And there is more...For example "Beavis and Butthead".I think there is no need to explain what kind of idiotism those cartoons propagates.

So,when you object those things,those elements of political indoctrination which can change people's view of every aspect with damaging people's soul,automatically those who want to install its own liberal "virtues" start to yell :"There is no democracy!There is no free media!There is no free thought!This is not modern and this is not progressive",and so on...In our country,when we stand against those kind of stupidities,pro-EU and pro-liberal forces start to attack us in all media('cause they control almost every media) saying that we are "destructive","non-constructive",that we don't want "to move on in the future" and that we won't get out from our past(as our past is bonded to our religion and respect of moral way of life) and son...

I'll tell you this.One wrong step is preparation for making the another.
It means when you enter in a "smaller" sinful behavior or just accept it by liking it and in the beginning maybe just laughing at it,it is the first step to a "bigger"(second) level of sinful behavior.When you enter the "second level",you are prepared for the third,and so on.
So,you society became like that,that you start to accept the new Babylonian culture,or just NWO.

I think if people don't like a show or think it's morally degrading they should take it off of the air not by force of law but by not watching it and therefore depriving it of advertising dollars. At least in a secular country. And I don't believe that a Christian theocracy in Russia would  be a good thing, no matter what branch.

You are all speaking as if America is the great Satan.  :o
1. Yes,they do ban and censor the things that are not in their interest.It is true,but that is happening where they already have installed the system of their "virtues" in a hole society.

When they reach and concede the critical mass(and media manipulation(like TV shows,news) is the main instrument) which is going to support their idea,then it's very easy to suppress still opposing minority.But,first you have to reach those conditions so you could have enough support("critical mass") for your idea.When you have a critical mass,then you start to call on accepting the reality.And you bring your own "democrats" in your "young democracy".So,you have open road to drive the nation wherever you want.Of course it will be society that is based on Darwinism,theory of evolution and further relativisation of moral laws,as moral is the only way that reconnect us with our source of life(I mean our Creator,God).
So,when you say that so called "liberals" are the biggest censors,you have to know the thing written above how it became and why.
Unfortunately,my country fallen(by force in '99) and liberals(or "leftists" as you call it here) installed its own people so they are doing the same thing like in the western Europe and USA-banning or attacking every thing that speaks against their system.

2. Great Satan?No.
But it is the fact that US society is under the control of satanic forces and most of the ordinary people are pagans because of it.Are you going to tell me that people who governed through Clinton,Albright,Bush(and many others) and tomorrow through Obama or McCain are the servants of God?

I hope my opinion is wrong,but you'll see what will happen in closer future.Whoever wins in this elections(so called "left or right wing") there will be a war with Iran where Israel is going to suffer the most.It's the goal of satanic head that governs trough its two (political)horns.What do you think why Bush have banned the Israeli Government in 2004 to bomb the nuclear installations?Because Iran didn't finish the job with nucl.arsenal that could hurt Israel(after the attack).

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2008, 01:11:39 AM »
One of the biggest problems is that a lot of the every day people, even if they are good Christians, decide not to get involved in politics. The ones that do vote aren't necessarily representative of the whole. If voting was compulsory like it is in some countries then the voting patterns might be different.

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2008, 07:47:59 PM »
I condemn EVIL RUSSIA!!!!!!
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2008, 02:05:29 AM »
I condemn EVIL RUSSIA!!!!!!

Look at your self.

The Vatican has prosecuted the Jews for 2000 years long and the Orthodox nations for 1000 years.

You must first look at your own side, before you start to condemn an other party.
You do not even know why you condemn Russia.
It is important to always know what you are saying.
A simple shout, with out any arguments or facts is not going to impress us.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 03:32:04 AM by DALMACIJA »

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2008, 06:13:17 AM »
Russia will introduce lessons of patriotism in all the schools of Russia.
They declared that the cartoon programs like South Park are promoting religious intolerance and the other cartoon program “The Simpsons” is violating the rights of the Children. Source Telegraf of London   

Just wait until they introduce the truth about the Jews and what they really put in their matzot for Pesach (Passover).  Did you know little Christian Russian boys go missing, because evil Jews steal them to put in the Challah bread and Matzot?  Don't worry you will learn all about it on National RUssian Orthodox television.   

I know I said I would not post here, but I couldn't resist.  And I second the posts of others for this message.  Down With Russia!  All Russia's censorship is product of fascism.  Yes, I think Simpsons is kind of a stupid show, but the problem with Putin and his allies is that they are controlling their people like drones and programming into their minds what to think.  What they are teaching them is nothing more than what Cambodians were taught in time of PolPot.  Live and die for your country and do all for your leader and don't bother thinking, because your brain is meaningless.  Its funny that a government sponsored by lying, cheating, thievery is going to put nationalist channels teaching its people morality.  Putin himself has been known to have many affairs and the Russian mafia has lot of power and authority in the country.  WHy not the government teach itself some morals first, before it points the finger at its lowly servile peasants.   Even Russia, with its lack of dirty television shows, rap music and western culture, has a higher rate of alcoholism, divorce and domestic violence than the USA and many western countries.  Russia, Belarus and many other Eastern bloc countries have the highest divorce rates in the world.  As for morality,  I think prostution of Russian women is some of the highest in the world.  There is reports of Russian prostitutes going as far as India to service customers.  I suppose you Serbians will blame all this on America too?  People love pointing fingers. 

Dalamacija,I have one question, if you were  in America right now, would you vote for Barack Obama or John McCain?  You know Obama is for promoting Islam, a relgion that will put an end to all dirty western television shows.  Obama also wants close ties with Russia and wants to do all he can to ally with them.  ON the other hand, McCain hates Russia and has said many times that Putin is a low-life communist KGB punk.  I am intersted to hear what American candidate you would elect, if you had, lets say a gun to your head, force to choose one?  Please I like to hear your answer.

 :dance: :dance:   DOWN WITH RUSSIA AND ALL ITS LEFT-WING ALLIES!     :dance: :dance:

« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 07:10:56 AM by AryehYehudah »

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2008, 06:24:10 AM »
Orthodox countries like Serbia and Russia must be ruled by a king who is loyal to the Orthodox Church and the nation. With this way of governing we can be sure that the power is in the hands of the domestic nation. Orthodox countries had never the same aditutte towards their minorities like for example Nazi Germnay during WW2.

It is not realistic to compare Orthodox Christian rule with the Islamic law.
I think that that is not realistic anymore. Those are two completely opposite ways of governing. So there is no need to fair Orthodox authorization if you have good intentions.

I remember one of my favorite lines in a Jewish movie.  The Jewish Student asks "Rabbi, is there a proper blessing for the Tzar?" .  The Rabbi pauses and says, "A blessing for the Tzar?",  (Pause), "Why of course, May G-d bless the Tzar and keep him FAR AWAY FROM US!"

Forward to 3:45 of the video to see this.  Let us Jews never forget our life under the rule of Orthodox CHristian king..  MY grandparents will not!

« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 06:45:27 AM by AryehYehudah »

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2008, 06:30:29 AM »
With Obama in the White House and the sick Liberal congress we have now we may all soon be facing the wrong end of a gun. Your post is excellent and it tells it how it is! I am glad you decided to  speak your mind on this issue.
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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #20 on: October 02, 2008, 06:38:07 AM »
I condemn EVIL RUSSIA!!!!!!

Look at your self.

The Vatican has prosecuted the Jews for 2000 years long and the Orthodox nations for 1000 years.

You must first look at your own side, before you start to condemn an other party.
You do not even know why you condemn Russia.
It is important to always know what you are saying.
A simple shout, with out any arguments or facts is not going to impress us.
Why dont you look at all the Jews persecuted and killed by the Soviets. The masterminds behind that have the same mindset as Mr. KGB Vladimir Putin. Why do you think he wants to unite the evil USSR again. He tried to start off with attacking Georgia. Then he threatens Poland. What's next Latvia? Also another famous arguement, THEY FUND IRANIAN NAZI TERRORIST NUCLEAR PROGRAM. THEY ARE ALSO IN TALKS WITH THAT SCUMBAG HUGO CHAVEZ. None of these will be good for Serbia either. It is not me who is supporting an evil empire it is YOU.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #21 on: October 02, 2008, 06:44:16 AM »
I condemn EVIL RUSSIA!!!!!!

Look at your self.

The Vatican has prosecuted the Jews for 2000 years long and the Orthodox nations for 1000 years.

You must first look at your own side, before you start to condemn an other party.
You do not even know why you condemn Russia.
It is important to always know what you are saying.
A simple shout, with out any arguments or facts is not going to impress us.
Why dont you look at all the Jews persecuted and killed by the Soviets. The masterminds behind that have the same mindset as Mr. KGB Vladimir Putin. Why do you think he wants to unite the evil USSR again. He tried to start off with attacking Georgia. Then he threatens Poland. What's next Latvia? Also another famous arguement, THEY FUND IRANIAN NAZI TERRORIST NUCLEAR PROGRAM. THEY ARE ALSO IN TALKS WITH THAT SCUMBAG HUGO CHAVEZ. None of these will be good for Serbia either. It is not me who is supporting an evil empire it is YOU.


Braco Srbi ovaj decko lupa kao otvoren prozor tako da je jedva ostao ziv...
Pogledaj te koje su ovo gluposti...

Ipak covijek se moze sa ovakvim maloumnicima dobro nasmijati...

Ko misli da su ovi ljudi nasi saveznici mora da je OPICEN u glavi!!!

Offline AryehYehudah

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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #22 on: October 02, 2008, 06:46:31 AM »
Russia is evil country.. Everyone, I  found a wonderful video from the founder of the site, Chaim ben Pesach.  It is in Hebrew but in English subtitles so you can understand.  It is wonderful video where Chaim describes the truth of this evil Jew-hating country called Russia.  This is a country who once sided with Hitler and has for generations even today seeked to wipe Jews off the planet.    Fast foward the video to 6:00 to see where Chaim starts to address his view of the evil Red empire from hell.

In Russia, I will always be a "zhid"!

P.S. Do people who post in Serbian, mind putting English translations when responding to english speakers.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 06:52:54 AM by AryehYehudah »


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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #23 on: October 02, 2008, 06:52:29 AM »
In Russia, I will always be a "zhid"!

Thats their shame not yours...

At least they were not puting you in death camps like good brave Catholic Croats..


  • Master JTFer
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Re: USA's and immoral cartoons will be forbidden in Russia
« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2008, 06:58:18 AM »
In Russia, I will always be a "zhid"!

This is what you Jews were wearing in Croatia, so that the Nazis could recognize you!
You do not want to talke about this, only about Russia.

Zidovs you were called by the Croatian Catholic Nazis who murdered both Jews and Serbs in deathcamps. You Jews were just like us Serbs considered bu the regime as the state's enemies. According to the laws of Vatican's Croatia Serbs and Jews should be executed for the savety of the Croatian Catholic state.

This genocide is something that the Russians had never organized against you.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 07:19:06 AM by DALMACIJA »