This happens nearly weekly in every greater German city. This Muslims have an obsession with knifes and don't act like sane people.
they aren't sane Pheasant. knife attacks are "up close and personal," as we all know from the O.J. case. The report said 2 were arrested, but one has been released. WHY? the arresting officers need to investigate and finish up their case. then turn over what they've got to the prosecutor so they can build a case and get a conviction.
you ever see these Muslims lose it, start screaming at strangers, their wives, whoever is unfortunate enough to be in the path, they are uncivilized, like animals, living among us.

carry pepper spray or whatever else you've got to protect yourself. Muslims aren't the only ones that lose their minds. I was in a gas station in Westwood, CA, an upscale area, and the Indian that was servicing my car, i.e, supposed to be filling the tank and looking under the hood, just lost it, so I sped off. Just get away from people that go crazy for no apparent reason, only to them

stay safe.