Author Topic: Obama's tyrannical "Truth Squads" will arrest anyone "Bad Mouthing" Obama!!  (Read 1142 times)

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Offline yamyam1

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Screw the 1st amendment! if you live in Missouri and call Obama a Muslim, you might just end up in jail...

If this Nut ends up being president, we're all going to hell in a hand basket...

another report by FOX:


« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 09:44:47 PM by yamyam »

Offline yamyam1

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What they said is that they would set the record straight.

Yeah, in court!

Offline yamyam1

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Just so you'll know, I wasn't talking to myself, k...?

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Posted on: Today at 09:53:09 PM
Posted by: zachor_ve_kavod
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Well, they didn't say that they would be arresting anybody who didn't tell the truth.  What they said is that they would set the record straight.

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Just so you'll know, I wasn't talking to myself, k...?

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Posted on: Today at 09:53:09 PM
Posted by: zachor_ve_kavod
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Well, they didn't say that they would be arresting anybody who didn't tell the truth.  What they said is that they would set the record straight.

I deleted my comment from before because I realized it was beside the point.  They didn't make it explicit that they would be arresting anybody they thought was lying, but the whole "truth squad" notion has some ugly overtones to it. 

Offline Ulli

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Of course Obama will not cut taxes for people who earn less than 250000$ the year. Socialists say this everytime before an election. I can tell.

Obama has really no other choice, than to raise taxes and dues for all people in order to provide welfare and the social programms the Democrats have promised.

In the end the normal working people will pay the bill, because self-employed people and very rich people are able to control the ammount of taxes i.e. through investments. In addition to that ancillary labor costs will eat your last penny, because of laws for social security.

This is the truth.

"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline yamyam1

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Just so you'll know, I wasn't talking to myself, k...?

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Posted on: Today at 09:53:09 PM
Posted by: zachor_ve_kavod
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Well, they didn't say that they would be arresting anybody who didn't tell the truth.  What they said is that they would set the record straight.

I deleted my comment from before because I realized it was beside the point.  They didn't make it explicit that they would be arresting anybody they thought was lying, but the whole "truth squad" notion has some ugly overtones to it. 

I'm pretty sure there was one guy that already got arrested or prosecuted,
did you notice the squad includes the sheriff and the state prosecutor?