So with November elections coming up, how many folks here will be buying guns?
I will be buying a Czech VZ-58 in 7.62 x 39 in the next few days as the elections come closer. More importantly, I will be buying a LOT of ammo as it's going to be in short supply. I am taking no chances.

After my income taxes, I hope to buy another AK47 of some sort and maybe a H&K 91 .308 rifle.
I want to buy an AK. Is this one recommended?
That one is actually not an AK47, it resembles it in looks but completely different firearm. It's a Czech VZ58 which the Czechs used during the cold war (very uncommon at the time as soviets generally forced other communist countries to use the AK47). The system is different than the ak47's and is closer to a SKS or the STG44 (German MP44) than an AK47.
If you would like an AK47, check out some of the offerings from here. They have a deal right now (until monday) to buy a Romanian WASR-10 (AK47 copy) for $350.00, lowest price you will see. Most are retailing for about $400.00, make sure you don't live in a state that it's banned. You will need to have the rifle shipped to an FFL dealer which you can find via your zipcode through, they generally charge 25 dollars to transfer the weapon to you and you go through a backgound check.
If you need ammo, theres a deal on Romanian 7.62 x 39 ammo for 129 bucks (700 rounds), that's pretty damn cheap! It's good quality stuff too.
You can't go wrong with the Romanian AK's but you may have to check for canted sights and sometimes magazine wobble. If you want a better quality AK47, theres a few American clones which I can recommend to you but there in the 500-600 dollar range.
You can buy AK47 magazines on or