Author Topic: FINALLY NH FELL TO OBAMA TOO! Palin's good performance won't help McCain  (Read 1407 times)

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Rasmussen polls confirms McCain is loosing in NH by 10 points! It is very very bad!
Palin's excellent [performance will not help much, the economic crisis mocked McCain for good. he can not bounce back-in 30 days.
the only way is Israel to attack on Iran! Israel will haev to do it anyway because if obama wins they are long gone.
if Israel plans to attack after the election before Obama gets in to the office  that is a stupid plan. because Obama will force Israel to obey his rules , he won't be Bush!

Offline q_q_

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Re: FINALLY NH FELL TO OBAMA TOO! Palin's good performance won't help McCain
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2008, 11:22:43 AM »
Rasmussen polls confirms McCain is loosing in NH by 10 points! It is very very bad!
Palin's excellent [performance will not help much, the economic crisis mocked McCain for good. he can not bounce back-in 30 days.
the only way is Israel to attack on Iran! Israel will haev to do it anyway because if obama wins they are long gone.
if Israel plans to attack after the election before Obama gets in to the office  that is a stupid plan. because Obama will force Israel to obey his rules , he won't be Bush!

nobody really opposed america for starting in iraq.. the thing they didn't like was staying there and american soldiers dying to bring peace there because they think they owe it to the arabs!!

they haven't been staying in iraq for israel.

But anyhow, it would be good if israel takes out iran's semi-baked nuclear reactor

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Re: FINALLY NH FELL TO OBAMA TOO! Palin's good performance won't help McCain
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2008, 12:13:47 PM »
One of the major reasons president Bush to go to Iraq is Israel! Saddam Hussein was  funding suicide bombers to blow up themselves in Israel and Israel begged US to for help!
Oil and Israel  what else it could be to go to Iraq?
Anyway, Israel will be in a deep hole regardless if Obama wins. So their best chance to survive without giving in is ONLY to be effective and be a gamechanger now. After the election before Obama gets into the office if they attack on Iran , it will be worse for Israel.
Another way to go is live by giving in to Palestine and withdraw from the so called occupied soil! Obama will demand Israel to do that!

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Re: FINALLY NH FELL TO OBAMA TOO! Palin's good performance won't help McCain
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2008, 01:44:34 PM »
The bailout bill passes from the house , may be McCain can put behind the economic collapse and start going up at pols,
WE shall see! I am not that hopeful , the damage has been done , Obama already is ahead! But we can work hard , make calls , donate and ask our local temples to endorse senator McCain as Catholic churches did ,

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Re: FINALLY NH FELL TO OBAMA TOO! Palin's good performance won't help McCain
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2008, 10:15:16 PM »
One of the major reasons president Bush to go to Iraq is Israel! Saddam Hussein was  funding suicide bombers to blow up themselves in Israel and Israel begged US to for help!
Oil and Israel  what else it could be to go to Iraq?

Oil and WMD..

Though WMD was based on faulty intelligence, they thought he had them when they went in.

Anyway, Israel will be in a deep hole regardless if Obama wins. So their best chance to survive without giving in is ONLY to be effective and be a gamechanger now. After the election before Obama gets into the office if they attack on Iran , it will be worse for Israel.
Another way to go is live by giving in to Palestine and withdraw from the so called occupied soil! Obama will demand Israel to do that!

if israel withdrew from the "west bank", the threat of iran wouldn't go away.

(and obviously the "palestinians" wouldn't change their mission to remove israel)

I've thought for a while that a possible solution, a stupid one, is to withdraw as far as you're willing to.. Then say that that is as far as you'll go, no more. Then the arabs start a war, and lose.  And Israel smashes even more than in 1967, and gets rid of them from the land.    Unfortunately with a nuclear iran and potentially other well armed arab countries, that may not be an option anymore, or for much longer.
Unilateral withdrawal is essentially withdrawing to the end point, but the idiot govt want to live with them. So I don't know if they'd fight the war that follows, like a war.

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Re: FINALLY NH FELL TO OBAMA TOO! Palin's good performance won't help McCain
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2008, 05:47:15 PM »
It is not 1967! If Obama is elected, isarel will be in a deep dark hole, may not evne be exist with the same borders!
mark my post and rememver me by November 5th, 2008! Pray for everyday, Obama 's defeat! Novemebr 4th is te last day of Israel with her currant borders!
Mark my post! >:(

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Re: FINALLY NH FELL TO OBAMA TOO! Palin's good performance won't help McCain
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2008, 07:59:36 PM »
It is not 1967! If Obama is elected, isarel will be in a deep dark hole, may not evne be exist with the same borders!
mark my post and rememver me by November 5th, 2008! Pray for everyday, Obama 's defeat! Novemebr 4th is te last day of Israel with her currant borders!
Mark my post! >:(

if you're talking israel's borders then you're not talking iran.

iran is the number one threat.

israel's borders will shrink whoever is elected, the difference, like the difference with the israeli government, is at what rate.

e.g. both labour and likud push for israel to commit national suicide, they both do the same thing, just at a different pace.

sharon's plan was to say he wanted a palestinian state then delay it for as long as possible.

netanyahu's seems to be to not say he wants a palestinian state, then work  on a plan for one (e.g. oslo or other american plan) but soon after starting it, delaying/stalling it for as long as possible(e.g. his concept of reciprocity - we won't give land if they don't stop terrorism).

at the moment any israeli government is going for unlateral withdrawal..
i.e. even independent of "palestinians"
but they're having trouble selling it to the people, but amazing jewish residents there (so-called "settlers") are making it difficult for them.

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Re: FINALLY NH FELL TO OBAMA TOO! Palin's good performance won't help McCain
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2008, 08:05:51 PM »
My friend, I have relatives in Haifa! I know for sure 100%, if Obama ever gets elected, Israel will be forced to obey his administration and we will have to give back land soon to Palestine! Do not forget Obama connection with Rahsid Khalidi and Hatem El Hady!
Israel will be in a dark hole under Obama presidency! Obama already promissed Palestine to give their so called land back! Islamic money and donors are backing Obama! get real!

Offline q_q_

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Re: FINALLY NH FELL TO OBAMA TOO! Palin's good performance won't help McCain
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2008, 04:50:18 AM »
My friend, I have relatives in Haifa! I know for sure 100%, if Obama ever gets elected, Israel will be forced to obey his administration and we will have to give back land soon to Palestine! Do not forget Obama connection with Rahsid Khalidi and Hatem El Hady!
Israel will be in a dark hole under Obama presidency! Obama already promissed Palestine to give their so called land back! Islamic money and donors are backing Obama! get real!

I agree there.  McCain and Palin are better than Obama.
But both go the direction of a "palestinian" state

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Re: FINALLY NH FELL TO OBAMA TOO! Palin's good performance won't help McCain
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2008, 05:53:57 AM »
My friend, I have relatives in Haifa! I know for sure 100%, if Obama ever gets elected, Israel will be forced to obey his administration and we will have to give back land soon to Palestine! Do not forget Obama connection with Rahsid Khalidi and Hatem El Hady!
Israel will be in a dark hole under Obama presidency! Obama already promissed Palestine to give their so called land back! Islamic money and donors are backing Obama! get real!

When is McCain going to make the connection between Obama and Rahsid Khalidi(and all the other terrorist connections).  McCain himself.  >:(  He must be the one who connects the dots.  By doing so, he will force Obama and the media's hand to speak to the issue.
It is not too late.  People aren't aware of the facts.  They are out there.  McCain has to put them all in a box.  Gift wrap it.  Put a big bow on it...and leave it on Obama's door.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.