It is not 1967! If Obama is elected, isarel will be in a deep dark hole, may not evne be exist with the same borders!
mark my post and rememver me by November 5th, 2008! Pray for everyday, Obama 's defeat! Novemebr 4th is te last day of Israel with her currant borders!
Mark my post! 
if you're talking israel's borders then you're not talking iran.
iran is the number one threat.
israel's borders will shrink whoever is elected, the difference, like the difference with the israeli government, is at what rate.
e.g. both labour and likud push for israel to commit national suicide, they both do the same thing, just at a different pace.
sharon's plan was to say he wanted a palestinian state then delay it for as long as possible.
netanyahu's seems to be to not say he wants a palestinian state, then work on a plan for one (e.g. oslo or other american plan) but soon after starting it, delaying/stalling it for as long as possible(e.g. his concept of reciprocity - we won't give land if they don't stop terrorism).
at the moment any israeli government is going for unlateral withdrawal..
i.e. even independent of "palestinians"
but they're having trouble selling it to the people, but amazing jewish residents there (so-called "settlers") are making it difficult for them.