Author Topic: Is congress under martial law?? What?  (Read 1483 times)

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Offline Shlomo

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Is congress under martial law?? What?
« on: October 05, 2008, 05:13:53 PM »
Now you know I'm not one for conspiracy theories, and I asked Chaim about this last night and he though it might just be another one. Neither one of us had heard about this before and it sounded nuts.

Today I got this link from a good friend of mine. I want to offer it up for discussion because it's a clip of footage live from congress itself.

Congress under Martial Law to pass banker bailout bill

What do you think? This is scary stuff.
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Offline AsheDina

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2008, 05:35:25 PM »
  It is not a 'conspiracy' -Congress- (the Republicans have literally been held up)- like a 'house arrest' THIS IS VERY SCARY.   People SHOULD be OUTRAGED at this.  I saw this, and it made me want to vomit- people- I AM TELLING YOU, that something TERRIBLE is happening.
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Offline AsheDina

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2008, 05:40:47 PM »
  It is not a 'conspiracy' -Congress- (the Republicans have literally been held up)- like a 'house arrest' THIS IS VERY SCARY.   People SHOULD be OUTRAGED at this.  I saw this, and it made me want to vomit- people- I AM TELLING YOU, that something TERRIBLE is happening.

Shlomo- it means that CONGRESS IS UNDER A MARTIAL LAW - not 'the people' that has NOT happened----------yet.  I am sorry- please forgive me, but anarchy IS going to happen in this nation. YOU PEOPLE had BETTER WAKE UP.
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Offline Roadwarrior

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2008, 06:47:19 PM »

I think he was probably just using a metaphor
to say the Speaker put them under "martial law".
I don't take it literally

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2008, 07:01:05 PM »
From what I understand:  Martial law in this case is a power (of the house speaker?) that can be imposed in exceptional situations to force a vote by Congress.   That right was invoked in this exceptional scenario/financial crisis.   Thus, congress was forced to decide on whether to support the billions bailout bill or not.   Problem in this case is that congressmen weren't given enough time to actually review the bill, and as one of the Republicans points out in his complaints, judging from the substance of discussions that ensued in the leadup to the vote, there was never any interest in a real debate on the content of the bill, but more about how it would be presented to the public once it was presumably passed.    So this was intended by the house leaders and executive branch to be passed - one way or another - even if it meant imposing a martial law - forced vote - in which sufficient time was not allowed for review of the hundreds of pages worth of the bill, and in addition, that the discussions that did take place would be meaningless ones that wouldn't actually debate it.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2008, 09:01:06 PM »
Good stuff. Yes, it's not martial law on the people. I don't think that's going to happen. This is all within congress.
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Offline momofsixbabes

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2008, 09:16:01 PM »
The one world government system is coming just as the bible prophecies. I have been my best to educate those around me about Obama and the dangers of electing him. I  can see that this huge government spending is obviously controlled by the elite groups that want a one world currency and system.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2008, 10:50:49 PM »
How long have I been telling you of this corruption and underhandedness by the Elitists over the government and peoples of the United States?  I've been called a "conspiracy" theorist and a "911" truther and even one called me a Nazi.  G00d G-d!!

It is such a sham. Such a corrupted SHAM!!
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline ~Hanna~

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2008, 10:57:10 PM »
Yes, everything is broken and corrupt, but I still have hope that it will all be corrected one day.
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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2008, 01:38:07 AM »
Things will come around full circle and correct itself and then things will get better again.  At least I hope that's what will happen...might take a bit of time.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline t_h_j

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2008, 01:43:13 AM »
  It is not a 'conspiracy' -Congress- (the Republicans have literally been held up)- like a 'house arrest' THIS IS VERY SCARY.   People SHOULD be OUTRAGED at this.  I saw this, and it made me want to vomit- people- I AM TELLING YOU, that something TERRIBLE is happening.

Shlomo- it means that CONGRESS IS UNDER A MARTIAL LAW - not 'the people' that has NOT happened----------yet.  I am sorry- please forgive me, but anarchy IS going to happen in this nation. YOU PEOPLE had BETTER WAKE UP.

no it doesn't... thats like saying that the "nuclear option" means literally nuking congress.

Offline jaime

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2008, 07:12:51 AM »
Paulette has every reason to be alarmed.  Dr. Dan and Hanna are hoping for the best.  Forget it.  Did you see that "rescue" bill?  who does it rescue?  $50+ million for very rich Hollywood producers, millions for alcohol manufacturers (rum,)  wooden arrows and all the rest of the $hit they piled on, including saving the homes of NINJA credit/loan applicants. 

I want to hear more from Paulette and what alarms her so much.  No it's not going to get better.  $700 Billion, while Paulsen and the vultures circle, to get their share.  What about ACORN?  They wanted some of our tax payer money, too. 

Sen. McCain cannot fight a DICTATOR, A MARXIST, A SOCIALIST, A COMMUNIST, A TERRORIST, A MUSLIM, single handedly.  His only hope is Sarah Palin.  Let us all pray for Sarah to TELL THE TRUTH because, on that stage, with creepy "stare down" and "shout down" Barack "Barry" Hussein Obama, Sen. McCain, is up against a MONSTER.  Sarah Palin went though torture with being slandered, maligned and humiliated by the media.  She lived through it, debated liar "patriot" Biden most efficiently, and can now RESCUE AMERICA.  it's already been flushed down the toilet, but she is our friend and Israel's friend. 

I joined this site by a simple google:  "jews against obama."  that's what i typed.  I was curious and nervous, as to why I never heard Barack Hussein Hussein Hussein (this is what Jeremiah Wright called him, so I am just repeating what he said :o) EVER mention Israel.  That worried me and I also didn't know what was going on in Florida.  There are many elderly Jewish people that live there, but we heard nothing.  Now the Jewish people are applauding Obama.  What is wrong with them?  I saw this on Hannity's America, Sunday night.

What are we supposed to do if he gets elected.  The whole country has already been given away to the shvatzas, as my father used to say, when he was alive.  Thank G-d my parents, one died and the other on her deathbed, doesn't know the shvatzas are "gonna paint the White House black."  This is all so sick.

I need to find that Glenn Beck video w/Michelle Obama acting as Obama's surrogate, speaking with elderly folks and others, about her husband's socialist agenda.  "Our families are off limits."  No, we must not ask any questions of Obama, but his wife is out there spewing this lunacy to uninformed Americans.   You try to talk to a liberal and they tell you, as Republicans, we are responsible for 9/11 and Bush constructed this elaborate plan to kill innocent citizens.  That's the response you get trying to educate left wing lunatic democrats on Obama.  It is hopeless.  They will not listen.

What will become of the USA?  Do we now give 75% of our pay to taxes so the idiots in Congress and the Senate can drive SUV's, fly private jets, eat at 5 star restaurants, light up their houses like Christmas trees (Al Gore,) and we should lower our thermostats and freeze during the bitter cold winters while they are all snug and toasty in their mansions.  :beast:   while we drive small dangerous crap cans because we can't afford to fill the tank. 
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 07:19:19 AM by jaime »

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2008, 07:22:16 AM »
Very good starting point Jaime.  Now you can progress to the conclusion that America is an Oligarchy not the Constitutional Republic it was mandated to be. 

There is essentially no difference between the "Left wing" Democrats and "Right wing" Republicans, in deed, if one goes back through history within the past 60+ years.  They are, in fact, two wings of the same bird.  This is what Paulette, in my opinion, has recently discovered.

Palin and McCain will make no difference and why should anyone think so?  Does history not dictate the future with Bush playing the exact same 8 years ago being the "Right Wing" "Republican" that he has "turned out to be"?

All a sham imo. 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline AsheDina

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2008, 08:01:14 AM »
  It is not a 'conspiracy' -Congress- (the Republicans have literally been held up)- like a 'house arrest' THIS IS VERY SCARY.   People SHOULD be OUTRAGED at this.  I saw this, and it made me want to vomit- people- I AM TELLING YOU, that something TERRIBLE is happening.

Shlomo- it means that CONGRESS IS UNDER A MARTIAL LAW - not 'the people' that has NOT happened----------yet.  I am sorry- please forgive me, but anarchy IS going to happen in this nation. YOU PEOPLE had BETTER WAKE UP.

no it doesn't... thats like saying that the "nuclear option" means literally nuking congress.

  BTW: IF I said they are BAKED POTATOS, you would say: NO MASHED.  >:( :P
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Offline ~Hanna~

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Re: Is congress under martial law?? What?
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2008, 04:40:33 PM »
Well, a whole lotta good that bailout bill did.....

Wallstreet is on shaky ground again....

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