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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2008, 02:35:33 PM »
Ok, heres one for a LAUGH   :laugh: 

Paulette : )

You got talent with the programm of  fotoshop......!!

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #26 on: October 10, 2008, 02:36:33 PM »
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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2008, 02:41:51 PM »
Shalom dear JTF friends (Orthodox,Catholic,Protestant,Jewish,Hindu, et al)

I posted the article on JTF below back in early September but I feel that it is very pertinent to this discussion.For example, our very own CIA worked together with Pakistan in order to create the Taliban and al Qaeda [See articles from the pro-Israel sites cited below for documented evidence of this fact].

Before we condemn Russia as an "evil" nation for supporting Iran we need to look at our own decades long history in covertly supporting and co-operating with Iran in spreading Islamofascist terrorist groups all over the globe, otherwise we are really being hypocritical...(something about "throwing stones" and "glass houses" comes to mind)...

IMPORTANT: Read the articles at the links below below  first:

"Why Bush Sr.'s 1991 Gulf War? To Protect Iranian Islamism.

"Like father, like son: this is also the purpose of Bush Jr.'s war."


Israpundit article - USA has penchant for creating Islamist Terrorist States all over the globe.

An eye-opening article published by Israpundit at the beginning of this year (before Israpundit was ruined by a certain person calling himself "yamit82"). It helps put the entire Russia vs Georgia conflict in a new light - especially US support for the murderous, genocidal thug - Mikhail Saakashvili - who deliberately destroyed the Jewish Quarter - the home of 20 Jewish families - along with hundreds of other civilian residences in Tskhinvali, South Ossetia with rocket and artillery fire on the morning of August 8, while these people were sleeping.This was several days before Russia intervened.This has now been completely hidden and covered up by the Western media and the Bush administration.

Please note especially the web links contained in comment #5 by 'enigmax' [Max Rosenthal]. (

Kosovo’s Nazi Past is its Present
By Ted Belman

Julia Gorin, a specialist on Kosovo, has a new article, Nazis Love America, in which she traces the relationship between Kosovo and the Nazis and wonders why the US is its chief sponsor.

For that matter, one wonders why US is the chief sponsor of Fatah? Oh, we know that they also have Nazis roots. For that matter so does the CIA.

Apparently the USA has a penchant for creating Islamist states.


Max Rosenthal's comment (Please click on the link below in order to be able to click on all of the articles highlighted in red in Max's comments)

"...A lot of people have wondered about how it is possible that the US government can covertly support fascist-racist Nazis & Islamist terrorists while simultaneously claiming to be fighting against them. People often wonder why US politicians like Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Joe Biden and Tom Lantos can say they are against Islamist terror whilst simultaneously supporting it in the Balkans (ex-Yugoslavia).

The US government foreign policy establishment has supported the creation of Nazi & Islamist fundamentalist states and backed the perpetrators of terrorism in numerous countries (not just in the Middle East) spanning several decades.

It is also beyond dispute that the US government has cooperated with Iran for decades in spreading Islamist terror against target countries. The “US dependence on Arab oil” rationale to explain these sustained policies of supporting Islamist terror and the creation of fundamentalist Muslim states all over the globe over several decades falls flat on its face for a whole host of reasons.

We are analysing policies made by US officials, who presumably are fully grown adults intelligent enough to know the consequences of their policies (actions);policies that have been the result of systematic and painstakingly constructed geostrategic planning by expert specialists in the field of geopolitical grand strategy and psychological operations warfare departments over many years.

We are not analysing the acts of a hapless naive teenager who has fallen into a bad crowd and got caught smoking crack, mugging old ladies and stealing cars who naively could not forsee the consequences of his actions or at least somehow (inexplicably) had good intentions or benign ulterior motives in committing these acts, but somehow “screwed up”.

How for example can it make any sense that the U.S. foreign policy establishment intended to support and strengthen fundamentalist Iran well before the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war?

Did it make sense to first nurture and support al Qaida during the 1980’s in Afghanistan and the 1990’s in Europe (Balkans, i.e. Bosnia, Kosovo)without expecting adverse consequences in the future like 9/11 and the train bombings of Madrid and London?

Or are the US foreign policy establishment planners all just incredibly stupid imbeciles who could not have forseen such consequences, or if they were intelligent enough to see the consequences of their actions, did their “cost-benefit” analyses deem a few thousand civilian deaths in the US and Europe “the price of doing business” for political elite self-interests (often confused with the “national interest” of America and its people)?

Does it make sense for the American political establishment,which claims to be an avowed enemy of Islamism and terrorism, to steep an entire generation of Afghanis in Islamist terrorist violence by shipping millions of US made fundamentalist Jihadist textbooks into Afghanistan’s Islamic religious schools for the last 26 years: all funded and paid for by American taxpayers?

Does it make sense to continue to ship these millions of fundamentalist textbooks despite the terrorist atrocity of 9/11?

Does it make sense that the media doesn’t discuss this? Does it make sense that the “neocons” - the supposed enemies of Islamism - never halted this policy and never called for an immediate government investigation? And why did Bush lie about it if he is genuinely opposed to the spread of Islamism in Afghanistan and elsewhere?

Does it make sense that the above is not a major media scandal the likes of Watergate, BCCI,Savings & Loan and Iran-Contra, but is instead kept quiet?

Oops,”we have screwed up”, “unintended consequences”, or “benign ulterior motives”?

Does it make sense that the US planned Islamist fundamentalist rule - complete with repressive Sharia law - for Afghanistan long before the Soviet invasion of 1979 and that this is now being already implemented despite the terrorist atrocity of 9/11?

Does it make sense that the US government has the same plan of Islamist fundamentalist rule for Iraq as they have in Afghanistan?

Does it make sense that the US is doing the same in neighboring Central Asian states like Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan?

Fundamentalist Iran happens to be right next door to the above states as is Afghanistan itself - well what a coincidence! (You know, that supposedly “former” Taliban place where the Taliban form part of the new government and where we shipped millions of Islamist fundamentalist textbooks for the last 26 years at taxpayers’ expense and why we also backed a conference in December of 2002 in Rome advocating Sharia law for Afghanistan.)

Does it make sense that we never heard anything about this on the evening news?

Oops, “we have screwed up”, “unintended consequences”, or “ulterior motives” again?

See map of Central Asia here

Does it make sense that Islamists from all over the world hold anti-Western Jihadist terrorist conferences in US-controlled Afghanistan (and the Balkans,i.e., Bosnia & Kosovo) right under the noses of US officials and military without anything being done to prevent such a conference from taking place?

Does it make sense that US government officials in co-operation with Iran, have backed the creation of TWO Islamist terror states right in the heart of Europe for nearly the last 20 years?

Oops, “we have screwed up”, “unintended consequences”, or “benign ulterior motives” (yet again)?

None of it makes sense unless you understand the geostrategic grand strategy plans that the US foreign policy establishment has been implementing for the last three decades in Central Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

These officials have bragged openly about how the US needs to take over Central Asia on the first step to conquering the giant resource rich continent of Eurasia in order to rule the world. They have bragged openly about how they created,nurtured and developed Islamist terrorism as a geopolitical weapon of destabilization against states that the US wishes to conquer and control.

The major obstacle to taking over the giant resource-rich continent of Eurasia is, you guessed it: Russia. Hence the need to surround Russia with hostile US created fundamentalist Islamist states in Central Asia. Remember, the Chechen Muslim terrorists who murdered all those Russian school children a while back? The very same Chechen fundamentalist terrorists have been covertly aided by the US government and that of NATO. Terrorist attacks like the Beslan school atrocity against the Russians will be the norm rather than the exception if US policy planners have their way in Central Asia.

Similarly,the massive ethnic cleansing and mass murder of Serbs and Jews in Kosovo, Croatia/Krajina and Bosnia could never have occurred without covert US government support of the drug running,child-sex slavery racketeering Thaci-Ceku fascist dominated KLA in Kosovo,Tudjman’s Holocaust-denying Nazi “Ustasha” regime in Croatia & Izetbegovic’s Islamofascist Iranian & al Qaeda-backed SDA regime in Bosnia;covert US support, which by the way, began with the Republican George Herbert Walker Bush (Bush Snr) and not Bill Clinton.

Aiding and abetting Islamist fundamentalist terrorists and pouring billions of dollars of US financial aid, military training and advanced weaponry to put these very same terrorists into state power (as occurred in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran & Central Asian states like Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan,etc.) is a bi-partisan affair which transcends party lines.

In order to conquer Eurasia (of which Russia is an integral part) US policy planners say they need to control Central Asia, but in order to control Central Asia, Washington says it needs to control neighboring Afghanistan and Iran [see map here].

The US policy planners know that they can’t crush Iran militarily as easily as they did Iraq and Afghanistan, hence the need for cooperation with Iran’s mullahs (what some people call “appeasement” or “cowardice”)and the need for setting up fundamentalist Islamist states in Central Asia which can be used to destabilize Russia (just as they openly boast about how they destabilized the Soviet Union via al Qaeda - aka “Mujaheddin” - in Afghanistan during the 1980’s, causing the USSR’s eventual collapse) and eventually break up Russia into much smaller and more manageable statelets that Washington can control.

None of this is “conspiracy theory” speculation or conjecture because these officials have bragged about it openly in their own policy papers, books, lectures and in interviews with the European press(which interestingly enough,for some “strange” reason, do not get picked up in any major way by the US establishment media).

I will leave you with the words of the United States’ top geopolitical grand strategist,Zbigniew Brzezinski, who boasts about the US plan for takeover of Eurasia by first taking over Muslim Central Asia (formerly part of the Soviet Union); he also boasts about the fact that Islamism was created in Washington.

Remember, despite having no official cabinet position, Zbigniew Brzezinski (along with Zalmay Khalilzad) is the US foreign policy establishment’s chief geopolitical grand strategist, so it is not just Brzezinski’s mere “opinion” or “personal views” we are examining here in this interview, but rather, the current policies of the US foreign policy establishment.

Watch Brzezinski’s response to the question posed by the French reporter that, is it not true that fundamentalist Islam represents a dire world wide threat?

What does Brzezinski say to this?


Brzezinski’s Interview with Le Nouvel Observateur

Le Nouvel Observateur: Former CIA director Robert Gates states in his memoirs: The American secret services began six months before the Soviet intervention to support the Mujahideen [in Afghanistan]. At that time you were president Carters security advisor; thus you played a key role in this affair. Do you confirm this statement?

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version, the CIA’s support for the Mujahideen began in 1980, i.e. after the Soviet army’s invasion of Afghanistan on 24 December 1979. But the reality, which was kept secret until today, is completely different: Actually it was on 3 July 1979 that president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.

Le Nouvel Observateur: Despite this risk you were a supporter of this covert action? But perhaps you expected the Soviets to enter this war and tried to provoke it?

Zbigniew Brzezinski: It’s not exactly like that. We didn’t push the Russians to intervene but we knowingly increased the probability that they would do it.

Le Nouvel Observateur: When the Soviets justified their intervention with the statement that they were fighting against a secret US interference in Afghanistan, nobody believed them. Nevertheless there was a core of truth to this…Do you regret nothing today?

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Regret what? This secret operation was an excellent idea. It lured the Russians into the Afghan trap, and you would like me to regret that? On the day when the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote president Carter, in essence: “We now have the opportunity to provide the USSR with their Viet Nam war.” Indeed for ten years Moscow had to conduct a war that was intolerable for the regime, a conflict which involved the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet Empire.

Le Nouvel Observateur: And also, don’t you regret having helped future terrorists, having given them weapons and advice?

Zbigniew Brzezinski: What is most important for world history? The Taliban or the fall of the Soviet Empire? Some Islamic hotheads or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

Le Nouvel Observateur: “Some hotheads?” But it has been said time and time again: today Islamic fundamentalism represents a world-wide threat…

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Rubbish! It’s said that the West has a global policy regarding Islam. That’s hogwash: there is no global Islam. Let’s look at Islam in a rational and not a demagogic or emotional way. It is the first world religion with 1.5 billion adherents. But what is there in common between fundamentalist Saudi Arabia, moderate Morocco, militaristic Pakistan, pro-Western Egypt and secularized Central Asia? Nothing more than that which connects the Christian countries…

[End of Brzezinski’s interview with Le Nouvel Observateur]

An examination of selected quotes from the blueprint of the US foreign policy establishment’s geopolitical grand strategy: Brzezinski’s book “The Grand Chessboard,” written in 1997.

“…The last decade of the twentieth century has witnessed a tectonic shift in world affairs. For the first time ever, a non-Eurasian power has emerged not only as a key arbiter of Eurasian power relations but also as the world’s paramount power. The defeat and collapse of the Soviet Union was the final step in the rapid ascendance of a Western Hemisphere power, the United States, as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power… (p. xiii)

“… But in the meantime, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America. The formulation of a comprehensive and integrated Eurasian geostrategy is therefore the purpose of this book. (p. xiv)

“The attitude of the American public toward the external projection of American power has been much more ambivalent. The public supported America’s engagement in World War II largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. (pp 24-5)

“For America, the chief geopolitical prize is Eurasia… Now a non-Eurasian power is preeminent in Eurasia - and America’s global primacy is directly dependent on how long and how effectively its preponderance on the Eurasian continent is sustained. (p.30)

“America’s withdrawal from the world or because of the sudden emergence of a successful rival - would produce massive international instability. It would prompt global anarchy.” (p. 30)

“In that context, how America ‘manages’ Eurasia is critical. Eurasia is the globe’s largest continent and is geopolitically axial. A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world’s three most advanced and economically productive regions. A mere glance at the map also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail Africa’s subordination, rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania geopolitically peripheral to the world’s central continent.

About 75 per cent of the world’s people live in Eurasia, and most of the world’s physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for 60 per cent of the world’s GNP and about three-fourths of the world’s known energy resources.” (p.31)

It is also a fact that America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of America’s power, especially its capacity for military intimidation. Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public’s sense of domestic well-being. The economic self-denial (that is, defense spending) and the human sacrifice (casualties, even among professional soldiers) required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.” (p.35)

“Two basic steps are thus required: first, to identify the geostrategically dynamic Eurasian states that have the power to cause a potentially important shift in the international distribution of power and to decipher the central external goals of their respective political elites and the likely consequences of their seeking to attain them;… second, to formulate specific U.S. policies to offset, co-opt, and/or control the above…” (p. 40)

“…To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.” (p.40)

“Henceforth, the United States may have to determine how to cope with regional coalitions that seek to push America out of Eurasia, thereby threatening America’s status as a global power.” (p.55)

Comment by enigmax — January 16, 2008 @ 11:22 pm

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #28 on: October 10, 2008, 02:58:01 PM »

  I am AGAINST the US rulers or almost dictators now. I know what America WAS/and in many cases STILL is.  We have been throughout our history GOOD people.  I say Putin is EVIL- simply b/c he IS, just like Our own PRES Bush is a NUMBSKULL.  I am 100% PATRIOTIC American, I know what my family sacrificed in OTHER countries so that people would NOT be under fascists and dictators!  People should be GRATEFUL to America in EU especially- did the people over in EU like Hitler or something>? B/c IF America NEVER went over there during WW2- ALL OF EU would be under DICTATORS, and NOT posting on forums.
  I dont like Anti-American sentiment, and ESPECIALLY DO NOT LIKE when people in OTHER countries tell US WHAT TO DO!!!!! It is BECAUSE we have WUSS's in our HIGH offices that we have all of the COMPROMISE.  If America NEVER compromised on almost EVERYTHING it has compromised as of the last 20 yrs we would STILL be the #1 Super-Power, & now we are NOT- this makes me SICKENED!  I was SUPPOSE to inherit a STRONG America- not this compromising JUNK I see now. 

  NOBODY has ANY healthy fear of us now- it is SO BAD that people say WHATEVER they want about AMERICA- and FORGET that it was MY COUNTRY AMERICA that has set the STANDARD -TOTALLY for FREEDOM.  DONT EVER FORGET THAT.   And maybe, just MAYBE some other countries MIGHT remember and come to OUR AID ONCE IN A BLUE MOON!!!!!  >:(
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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2008, 03:00:57 PM »
Our "brave" "anti-terrorist" leaders are kissy...kissy...kissy...not just with the Iranians and Pakistanis for decades but...

15 of the 19 muslim hijackers on 9/11 came from.......guess where...SAUDI ARABIA!!

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2008, 03:02:03 PM »
Our "brave" "anti-terrorist" leaders are kissy...kissy...kissy...not just with the Iranians and Pakistanis for decades but...

15 of the 19 muslim hijackers on 9/11 came from.......guess where...SAUDI ARABIA!!

The first pick was photoshopped

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2008, 03:11:32 PM »
"The first pick was photoshopped"

I am very well aware of that AmericanHero...the first photo was chosen as sarcasm about "kissing" (get it?) up to our muslim enemies because of our [supposed] "dependence on their oil" despite the fact that they have murdered many thousands of our people over the last 30 years.

In any case, the DESPICABLY EVIL muslim Saudi "kings" and "princes" who are so fond of PUBLIC BEHEADINGS and STONINGS of WOMEN have kissed Bush's face on the cheek whilst Bush in return has kissed their evil  BUTT cheeks.

Now that's enough to make one SICK to their stomach and lose their breakfast real quick...

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2008, 03:15:27 PM »
"The first pick was photoshopped"

I am very well aware of that AmericanHero...the first photo was chosen as sarcasm about "kissing" (get it?) up to our muslim enemies because of our [supposed] "dependence on their oil" despite the fact that they have murdered many thousands of our people over the last 30 years.

In any case, the DESPICABLY EVIL muslim Saudi "kings" and "princes" who are so fond of PUBLIC BEHEADINGS and STONINGS of WOMEN have kissed Bush's face on the cheek whilst Bush in return has kissed their evil  BUTT cheeks.

Now that's enough to make one SICK to their stomach and lose their breakfast real quick...

You put that up why not this

Offline Kerber

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #33 on: October 10, 2008, 03:19:12 PM »

  I am AGAINST the US rulers or almost dictators now. I know what America WAS/and in many cases STILL is.  We have been throughout our history GOOD people.  I say Putin is EVIL- simply b/c he IS, just like Our own PRES Bush is a NUMBSKULL.  I am 100% PATRIOTIC American, I know what my family sacrificed in OTHER countries so that people would NOT be under fascists and dictators!  People should be GRATEFUL to America in EU especially- did the people over in EU like Hitler or something>? B/c IF America NEVER went over there during WW2- ALL OF EU would be under DICTATORS, and NOT posting on forums.
Yes,we would be posting on forums.
Today,majority of Europe or more precisely European Union,is made on Hitler's idea.The idea that was put  through Adolf Hitler have won,and we are posting in Europe where this idea is base for society.Now,if you can't see that,I really cant explain...I know that majority of US citizens are not aware of many things.
And another thing.Forums and posting is related to electricity.And for that,you should thank to a Serb-Nikola Tesla. :-)

  NOBODY has ANY healthy fear of us now- it is SO BAD that people say WHATEVER they want about AMERICA- and FORGET that it was MY COUNTRY AMERICA that has set the STANDARD -TOTALLY for FREEDOM.  DONT EVER FORGET THAT.   And maybe, just MAYBE some other countries MIGHT remember and come to OUR AID ONCE IN A BLUE MOON!!!!!  >:(

We fought for our freedom while Europeans didn't know about American continent at all...sorry,but I have to laugh on that statement about "freedom standard".  :-))))

Today,American freedom is atheist liberalism-liberal from moral values.That's why your country is facing the economic collapse.The main reason is absence of moral laws.Roman Empire ended just like that...moral values were on zero level,homosexuals ruled,satanism and corruptness spread in every aspect of life.
Today,economy isn't the no.1 problem in USA or EU,it's moral problem,because societies are based on hedonism,egoism and disrespect of moral laws(and moral law doesn't have an alternative).
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 03:35:02 PM by Kerber »

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #34 on: October 10, 2008, 03:27:58 PM »
Russia IS & has ALWAYS been EVIL. PERIOD.

Some induvidual members of your nation were not evil to the Serbs and the Russians?

again fascist statements: Russia is evil or all muslims are terrotists !
What will you say tomorrow all Serbs are warcriminals or all the people who control the world are Jews ? ?

Who the hell do you think you are?
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2


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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #35 on: October 10, 2008, 03:28:16 PM »
"The first pick was photoshopped"

I am very well aware of that AmericanHero...the first photo was chosen as sarcasm about "kissing" (get it?) up to our muslim enemies because of our [supposed] "dependence on their oil" despite the fact that they have murdered many thousands of our people over the last 30 years.

In any case, the DESPICABLY EVIL muslim Saudi "kings" and "princes" who are so fond of PUBLIC BEHEADINGS and STONINGS of WOMEN have kissed Bush's face on the cheek whilst Bush in return has kissed their evil  BUTT cheeks.

Now that's enough to make one SICK to their stomach and lose their breakfast real quick...

You put that up why not this

Brother…Only placing pictures without any serious argumentations is not something that will impress much…

You can also place pictures of Serbs with Nazis Germans and take wrong conclusions based on the pictures.  People are negotiating with each other in order to save what can be saved. It is better to have debates in order to avoid confrontations, than provoking us other and treating each other.  

You American Hero are part Ukraine?
You must know that with Western help and blessings from the Vatican the genocide in Ukraine, which resulted in millions of death Ukrainians,  was carried out.
You must know that the communists were also conducting the shame genocide against the other Orthodox peoples in Russian and Yugoslavia. Russia is not your enemy, you have Orthodox blood in your wanes, you should not take anti- Russian propaganda as your official theory.  

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #36 on: October 10, 2008, 03:33:40 PM »
"You put that up why not this"

Because AhmadinnerJihad comes from Iran and Iran was not where the 15 of the 19 Islamofascist hijackers that attacked us on 9/11 came from - they came from Saudi Arabia , and Bush is kissing their muslim asses even after the attacks, that's why.

Oh and by the way you can post photos of AhmadinnerJihad with Putin all you like since Putin is RUSSIAN and not an American, and Putin did not shake hands with AhmadinnerJihad on AMERICAN SOIL now did he?

Having that in mind, do you care to explain why Bush saw fit to approve the visit by AhmadinnerJihad - the Iranian Islamofascist terrorist - to our very own Columbia University  - arranged by our very own Globalist CFR [Council On Foreign Relations] not that long ago? Can you imagine someone like Saddam Hussein visiting the US to make a speech to an "American" institution like Columbia University? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY DOING BEING INVITED TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO GIVE A "SPEECH" TO AN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY??!!


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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #37 on: October 10, 2008, 03:34:09 PM »
Russia IS & has ALWAYS been EVIL. PERIOD.

Some induvidual members of your nation were not evil to the Serbs and the Russians?

again fascist statements: Russia is evil or all muslims are terrotists !
What will you say tomorrow all Serbs are warcriminals or all the people who control the world are Jews ? ?

Who the hell do you think you are?

Haha you can say what you want but you will not provoke me on internet comrade...

People like you who are expressing their frustrations on the internet have not my sympathy at all.

I feel sorry for you and I think that you hate your life honestly… Why would you waste your time in hate and bitterness..

This is my last post to you.... : ) bye bye.....

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #38 on: October 10, 2008, 03:36:04 PM »
"You put that up why not this"

Because AhmadinnerJihad comes from Iran and Iran was not where the 15 of the 19 Islamofascist hijackers that attacked us on 9/11 came from - they came from Saudi Arabia , and Bush is kissing their muslim donkeys even after the attacks, that's why.

Oh and by the way you can post photos of AhmadinnerJihad with Putin all you like since Putin is RUSSIAN and not an American, and Putin did not shake hands with AhmadinnerJihad on AMERICAN SOIL now did he?

Having that in mind, do you care to explain why Bush saw fit to approve the visit by AhmadinnerJihad - the Iranian Islamofascist terrorist - to our very own Columbia University  - arranged by our very own Globalist CFR [Council On Foreign Relations] not that long ago? Can you imagine someone like Saddam Hussein visiting the US to make a speech to an "American" institution like Columbia University? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY DOING BEING INVITED TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO GIVE A "SPEECH" TO AN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY??!!

Is Iran not the country who vowed to commit a 2nd Holocaust against your brothers and sisters in Israel.?
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #39 on: October 10, 2008, 03:39:00 PM »
Russia IS & has ALWAYS been EVIL. PERIOD.

Some induvidual members of your nation were not evil to the Serbs and the Russians?

again fascist statements: Russia is evil or all muslims are terrotists !
What will you say tomorrow all Serbs are warcriminals or all the people who control the world are Jews ? ?

Who the hell do you think you are?

Haha you can say what you want but you will not provoke me on internet comrade...

People like you who are expressing their frustrations on the internet have not my sympathy at all.

I feel sorry for you and I think that you hate your life honestly… Why would you waste your time in hate and bitterness..

This is my last post to you.... : ) bye bye.....
The point is that Russia is the evil one. Your statements are absurd. You always cry bc your criticized for attacking the US, yet you critcize other people for criticizing an Islamic terrorist funding nazi Communist Evil Empire KGB ran Russia.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #40 on: October 10, 2008, 03:43:54 PM »
"You put that up why not this"

Because AhmadinnerJihad comes from Iran and Iran was not where the 15 of the 19 Islamofascist hijackers that attacked us on 9/11 came from - they came from Saudi Arabia , and Bush is kissing their muslim donkeys even after the attacks, that's why.

Oh and by the way you can post photos of AhmadinnerJihad with Putin all you like since Putin is RUSSIAN and not an American, and Putin did not shake hands with AhmadinnerJihad on AMERICAN SOIL now did he?

Having that in mind, do you care to explain why Bush saw fit to approve the visit by AhmadinnerJihad - the Iranian Islamofascist terrorist - to our very own Columbia University  - arranged by our very own Globalist CFR [Council On Foreign Relations] not that long ago? Can you imagine someone like Saddam Hussein visiting the US to make a speech to an "American" institution like Columbia University? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY DOING BEING INVITED TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO GIVE A "SPEECH" TO AN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY??!!

Is Iran not the country who vowed to commit a 2nd Holocaust against your brothers and sisters in Israel.?

EXACTLY, brother ProJewChristian...that is precislely my point, dear brother! So why was he invited to make a speech to an American university in the first place and why has America been covertly supporting Iran for decades?

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #41 on: October 10, 2008, 03:45:54 PM »
"You put that up why not this"

Because AhmadinnerJihad comes from Iran and Iran was not where the 15 of the 19 Islamofascist hijackers that attacked us on 9/11 came from - they came from Saudi Arabia , and Bush is kissing their muslim donkeys even after the attacks, that's why.

Oh and by the way you can post photos of AhmadinnerJihad with Putin all you like since Putin is RUSSIAN and not an American, and Putin did not shake hands with AhmadinnerJihad on AMERICAN SOIL now did he?

Having that in mind, do you care to explain why Bush saw fit to approve the visit by AhmadinnerJihad - the Iranian Islamofascist terrorist - to our very own Columbia University  - arranged by our very own Globalist CFR [Council On Foreign Relations] not that long ago? Can you imagine someone like Saddam Hussein visiting the US to make a speech to an "American" institution like Columbia University? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY DOING BEING INVITED TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO GIVE A "SPEECH" TO AN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY??!!

Is Iran not the country who vowed to commit a 2nd Holocaust against your brothers and sisters in Israel.?

EXACTLY, brother ProJewChristian...that is precislely my point, dear brother! So why was he invited to make a speech to an American university in the first place and why has America been covertly supporting Iran for decades?
Did Bush ban Israel in 2004 to bomb nuclear facilities in Iran?

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #42 on: October 10, 2008, 03:46:27 PM »
"You put that up why not this"

Because AhmadinnerJihad comes from Iran and Iran was not where the 15 of the 19 Islamofascist hijackers that attacked us on 9/11 came from - they came from Saudi Arabia , and Bush is kissing their muslim donkeys even after the attacks, that's why.

Oh and by the way you can post photos of AhmadinnerJihad with Putin all you like since Putin is RUSSIAN and not an American, and Putin did not shake hands with AhmadinnerJihad on AMERICAN SOIL now did he?

Having that in mind, do you care to explain why Bush saw fit to approve the visit by AhmadinnerJihad - the Iranian Islamofascist terrorist - to our very own Columbia University  - arranged by our very own Globalist CFR [Council On Foreign Relations] not that long ago? Can you imagine someone like Saddam Hussein visiting the US to make a speech to an "American" institution like Columbia University? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY DOING BEING INVITED TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO GIVE A "SPEECH" TO AN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY??!!

Is Iran not the country who vowed to commit a 2nd Holocaust against your brothers and sisters in Israel.?

EXACTLY, brother ProJewChristian...that is precislely my point, dear brother! So why was he invited to make a speech to an American university in the first place and why has America been covertly supporting Iran for decades?
The university is an anti-Right Wing university and there were protests against his attendance, but sadly thats the consequence of having the crappy nazi UN in the country.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #43 on: October 10, 2008, 03:52:19 PM »
"...there were protests against his attendance

Brother, forget the evil UN. Bush could have blocked the visit of AhmadinnerJihad to Columbia University if he wanted to. He chosed not to. How many Congressmen and Senators were out on the streets PUBLICLY protesting his visit to Columbia University? How many of these Congressmen and Senators telephoned or wrote letters to Bush expressing their disapproval for allowing this speech to take place?

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #44 on: October 10, 2008, 03:57:45 PM »
"Did Bush ban Israel in 2004 to bomb nuclear facilities in Iran?"

YES brother Kerber. Bush took the so-called "advice" from the Globalist CFR back then and pressured Israel not to launch a unilateral strike on her own as it would supposedly "hurt American interests".

Read the article from 2004 below:

"CFR to Bush: Stop Israeli strike on Iran's nuke sites"

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #45 on: October 10, 2008, 04:00:31 PM »
"Did Bush ban Israel in 2004 to bomb nuclear facilities in Iran?"

YES brother Kerber. Bush took the so-called "advice" from the Globalist CFR back then and pressured Israel not to launch a unilateral strike on her own as it would supposedly "hurt American interests".

Read the article from 2004 below:

"CFR to Bush: Stop Israeli strike on Iran's nuke sites"

The USA alliance is more than I can say about the Serbian alliance with Israel. Oh wait, there is no alliance.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #46 on: October 10, 2008, 04:10:51 PM »
"Did Bush ban Israel in 2004 to bomb nuclear facilities in Iran?"

YES brother Kerber. Bush took the so-called "advice" from the Globalist CFR back then and pressured Israel not to launch a unilateral strike on her own as it would supposedly "hurt American interests".

Read the article from 2004 below:

"CFR to Bush: Stop Israeli strike on Iran's nuke sites"

The USA alliance is more than I can say about the Serbian alliance with Israel. Oh wait, there is no alliance.

Brother ProJewChristian, that's because we have self-hating traitorous and suicidal leaders in Israel who kiss the butts of our enemies. When G-d willing, the great Chaim Ben Pesach becomes Prime Minister of Israel one day and the pro-EU/NATO government in Serbia is kicked out, REST ASSURED BROTHER, THERE WILL BE A FORMAL ALLIANCE BETWEEN ISRAEL AND SERBIA!!

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #47 on: October 10, 2008, 04:16:40 PM »
"Did Bush ban Israel in 2004 to bomb nuclear facilities in Iran?"

YES brother Kerber. Bush took the so-called "advice" from the Globalist CFR back then and pressured Israel not to launch a unilateral strike on her own as it would supposedly "hurt American interests".

Read the article from 2004 below:

"CFR to Bush: Stop Israeli strike on Iran's nuke sites"

The USA alliance is more than I can say about the Serbian alliance with Israel. Oh wait, there is no alliance.

Brother ProJewChristian, that's because we have self-hating traitorous and suicidal leaders in Israel who kiss the butts of our enemies. When G-d willing, the great Chaim Ben Pesach becomes Prime Minister of Israel one day and the pro-EU/NATO government in Serbia is kicked out, REST ASSURED BROTHER, THERE WILL BE A FORMAL ALLIANCE BETWEEN ISRAEL AND SERBIA!!
I hope your right!
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #48 on: October 10, 2008, 04:27:07 PM »

  I am AGAINST the US rulers or almost dictators now. I know what America WAS/and in many cases STILL is.  We have been throughout our history GOOD people.  I say Putin is EVIL- simply b/c he IS, just like Our own PRES Bush is a NUMBSKULL.  I am 100% PATRIOTIC American, I know what my family sacrificed in OTHER countries so that people would NOT be under fascists and dictators!  People should be GRATEFUL to America in EU especially- did the people over in EU like Hitler or something>? B/c IF America NEVER went over there during WW2- ALL OF EU would be under DICTATORS, and NOT posting on forums.
Yes,we would be posting on forums.
Today,majority of Europe or more precisely European Union,is made on Hitler's idea.The idea that was put  through Adolf Hitler have won,and we are posting in Europe where this idea is base for society.Now,if you can't see that,I really cant explain...I know that majority of US citizens are not aware of many things.
And another thing.Forums and posting is related to electricity.And for that,you should thank to a Serb-Nikola Tesla. :-)

  NOBODY has ANY healthy fear of us now- it is SO BAD that people say WHATEVER they want about AMERICA- and FORGET that it was MY COUNTRY AMERICA that has set the STANDARD -TOTALLY for FREEDOM.  DONT EVER FORGET THAT.   And maybe, just MAYBE some other countries MIGHT remember and come to OUR AID ONCE IN A BLUE MOON!!!!!  >:(

We fought for our freedom while Europeans didn't know about American continent at all...sorry,but I have to laugh on that statement about "freedom standard".  :-))))

Today,American freedom is atheist liberalism-liberal from moral values.That's why your country is facing the economic collapse.The main reason is absence of moral laws.Roman Empire ended just like that...moral values were on zero level,homosexuals ruled,satanism and corruptness spread in every aspect of life.
Today,economy isn't the no.1 problem in USA or EU,it's moral problem,because societies are based on hedonism,egoism and disrespect of moral laws(and moral law doesn't have an alternative).

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Re: Why Serbians Should NOT Support Russia
« Reply #49 on: October 10, 2008, 04:36:55 PM »

  I am AGAINST the US rulers or almost dictators now. I know what America WAS/and in many cases STILL is.  We have been throughout our history GOOD people.  I say Putin is EVIL- simply b/c he IS, just like Our own PRES Bush is a NUMBSKULL.  I am 100% PATRIOTIC American, I know what my family sacrificed in OTHER countries so that people would NOT be under fascists and dictators!  People should be GRATEFUL to America in EU especially- did the people over in EU like Hitler or something>? B/c IF America NEVER went over there during WW2- ALL OF EU would be under DICTATORS, and NOT posting on forums.
Yes,we would be posting on forums.
Today,majority of Europe or more precisely European Union,is made on Hitler's idea.The idea that was put  through Adolf Hitler have won,and we are posting in Europe where this idea is base for society.Now,if you can't see that,I really cant explain...I know that majority of US citizens are not aware of many things.
And another thing.Forums and posting is related to electricity.And for that,you should thank to a Serb-Nikola Tesla. :-)

  NOBODY has ANY healthy fear of us now- it is SO BAD that people say WHATEVER they want about AMERICA- and FORGET that it was MY COUNTRY AMERICA that has set the STANDARD -TOTALLY for FREEDOM.  DONT EVER FORGET THAT.   And maybe, just MAYBE some other countries MIGHT remember and come to OUR AID ONCE IN A BLUE MOON!!!!!  >:(

We fought for our freedom while Europeans didn't know about American continent at all...sorry,but I have to laugh on that statement about "freedom standard".  :-))))

Today,American freedom is atheist liberalism-liberal from moral values.That's why your country is facing the economic collapse.The main reason is absence of moral laws.Roman Empire ended just like that...moral values were on zero level,homosexuals ruled,satanism and corruptness spread in every aspect of life.
Today,economy isn't the no.1 problem in USA or EU,it's moral problem,because societies are based on hedonism,egoism and disrespect of moral laws(and moral law doesn't have an alternative).

You don't understand anything...

I do admit that,and I'm really sorry that a thing such as EU exists at all.And yes,USA is a godfather to process of "Euro-integrations".So,that's why I said that US should stop "helping".
So,why should I be grateful for a NWO thing,a new Babylon thing(EU) that I can't think off?

I want Europe based on morality,and not to create projection of US liberal society.