All I can say about this whole issue is how sad and disenchanted I am that JTF forum has become a platform where a country like Russia is glorified. How is it possible after all Russia has done to the Jewish people and how they have killed and persecuted any part of their population that went against the grain of their evil world wide agenda that people must come here to JTF and see this mixed message. I am sure countless visitors to our forum are left scratching their heads why posts like that are allowed. Chaim supports the Serbs but to have Russia glorified each day and America talked down in the process is very counterproductive to our movement.
There is no glorification,just not a different perception of the situation.
Russia isn't a saint.It has imperial history,and we all know what that means.
But,you should know that almost all of patriot Serbians does support Russia,and it is a historical legacy that you probably don't know.
And I am loosing interest in it more each day with the hostility that comes out of the Serbian section against my country. Last time I checked this was the Jewish Task Force Not the Serbian Task Force Site
If I say that USA is under control of idiots and that American society is being used for wrong global goals,am I anti-your country?
CLEAN UP YOUR OWN BACKYARD! Take care of YOUR Country- and SHUT UP about USA. 
"CLEAN UP YOUR OWN BACKYARD"...I would like to,but you see,this is very hard when I have a foreign troops in my backyard.
So,how could I shut up about the things that affects my life?Well,I supposed that you can't understand that until you live that.Practical experience is everything...
If you are sincere in your wish to change the US and its policy,then I'm on your side.
But,if you can't take any critics put to your country(and exclusively for you only->"country"=state establishment),then I can't see what do you want to change.
I'm polite to you and have a respectful attitude,but you are starting to be rude.
One more thing...
If you think that you may call on patriotism whenever some one put a critics to "your country" so you could reject it,then you don't have any idea what the patriotism is.