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Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« on: October 08, 2008, 02:50:55 AM »
11080 Zemun, 3 Magistarski trg, [email protected]
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                                                                                                               No. 435/07 – July 4 2007

The Government of the Republic of Serbian Krayina in exile is honored to welcome diplomatic-consular representatives in the Republic of Serbia and to notify them (the note No. 432/07 – June 28th 2007) about that the Holy See (the Vatican), leaded by HH Ioan Paul II, energetically helped to destroy Yugoslavia, from 1990 to 1995.
The Government of the Republic of Serbian Krayina in exile reminds the representatives of the diplomatic-consular offices that the Holy See (the Vatican) has brought a serious injustice to the Serbs, representing them as a people without any respect for other peoples, as a people opposing democracy, which oppressed Croatians, Slovenes and Moslems in Yugoslavia etc. The Holy See was the first to recognize the separatist govrenments of Slovenia and Croatia, and that dishonourable example was followed by the European countries, the consequences of what were the civil wars in Yugoslavia and the repetition of genocide and ethnical cleansing against the Serbs. This act of the Holy See against the Serbs was inconvenient – the Holy See has heavily sinned against the Serbs, Jews and Roma, for it contributed to their biological extermination in the Independent State of Croatia during the World War II. Let us hear what Karlheinz Deschner, German philosopher and writer, says about this in his book „The Politics of the Roman Popes“:
   „The most henious and the least known chapter in the history of the Catholic Church: the 1941-1943 period, when the Ustascia (Croatian) gangs of Ante Pavelic, with the approval and participation of many Catholic priests, killed over 600 thousand Orthodox Serbs in the most horrific way, and the Franciscans did their service as the executors in the concentration camps.“
   The degree of the involvement of the Holy See in the extermination of the Serbs, Roma and Jews in the Independent State of Croatia during the World War II is clearly demonstrated by the case at the Supreme Court of California in which American lawyer Johnatan Levy has sued the Bank of Vatican because it robbed the money, gold and other precious things of the killed Serbs, Roma and Jews, with the help of the Vatican dignitaries – especially with the help of the future Pope Paul VI. Mr Johnatan Levy informed the Holy See that with the aforementioned money and valuables, in the 1990-1995 period, there were financed the Croatian separatists who expelled between 500 and 800 thousands of the Serbs from the Republic of Serbian Krayina and from the Croatian towns.
   The RSK Government hopes that the the representatives of the diplomatic-consular offices will inform their governments that they are obliged to critically reaccess the destruction of Yugoslavia in the 1990-1995 period, to which the Holy See greatly contributed (through the continutaion of its Nazi policy against the Serbs), and that the govermnets of the Serbian states will require the debate on the causes of the bloody civil wars in Yugoslavia, and that they will file indictments for the crime against peace and the crime of genocide against the Serbs – to international and American courts, where the Holy See has its place among the accused.
   The RSK Government in exile takes this opportunity, too, to express its high respect to the representatives of the diplomatic-consular offices in the Republic of Serbia.             


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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2008, 03:01:36 AM »
The Vatican's Holocaust.

The most horrifying religious massacre of the 20th century.
Forced conversions, mass murder of non-Catholics, Catholic extermination camps, disclosures of Catholic clergy as commanders of concentration camps; documented with names, dates, places, pictures and eyewitness testimony.
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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2008, 04:44:10 AM »
The Vatican's Holocaust.

The most horrifying religious massacre of the 20th century.
Forced conversions, mass murder of non-Catholics, Catholic extermination camps, disclosures of Catholic clergy as commanders of concentration camps; documented with names, dates, places, pictures and eyewitness testimony.
Jewish holocaust is also a religious massacre.

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2008, 04:56:11 AM »
The Vatican's Holocaust.

The most horrifying religious massacre of the 20th century.
Forced conversions, mass murder of non-Catholics, Catholic extermination camps, disclosures of Catholic clergy as commanders of concentration camps; documented with names, dates, places, pictures and eyewitness testimony.
Jewish holocaust is also a religious massacre.

Thats just one more thing that Serbs and Jews have in common.
Every brother is a deceiver, and every friend a slanderer.
(Jeremiah 9:4)

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2008, 10:48:08 AM »
When a member becomes fixated on one subject it is never good for our forum.

We get the point that you hate Catholics and are disguising the fact by posting against the Vatican.

In the end - this extremism will only make many people loose interest in the Serbian sub section issues and will create animosity on the board.

I'm know there are people who probably don't agree with every position that JTF holds on Serbian issues...but I don't see them bashing people over the head with their ideas.

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2008, 11:42:46 AM »
"We get the point that you hate Catholics and are disguising the fact by posting against the Vatican."

Shalom bullcat3,

Thanks for your contribution here. I don't think Dalmacija hates Catholics at all as he has repeatedly emphasized publicly on this forum that he does not blame individual Catholics or hold them responsible for what the Vatican and Germany did to his country during the late 1980's and 1990's.In the same way as he has publicly stated on this forum on numerous occasions that he does not blame all Jews for those Jews in the Clinton administration and those in the US Congress and Senate for helping push NATO to bomb his country to smithereens for 78 days back in 1999 and killing thousands of Serbian men, women and children - punishing Serbia for fighting against the Islamist Nazi terrorist KLA mass murderers.

If Dalmacija or I post factual material about the Vatican being one of the prime instigators (along with Germany) in destroying Yugoslavia during the late 80's and early 90's then that does not ipso facto automatically mean that he or I hate all Roman Catholics or hold them responsible for what happened.

I have posted material on the Vatican's Ustasha genocide of over 1 Million Serbs, 65,000 Jews and 100,000 Roma in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) during the Holocaust on numerous occasions here and not only do I have very good Roman Catholic friends whom I have known since childhood, but they have admitted that they know what I have posted here about the Vatican is true and as righteous Catholic Gentiles they condemn the genocide that took place in the NDH and support my position in making it public.

Julia Gorin - who is a conservative columnist in the US and is Jewish - has also posted similar material on her blog and I can assure you she does nor hate all Roman Catholics.

To expose the Vatican's support of the Ustasha Nazis since the 1920's right through to today is not tantamount to hating all Roman Catholics or being against the Roman Catholic faith. It is about defending the truth and making sure that as many people as possible are aware of the truth.

Please understand that I love ALL my Roman Catholic brothers and sisters here on JTF and am only posting material on the Vatican in order to educate our readers about the truth of who was really behind the destruction of Yugoslavia during the 1990's and the Vatican's anti-Serbian genocide in Krajina from 1990 - 1995, where incidentally, Dalmacija is from.

My friends and I did a few posts about that genocide here on our blog back in March this year (warning there are gruesome photos). Here you will see what the Ustasha Nazi Croats under the late Franjo Tudjman -with enormous help from the Vatican, Germany, the EU and the US Clinton administration did to the Krajina Serbs - at least 700,000 Serbs were expelled from 1990 to 1995 and many thousands were brutally murdered in a horrific campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing. This truth must be told to the world!



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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2008, 12:08:51 PM »
If Dalmacija or I post factual material about the Vatican being one of the prime instigators (along with Germany) in destroying Yugoslavia during the late 80's and early 90's then that does not ipso facto automatically mean that he or I hate all Roman Catholics or hold them responsible for what happened.
I think statements like this are to convince the gullable and lull the suspicious. The Catholic church and the Vatican is what it is an extension of the Catholic people of the world. The American government is also by extension the American people. So when people come here and bash the two institutions but say its not the people but the hierarchy I have to say to myself they  are full of crap. I would have more respect for you all if you left out the disclaimers. I would like someone in the Serbian section to please explain to me what America has to gain by needlessly bombing your country. What motivates America to waist millions of dollars in this effort.  WHY?????
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2008, 12:12:11 PM »
Hello Joshua, 
Thank You for your very thoughtful reply. 
I do not have the ability or inclination to get into the finer points of this debate.
My question is this one.
Is the bashing of the Catholic church the only issue of importance to the Serbian members?
I'm starting to find these threads very offensive...despite the disclaimers put on them.
We must be respectful to all our fine members and their beliefs.  We have enough enemies to fight with.

Obviously - there is a reason why you have at least 6 topics locked in one section. 

I write this will all due respect to Jasmina(who is a wonderful moderator and person) and yourself.
I think there is room for polite discussion - but consistent attacks are uncalled for.

Again - Thank You for taking the time to write with such a thoughtful reply.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Kerber

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2008, 12:35:05 PM »
When a member becomes fixated on one subject it is never good for our forum.

We get the point that you hate Catholics and are disguising the fact by posting against the Vatican.

In the end - this extremism will only make many people loose interest in the Serbian sub section issues and will create animosity on the board.

I'm know there are people who probably don't agree with every position that JTF holds on Serbian issues...but I don't see them bashing people over the head with their ideas.

I can agree with your point(and i do),but I can say my personal standings.I don't hate real Catholics and true believers.They are good and wonderful people,but I DON'T LIKE VATICAN,PAPACY AND PAPIST CREATION CALLED "EU".


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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2008, 01:10:43 PM »
Good day everybody,

I want to thank 4thInternational for explaining the Serbian point of view.

This is the problem that separates us the Serbs from the most intellectuals from the West. There are always exceptions. That are those people whose intentions are always unconditionally based on the truth and justice. A good example of this attitude is providing sir 4thInternational. He and his organization have decided to propagate the truth behind the crises of former Yugoslavia. This subject is not popular in the West.
We all know that the most people of the West consider the Serbs as the aggressors and the prosecutors of the Serbs, regrettably, as the victims. We Serbs can not agree with this attitude towards us. If the truth behind the Yugoslav crises is exposed, than the US and its allies will be considered as the factor who organized the secession and collapse of the international recognized Yugoslavian federation. I know that this does not sound wonderful in the hears of many Americans, but the Western responsibility in regard to the collapse of Yugoslavia does exist. This is problem is not caused by the Serbs. The Serbs were loyal allies to the West during both world wars.

Being pro Serb means not only not recognizing the independence of the irregular sate of Kosovo, but also respecting the rights of the Serbian autochthonic population in Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina.   

Supporting Serbia includes also acknowledging the fact that the Western representatives as well as the main representatives of the Vatican international deprived the Orthodox Serbs of their civil and autochthonic rights, on their national and historical territories.

By ignoring or not recognizing these important facts, there is no honestly support towards the Serbs possible.   

About me and the regular Catholic people.
How can somebody mark me as anti- Catholic while I am exposing the Vatican’s prosecution against Orthodox people like the Serbs?

Do you think that it is for me responsible to condemn all people of Catholic background, while I am exposing the Vatican involvement in the prosecution against Orthodox people, who were only prosecuted because they were Orthodox?
Do you think that I will accept this behavior which was used by mu enemies in order to destroy people like my self?

If Catholic people or Muslim people, who were born in their religion, love their religion and have not participated in the organization of the mass crimes against the Serbs, is it fair to also hold them responsible?
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 01:17:05 PM by DALMACIJA »


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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2008, 01:16:41 PM »
I think statements like this are to convince the gullable and lull the suspicious. The Catholic church and the Vatican is what it is an extension of the Catholic people of the world. The American government is also by extension the American people.

If regular American and Catholic people knew what the real intentions of their representatives were, than they would, I assume, change their leaders.

It is not easy to recognize that you are guilty. Thats not easy for anybody.
You must have a really strong personality if you are able to recognize the mistakes of your own and start to ask for forgiveness.

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2008, 01:43:55 PM »
Now Nato as vanguard of Euro-Communism is leading this movement.
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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2008, 01:45:01 PM »
I think statements like this are to convince the gullable and lull the suspicious.

Shalom cjd,

Thanks for your reply. Really and what makes you say the above? So you honestly believe that I hate all Roman Catholics do you? And pray tell what evidence do you have against me that I do? If I was Serbian would you say something like "oh it's because you are a Serb, and Serbs are Orthodox Christians and all Orthodox Christians hate Roman Catholics so that's why I know you hate Roman Catholics"  

The problem with that approach is I am Jewish and not a Serb or Orthodox Christian.

The Catholic church and the Vatican is what it is an extension of the Catholic people of the world.

The American government is also by extension the American people.

What exactly do you mean by "an extension" , cjd?

Do you mean that ALL of the Catholic people of the world being "an extension" of the Vatican are now somehow to blame for the crimes of a few Catholics in the highest positions of power in the Vatican? Does that mean that ALL of the Catholic people being "an extension" of the Catholic Church are now somehow responsible for the crimes of a relatively few Roman Catholic priests against children?

And when you say that "the American government is also by extension the American people" does it also mean that now ALL of the American people are to blame for the irresponsible actions of the American government in supporting policies detrimental to Israel and the Jewish people - e.g. being in bed with despotic Islamist Nazi regimes in the Middle East in order to secure cheap oil and appease the Islami world?

So when people come here and bash the two institutions but say its not the people but the hierarchy I have to say to myself they are full of crap.

Really, brother cjd, so now according to you I am "full of crap" for saying that I do not hold ALL of the American people responsible for the actions of the traitors in our government in Washington who have been selling out Israel in order to appease the Islamic world? And I am also "full of crap" for not holding ALL Roman Catholic people responsible for the crimes of a relative few in the top leadership positions in the Vatican and for the relatively few priests who abused children?

Don't you think that its a little unreasonable and harsh my brother cjd to accuse me of something like that?

I would have more respect for you all if you left out the disclaimers.

Brother cjd, these are not "disclaimers" they are written out of respect for my Catholic brothers and sisters here on JTF. I respect you even if you don't respect me and to think that I am "full of crap" for telling you the truth is unreasonable. I have no reason to hate ALL roman Catholics for the crimes of a relative few and I think it is just plain wrong to say that the American people are an extension of their government. None of us here on JTF really believe that we are all to blame for the policies of our government - whether it is Bush or Bill or Hillary Clinton or any other American politician,government bureaucrat, Senator or Congressman for their traitorous anti-American or anti-Israel policies.

I would like someone in the Serbian section to please explain to me what America has to gain by needlessly bombing your country. What motivates America to waist millions of dollars in this effort. WHY?

Brother cjd, watch Chaim's numerous videos on the subject on Flix and Liveleak.The same reason that American politicians sold us out long ago to muslim Arab oil interests. The muslims have trillions of dollars in oil money and they can buy influence on Capitol Hill. The muslim Arabs have been doing this for decades with their oil money.May I recommend these videos for you to view when you have the time:



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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2008, 02:13:45 PM »
...... a benevolent silence created by excellency of thoughts. 
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2008, 02:20:55 PM »
If Dalmacija or I post factual material about the Vatican being one of the prime instigators (along with Germany) in destroying Yugoslavia during the late 80's and early 90's then that does not ipso facto automatically mean that he or I hate all Roman Catholics or hold them responsible for what happened.
I think statements like this are to convince the gullable and lull the suspicious. The Catholic church and the Vatican is what it is an extension of the Catholic people of the world. The American government is also by extension the American people. So when people come here and bash the two institutions but say its not the people but the hierarchy I have to say to myself they  are full of crap. I would have more respect for you all if you left out the disclaimers. I would like someone in the Serbian section to please explain to me what America has to gain by needlessly bombing your country. What motivates America to waist millions of dollars in this effort.  WHY?????

You should learn about Judeo-Christian relations from the beginning.Why?
Because this subject is extremely important to understand what is going on today.
For example,if you know when the idea of holocaust began to develop and evolute(created by Justin Martyr) and how it was developed through centuries in so called "Christian Europe".Justin Martyr,very educated man in those times,accepted Christianity as his philosophy(and not accepted it has his faith,that's what he said!).So,he started to propagate that "Christians were right and not the Jews" and(he stated) Christians should reject the "Jewishness" and Moses books and especially G-d's laws(commandments).He justified it as the G-d's laws were brought only for the Jews,because (he said) Jews were specific and different from other nations,so it was just for them.And,he said, Christians should reject those laws because other(pagan) nations were better and those laws are not for them.Then he developed hall philosophy that if you want to be a Christian YOU HAVE TO REJECT "Jewishness".And that was the first idea that created many atrocities over the Jews and created conditions through history that eventually holocaust could come.And those conditions were carefully tended.It started from Visigoths(today Spain) in 7th century and then in 11th,13th,14th,15th,17th,19th century and finally every piece of the puzzle were here in Hitler's time and holocaust could happened.Vatican played the major part in holocaust.Vatican is the bearer of Justin's legacy and his philosophy.And Justin stated that the Jews are different by its nature from all other nations,that's THE SAME THING Hitler stated!So,the idea of fascism and nazism has its background in early Christian times,but it just wasn't named in that time.That idea is the basis for racism,too.

Today,Vatican has its own Europe in "European integrations"(EU) and it gained huge influence in USA,and I would say control.USA became a right hand of Papacy.It plays by the Vatican's whistle.USA creates aggressive politics towards Russia.Russia has its strategical point in Iran and can't allow it to fall in USA(Papist) hands.That's how USA(or Vatican) makes(through Russia) Iran to became nuclear power.With nuclear weapons it is a "perfect" condition to start a war,because it will be fatal for the Jews,too.

Considering Serbia...There are a few things.First,prosecutions and terror were made not only towards Jews,but to all who rejected Papacy.Serbian people and its faith in Christianity was something that is unwanted for Vatican(just as Jews).Small example>Austria led by Vatican's servants Habsburgs,jus before the WWI, yelled that Serbia must die and disappear.
Second,Serbia as it is unwanted(probably as we are also "different" by its nature as Jews,and you may have heard for such statements from EU and USA politicians during the wars in `90s) is perfect for creating the precedent which is going to be the base for changing the essence of the UN,and we can see that it is the fact today.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 02:27:43 PM by Kerber »


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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2008, 02:21:51 PM »

Very powerful message and words of pure wisdom!
If Serbian representatives started to behave like you, 4International, then I would be sure that I would go to Krajina - Knin - next year!

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2008, 02:29:33 PM »

Very powerful message and words of pure wisdom!
If Serbian representatives started to behave like you, 4International, then I would be sure that I would go to Krajina - Knin - next year!

There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2008, 02:55:25 PM »

Very powerful message and words of pure wisdom!
If Serbian representatives started to behave like you, 4International, then I would be sure that I would go to Krajina - Knin - next year!

Shalom and many thanks brother Dalmacija!!

Maybe we could travel together to Knin when your homeland is eventually liberated.

I pray to G-d that one day Chaim does the same for our beloved Israel as leader of our great nation!! I would love to see something like this when Chaim becomes Israel's Prime Minister:

"Shalom.I have decided to accept the invitation of Serbia for joint military and defense co-operation between our respective countries and the establishment of Israeli military facilities on Serbian soil. I am also accepting the reciprocal offer of the establishment of Serbian military facilities on Israeli soil. Today begins a new era in Israeli-Serbian co-operation and friendship between our two great countries in the fields of military-defense, economic and cultural spheres. I, Chaim Ben Pesach, as the new Prime Minister of Israel do hereby reject the European Union's recognition of Kosovo as an independent Albanian muslim terrorist state and will be working with my Serbian friends in Belgrade to re-establish Serbian sovereignty over all of the lands stolen from the Serbian people during the 1990's when the EU backed the Islamofascist and Nazi enemies of the Serbs. As Prime Minister of Israel I will see to it that the state of  Israel will do everything in her power to make sure that these goals are realized .Shalom!"

Now that would be something to TRULY celebrate, Dalmacija!  :dance: :dance: :dance:


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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2008, 03:21:49 PM »
HaHa thank you that would be great,

For me Serbian Knin is now only a dream…

We Serbs do not want the Catholic Croatians out of Krajina, Bosnia & Herzegovina or Serbia... Croats are also natives of croatia just like the Serbs!

We only want what is ours...
We agreed that Croatia had a double sovereignty a Croatian and a Serbian...
We only want what belongs to us... What is deprived from us by the Croatian irregular state....

Croatia was in 1945 formed as a bi- national state. Today's Croatia illegally converted the Serbs (state building nation) in 1990 into a national minority and started to use military aggression against them.
3000 anti- fascists monuments were demolished in Croatia in 1990 - 1995.
streets and squares were named after Nazis of WW2

This kind of Croatia had no room for the Serbs....

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2008, 04:20:40 PM »
Shalom brother Dalmacija,

I am aware of the fact that you only want to return to your people what is rightfully yours.

Today's Croatia illegally converted the Serbs (state building nation) in 1990 into a national minority and started to use military aggression against them.
3000 anti- fascists monuments were demolished in Croatia in 1990 - 1995.
streets and squares were named after Nazis of WW2

This kind of Croatia had no room for the Serbs....

Yes that is painfully true and I am very aware of it too.One of the best series of articles on this subject can be found at the following links:

T.W. Carr

Associate Publisher, Defense & Foreign Affairs Publications. London


Presented at the Symposium on the Balkan War

Yugoslavia: Past and Present, Chicago, August 31-September 1, 1995

Here is an excerpt:

"During the late 1960’ and in 1979, ultra right fascism began to re-surface in Croatia, showing the same World War II fascist face of nationalism and the requirement that a nation state must be racially pure. This was the first attempt anywhere in Europe to resurrect German National Socialism following the fall of the Third Reich in 1944. Hitler created Croatia when his forces over-ran Yugoslavia in 1941, installing as Fuher, Ante Pavelic, leader of the fascist Croatian Ustashi movement. Pavelic had spent the previous 10 years in exile in Italy as head of a Croatian terrorist group, shielded by the Vatican and the Italian Fascist party.

"Mr. Tudjman was deeply involved in the attempted revival of fascism, allowing his national socialism ethos to come to the fore with the publication of his treatise, The Wastelands. In it he attempted to re-write major sections of the history of World War II, downplaying the Holocaust, and with it , the more than one-million Jews, Serbs and Gypsies murdered by the Croatian ultra-nationalist Ustashi, which included priests of the Holy Roman Church, at the Croatian Ustashi concentration camp of Jasenovac and other locations within Yugoslavia.

"With the full support of Germany, and against the wishes of other members of the EC, the HDZ ruling party declared Croatian sovereignty in the Sabor on December 22, 1990, despite strong objections raised by the opposition parties.

"Shortly after the declaration, President Tujman introduced a new Croatian constitution which defined Croatia as the national state of the Croatian people and others, pointedly relegating the Serbs, Jews, Gypsies and Muslims to second class status. This was an exact repeat of what had happened in 1941 when nazi Germany invaded Yugoslavia and set up Croatia as the national state of the Croatian people and others. After the HDZ dominated Government passed the new constitution, discrimination against the Serbs began immediately. Serbs lost government jobs in the civil service, police, local authorities etc…they were evicted for their homes, many lost the ownership of their own businesses, and Serb newspapers were closed down etc. A special property tax applicable only to Serbs was introduced, and Croatian militia openly looted and closed down shops selling expensive products such as jewelry. These measures clearly indicated to the Serbs living within the administrative borders of Croatia that they must leave the land where they had lived for three centuries, or face the consequences of staying.

One of the most sinister changes was that every identified Serb in Croatia was issued with a new identity card which incorporated the figure 3 as the eight figure in the identity number. The figure 3 thus became the Croatian equivalent for Serbs as nazi Germany’s Star of David was for all Jews residing in countries dominated by Germany. When the time came for ethnic cleansing to start, the figure 3 would ensure no Serb would escape."


Hiding Genocide

The Balkan Conflict: The Psychological Strategy Aspects
Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy
Volume XX, Number 12, December 31, 1992

Croatia has resumed its “liquidation” of Serbs, while arguing that “ethnic cleansing” is a Serbian creation . . .

“The Big Lie” technique is alive and well. Croatia has used the media and skilful image manipulation to hide its renewed genocide against the Serbs while at the same time ensuring that Serbs are themselves wrongly accused of the same type of crime, and more.

Editor-in-Chief Gregory Copley reports from the Balkans.


Croatia, at a Key Strategic Crossroad, Builds Militarily and Geographically

For Serbians, Fears of a German Axis Rise For The Third Time This Century

Serbs can cite strong feelings and many reasons for their concern over Germany's support for Croatia's new war against them. Associate Publisher T. W. Carr looks at the historical patterns which led to the current Balkan conflict...


The first convention of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) on February 26, 1990, in Zagreb marked the rebirth of the Ustasha and the rehabilitation of the Independent State of Croatia. All the killing and ethnic cleansing policy implementation flowed from that day in a re-run of the events of 50 years before.

On May 30, 1990, the HDZ was elected to power in the Sobor (parliament) and Dr Franjo Tudjman became President of the Republic. At an open air rally in Jelacic Square, the Archbishop Cardinal Franjo Kuharic, blessed a baby's cradle to symbolise the re-birth of the ISC [Ustasha Nazi NDH state of World War 2].

On December 22, 1990, the Sabor proclaimed the independence of Croatia and summarily adopted a new constitution under which Serbs lost their nation status, regulated to a national minority.

The HDZ took a series of steps during 1990 to purify Croatia by eradicating the Serbian identity. The cyrillic script was banned, Croatian became the only official language, Serbian associations were abolished, literature was cleansed of Serbian authors and Serbs were not permitted to operate their own TV and radio programmes. On another front, Serbs lost their jobs in the police and security organs as well as in Government posts.

As the same time, World War II history was re-written and street names changed to glorify Ustashi by eliminating any trace of the genocide. T-shirts showing Ustashi symbols such as the infamous Black Legion went on sale to young Croatians.

Arms and defence equipment flowed into Croatia directly and indirectly from Germany. Mass arming of HDZ members took place, the police force was expanded and the National Guard was re-equipped as an Ustashi army. May 28, 1991, saw a nazi style rally of the "Croatian Armed Forces" at Zagreb football stadium.

Then the killing of individual Serbs started. Memories of 1941 stirred and the exodus began. The day after the rally, Serbs from Borovo Selo fled from Croatia. The killings, which started early in April 1991 at Plitvice, escalated during July, August and September. At Vukovar, Serbs were subjected to torture, rape, and murder for many months before the conflict was presented to the world as 'brutal aggression by the Yugoslav Army against peace-loving Croatians'. The murders are documented and proven.

Around 5,000 Serbs were rounded up and held in the Borovo footware factory complex at Vukovar. From this Croatian concentration camp hundreds of Serb men, women and children were taken out and slaughtered. Mutilated bodies thrown into the river were carried downstream into Serbian territory. These were recovered, photographed and their identities painstakingly discovered.

October 1991 saw the arrest of 20 Orthodox priests, including his Holiness Lukijan, Bishop of Slavonia, yet another replay of 1941 actions.

Having arrested their Bishop, Croatian authorities during November expelled some 25,000 Serbs from Western Slavonija. At the same time (October 29) the inhabitants of 24 Serbian villages were ordered to vacate their homes within 48 hours by the Croatian authorities in Slavonska Pozega. Seventeen of the Serbian villages were razed in Croatian ethnic cleansing operations which drove another 10,000 Serbs into Bosnia.

No less than 189 villages in nine communes south of the River Drava were completely cleansed of Serbs during 1991 and early 1992.

Church destruction went hand in glove with the arrest of Orthodox priests and the expulsion of Serbs from Croatia. By the end of October 1991 alone, more than 70 churches were completely destroyed or severely damaged. [More than 300 have now been destroyed in the current fighting.] On September 28, Croatian paramilitary forces demolished the Baroque complex of the Pakrac Bishops built in 1732. They set fire to the seminary, and in the cathedral thy burnt icons and the bishops' library containing almost 6,000 books, many of historical importance. Fifty of the books dated back to the 18th Century and included a unique copy of a Sabornik, printed in Venice circa 1536.

As in 1941, it was Germany and the Vatican which brought Croatia to life, the second time by prematurely recognising Croatia as an independent state with the right to cede from Yugoslavia.

Both authorities pushed members of the EC and the international community into recognising Croatia. At the same time, both manipulated the mass media, presenting the Serbs as leftover communists trying to subvert the pro-Western democracies of Croatia and Slovenia.

Serbian officials tried to tell the EC and other members of the international community what Germany was doing in Yugoslavia and Eastern Europe..."

Above reprinted from the website of the International Strategic Studies Association, Alexandria, Virginia, USA. Balkan Special Reports section.

There you will find many articles linking the NATO sponsored Izetbegovic Bosnian muslims to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Madrid train bombings in Spain in 2004.

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2008, 04:33:35 PM »
Bullcat is right, You're attacks against the Vatican are a disguise of your hatred and hostility towards us Catholics and I resent that. This is a section filled with HATEMONGERING anti-Catholic SCHMUCKS! I always say I support Serbia but this anti-Catholicism is sickening, I will stand for it no longer. I believe that you anti-Catholic Serbs are hurting our pro-Serbia movement, If I was in charge you would have been reprimanded a long long time ago!
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2008, 04:39:02 PM »
...... a benevolent silence created by excellency of thoughts. 
no - created by the fact that members have lives and cannot be on the forum constantly  ???

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2008, 04:42:19 PM »

Very powerful message and words of pure wisdom!
If Serbian representatives started to behave like you, 4International, then I would be sure that I would go to Krajina - Knin - next year!

More like assaults on Catholics of the forum that are supposed to be your allies.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2


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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2008, 04:44:00 PM »
These measures clearly indicated to the Serbs living within the administrative borders of Croatia that they must leave the land where they had lived for three centuries, or face the consequences of staying.

Again a nice articel my brother....
Thank you for the work on this forum...

I must add something...

Serbs who live or lived in Krajina, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina are the autochthones of these region.s

Western/ German and Vatican propaganda, which is the official theory in Croatia,
contents historical frauds and misinterpretations.
Croatia claims that the Serbs arrived in Krajina and Croatia after the Turks, at the and of the 14 century, had conquered  the most parts of the Balkans.

This is a typical fraud and lies, which is used by the Vatican and the European and overseas colonial powers to justify their colonial intentions/ conducts towards Serbian territories. The Serbs did not came to Krajina, they are Krajina’s natives.
To remind the Croats, in the 14 century Croatia did not exist! So, how can the Serbs collectively came to Croatian, only in the 14 century, while in 1400 Croatia did not even had its own sovereignty.  

The Turkish – Serbian final battle took place on Kosovo in 1389.
A few Serbian monasteries in Dalmatia (Krajina) were established in 1317 and in the 1340’s!

Archeological researches confirmed that Serbian remains in Krajina were found from the 4th century!

Serbs did not arrived to the Balkans only in the 6th century like West (Vatican) claims!
Serbs were presents at the Balkans before the beginning of the New Age!

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Re: Vatican helped to destroy Yugolsavia
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2008, 05:17:53 PM »
"More like assaults on Catholics of the forum that are supposed to be your allies."

Shalom brother ProJewChristian,

I love your JTF screen name! I am Jewish and am very proud to have a Christian Roman Catholic like you, bullcat3 and cjd as a dear friend and ally of Israel and the Jewish people. I truly and very deeply appreciate your support.

I already replied to brother cjd and sister bullcat3 that I do not consider Roman Catholics to be my enemy in any way nor do I hate all Roman Catholics as I have several dear Roman Catholic friends whom I have known since my childhood who acknowledge the facts I expose and support all of my work here.

I am very sorry and disappointed if you feel so offended at what I have written and the articles I have posted here.You really should not be, brother.

I challenge you to provide me with even a SINGLE quote of mine here that expresses hatred for ANY of my Roman Catholic brothers and sisters on JTF. My exposure of the Vatican's antisemitism and crimes of genocide against the Jewish and Serbian Orthodox people over many centuries are absolutely NOT equivalent to hatred of Roman Catholics, being against the Roman Catholic faith or holding ALL Roman Catholics responsible for these crimes committed against the Jews and the Serbs by a relatively few individuals. My goal is merely to promote the truth and to open up a forum for discussion so that these crimes are not forgotten and never repeated.

Please let me know what exactly I have said or posted here that has offended you and please suggest how I could have worded it differently in order to not offend you.Once again, thank you ever so much for your support of Israel and the Jewish people as well as the wonderful work of JTF in safeguarding our future.Your support is deeply appreciated by me.

