"over the top niceness is a sign of contempt of them". ... get pleasure of making fun of men to elevate themselves becuase of their sad situation
Both very true statements.
Was walking past a bus stop once, and beheld two young blondes standing near two young black men. The 'leader' blonde was chatting and laughing in a very ostentatious way with the negro, while her friend watched, and the other black man looked on smilingly from a slight distance.
I often see young blondes and black men at bus stops. The young blondes usually start going into laughing hysterics and putting on a show for the black guys. They do not ever bother to do this for me. I guess I am worth less because I am not a [censored].
If that is how it is so be it.
But I shan't stop talking about it just because some 'white' women find it offensive.
White women are not going to hear the last of this until the day the L-rd of Hosts takes me away from this sad and pitiful world. White women have found an enemy in me.