Its a strong possibility that Obama's poll numbers are based on the thousands of illegal voter fraud ballots. I heard on Fox that Rasmussen said they polled heavily Democrat areas, and polled lightly in Republican areas. I have been talking to women, and those who are part of PUMA. (Party Unity My Ass) and they are not voting for Obama. Never give up, never give in, Fight for your freedom! I was listening to Glenn Beck last night, and he said Corporate Executives are very fearful of how they will be able to run their companies, with Obama's tax hikes, and his terrorist ties. These polls are discouraging everybody aren't they. Thats what they're designed to do, we have evil forces working against us!!!!
Peggy Noonan said her viewers were expressing the same animosity and fear. Jessie Jackson said yesterday, " The Jews won't have near the Influence on our society, if Barack is elected, because Barack understands the plight of the muslims!" Things will change! The Obama campaign came out and said Jessie does not designate their policies, but people after all you know, "Do you seriously still want to vote for Barack Hussein Obama?
