Arguing that the Jewish people are not genetically related is highly preposterous and antisemitic.
Arguing that Jews are a race is highly preposterous and anti-Semitic. There are white, African, Arab, Persian, Latino, and even Asian Jews (and I am probably leaving out several other ethnic/racial subgroups). Likewise, I don't see the grounds to assert that Sarah Palin "looks Jewish". It's absurd, and I have to be very skeptical and leery of you saying such a thing considering how much you don't like her. I'm keeping an eye on your posts, Masha.
Are you? O-o-o-o-h, I am very scared!

Seriously, C.F., I like you and I think your heart is at the right place, but you have NO IDEA what you are talking about. You have been infected by the postmodern "anti-essentiaist virus." It's the liberals who brought this disease upon us and infected even the conservatives, so that even conservatives are terrified of being called essentialists. Everything is "social construction" these days. Even gender is social construction. See, I am not really a woman, I am this undefined joissance of signifiers that is neither here nor there. It's my parents who decided that I'm going to be a girl and indoctrinated me while I was very young. Otherwise I might as well be a man.
In this morass of anti-essentialist madness, genetical science is actually our friend. Geneticists tell us unequivocally: Jews are the same biological group of people. To deny this is IMMORAL. It is UNBIBLICAL. It supports those who tell us, Jews, that we have no right to Israel. This is an immoral idea invented by Jew-haters and self-hating Jews, and you, C.F., are falling into their trap. We, Jews, are
a people. We are not some proposition nation - what a prepostorous idea! The deep tree roots of forests in Galilee are nurtured by the blood and bones of MY ANCESTORS. The literal blood and bones of real people, my physical progenitors, who connect the genealogical dots between Abraham-Isaac-Jacob and my own birth. These are not some bloodless and gutless "symbols" or "ideas" or what you may call this. No, this is the real writing by my creator etched in my DNA. And I can prove it. We already know this from our Torah, but for all of those of little faith, the genetic scientists have confirmed what the Torah has been telling us all along.
I also detect a note of resentment in this argument that Jews are a separate race. A note that says: well, if they are separate and special then we will never be able to become them. But this is not how it is. Judishness is not exclusive. One who is not Jewish cannot become a Jew genetically. But he can join his destiny with that of the Jewish race by converting. Having converted, he will be considered a
ger (sp?), and will be limited in carrying out certain rituals. I don't remember what these are. You'll have to ask the orthodox members of this forum - they'll know exactly. But his descendents will be fully Jewish. And this is as it should be. Just as you can join a nation through immigration and citizenship (which is always connected with some difficulties), so you can join the Jewish nation by converting into Judaism, which is basically a right to citizenship.