Croatian Defense Minister in Franjo Tudjman's neo-Ustasha HDZ government in 1990,
Martin Spegelj
Martin Spegelj [on the left, secretly videotaped by a hidden camera on October 19, 1990]
Excerpt below from article:
VIDEOTAPE FILMED IN 1990 SHOWS CROATIAN OFFICIALS PLANNING THE MURDER OF JNA SOLDIERS AND THE ETHNIC CLEANSING OF THE KRAJINA SERBSThe majority of Kostic’s testimony dealt with the outbreak of war in Yugoslavia, specifically in Croatia, during 1991.
According to intelligence that he received while he was a member of the SFRY presidency. Tudjman’s government was arming members of the HDZ and calling them "the police". He said that the number of so-called “police” in Croatia jumped from 17,000 to 92,000 over a two-month period during 1991.
He said that Croatia was establishing illegal paramilitary formations in order to attack the JNA and ethnically cleanse Croatia of its Serbian population. He testified that the weapons Croatia received were being smuggled in from Hungary.
To bear this point out he read passages from Stepjan Mesic’s book, which was originally entitled,
“How I Broke-Up Yugoslavia.” Mesic, at the suggestion of Genscher, later changed the title to
“How Yugoslavia Broke Up.” But in his book he openly discusses how he allowed Croatian paramilitaries to illegally seize weapons from JNA warehouses and how he let them attack the JNA at the time that he was a member of the SFRY presidency.
To further bear this point out Milosevic played an explosive videotape that had been filmed by the 12th detachment of the Yugoslav Army’s counterintelligence service (KOS).
The video, filmed in 1990 and broadcast on Yugoslav TV in January 1991, showed a conversation between Tudjman’s defense Minister
Martin Spegelj and his Interior Minister
Josip Boljkovac.The two men are seen discussing preparations for war with the JNA. They discuss the importation of weapons from Hungary and how they will murder JNA soldiers and their families. Spegelj says
“We will kill them on their doorstep. No one will be allowed to reach the barracks alive.”Spegelj and Boljkovac agreed that killing women and children was OK. They discuss how grenades should be thrown into the family homes of JNA servicemen and that “no concern should be given to killing women and children.”Boljkovac discusses how JNA servicemen will be murdered in their barracks. He says,
“shove a pistol in their stomach -- one shot and that will be the end of them.”The two men also discuss their plans to deal with the Serbian population. They discuss how they will destroy Knin[the Krajina-Serb capital] and Spegelj boasts,
“Knin will never be Knin again. Serbs will never be in Croatia when we’ve finished.”Mind you this was all filmed in 1990 – BEFORE the war broke out and BEFORE the establishment of the Republic of Serbian Krajina (RSK). As an American I found it particularly disturbing to see Spegelj and Boljkovac discussing the support they were receiving from the U.S. Government. They discussed how, the day after Milosevic was elected in Serbia, the U.S. Government contacted them to offer combat vehicles and assorted military equipment.This video proves beyond any doubt that the Serbian war objective in Croatia was self-defense. In light of this sort of material, any theories offered by the prosecution about “greater Serbia,” or Serb "aggression" against Croatia are exposed as pure nonsense. The Krajina Serbs had to go to war – they had no choice – the video makes it clear that Croatia was planning to finish what it started during World War II.Professor Kostic was visibly shaken by the videotape, he said that it brought back a lot of bad memories. He explained how Franjo Tudjman practiced Holocaust denial during his election campaign. He said that Tudjman had denied the mass killings at the Jasenovac concentration camp during World War II.It is worth noting that Tudjman wrote a book called “Impasses [Wastelands] of Historical Reality” where he claims that the Jews controlled the Nazi concentration camps. According to Tudjman the holocaust only killed one million Jews not the six million claimed by most historians.Kostic testified that Nazi émigrés were brought back to Croatia under Tudjman’s regime. Tudjman even appointed some of them to government posts.
Milosevic had several videotapes that he played.
One of the videotapes showed an interview with Franjo Tudjman where he defends the World War II era Independent State of Croatia (NDH) as “an expression of the Croatian nation’s historic desire for an independent homeland.” Kostic commented on the video saying that the NDH was a Nazi satellite state during World War II.Kostic testified that the Croats could have seceded from Yugoslavia peacefully if they had acted within the law and observed the constitution. He said that Croatia opted for war so that it would have an excuse to ethnically cleanse the Serbian population.
Kostic spent the last part of the day testifying about a 1991 initiative of the SFRY supreme defense counsel to declare a state of emergency that would have allowed the Yugoslav Peoples Army to effectively put down secessionist paramilitary groups and prevent interethnic conflict from breaking out.
Kostic testified that the presidency members from Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, and Slovenia opposed declaring a state of emergency, while Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Vojovodina supported declaring a state of emergency. Unfortunately, the vote was 4 to 4 so no state of emergency could be declared and the JNA was unable to act effectively.
Milosevic asked Kostic about particular passages from the Croatian indictment. In the Croatia and Bosnia indictments it says: “In a televised address on 16 March 1991, Slobodan Milosevic, in his capacity as President of the Republic of Serbia, declared that Yugoslavia was finished and that Serbia would no longer be bound by decisions of the Federal Presidency.”
Milosevic, who was armed with the text of the speech, had Kostic read the speech and comment on the indictment’s assertion.
Kostic read out the the speech and it turns out that the indictment is wrong. Milosevic never said that Yugoslavia was finished or that Serbia wasn’t bound by the decisions of the presidency. All Milosevic did was criticize the presidency as being ineffective.
Milosevic also asked questions about the indictment’s assertions about an incident at Pakrac. The indictment says, “The Serb police, headed by Milan Martic, took control of a police station in Pakrac and battles erupted when the Croatian government attempted to re-establish its authority in the area.”
In fact these Serb police were the same police who had always worked at that police station. Prof. Kostic explained that
Croatia attacked the police station when the Serbian officers were fired for refusing to wear the Ustasha’s checkerboard emblem on their caps. Prof. Kostic will continue his testimony when the trial resumes on Wednesday, February 1st.