Author Topic: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included  (Read 5291 times)

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Offline knindza87

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Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« on: October 16, 2008, 07:07:43 AM »
    Five of the 9/11 hijackers were veteran jihadists in Bosnia. What did they do in Bosnia that made them so exceptionally qualified to kill Americans?

Bosnian Mujahedins: “Yes, We Are Terrorists!”

According to the RTS and Tanjug news agency, a Bosnian TV station has broadcast part of a new tape showing the activities of a mujahedin unit during the Bosnian war. The tape shows some of the crimes committed by the unit against Bosnian Serbs during the 1992-1995 war in central Bosnia.

The footage shows mujahedin sharpening axes which they later used to behead a Serb soldier, and a speech is also recorded of a jihadist saying, “They call us terrorists. We are terrorists and we will destroy all the enemies of Allah.”

In addition to the hair-raising scenes of corpses and mutilation, there are also pictures of living prisoners of war that the mujahedin had tied up and tortured, Tanjug described the scenes broadcast on Bijeljina’s BN TV.

There is also footage of the Bosnia mujahedins playing football using, instead of a ball, a decapitated head.

Bosnian Muslim President Alija Izetbegovic, an Al Qaida Mercenaries Recruiting Agent

The El Mujahed was a military unit consisting of Bosnian Muslims and fighters from Islamic countries who, as they say on the tape, came to Bosnia to “fight for Allah,” with the approval of the then Bosnian Muslim war council headed by Alija Izetbegovic, under whose command they fell, as part of the Muslim army in Bosnia.

This unit was formed in 1993, even though the groups of Afghan, Palestinian, Egyptian, Libyan etc. jihad mercenaries started pouring into Bosnia only a month after the war broke out, in 1992. According to the mujahedin testimony reviewed during the Hague trial to Bosnian Muslim general Rasim Delic, “This was done under the leadership of Sheikh Abu Abdul Aziz from Saudi Arabia,” joined by other veterans of Afghanistan’s jihad.

According to the clips shown yesterday on Bosnian TV, the same year El Mujahed unit was formed, an order was read out saying that they formed part of the Bosnian Muslim Army, and had the approval of the then Muslim leadership.

The footage also shows the arrival of then Bosnia President Alija Izetbegovic at the mujahedin camp.

The tape shows the camp from the inside, their training, life, religious practices and preparation for war in the “name of Allah”.

Mujahedin war cries can be heard, while there is also footage of the reading of an order from August 13, 1993, that they are recognized “by the Bosnian state and are part of the the armed forces of the Muslim state of Bosnia-Herzegovina,” and that they are there “in the name of Allah.”

“I Have Never Denied El Mujahed is Bosnian Army Unit” (Until I Was Indicted for War Crimes)

This tape was found by the Council of Concentration Camp Victims of the Republic of Srpska (Serbian republic in today’s Bosnia), whose president, Branislav Dukic, says that it came from the Bosnian Muslim side.

Dukic said that even among the Bosnian Muslims, there are “those who wish to prove the presence of mujahedin in Bosnia and the war crimes they committed on the territory of central Bosnia.”

Bosnian Muslim trophy box
Bosnian Muslims showing their trophy box: severed Serbian heads identified as remains of Blagoje Blagojevic, Nenad Petkovic and Brana Djuric. Central Bosnia, 1993.

Women were among those seen living in the mujahedin camp, dressed strictly according to Islamic dictates, as well as children, dressed in military gear, while one little girl is shown holding a “Scorpion” pistol.

Parts of the video material - titled “Jihad in Bosnia” - that was broadcast by BN TV will, according to the RTS report, be shown on the Republic of Srpska Radio-Television’s news program this evening.

Recently, another tape cropped up on the internet of a farewell ceremony for the mujahedin, featuring addresses given by the Chief of Bosnian Muslim Army Headquarters and Hague accused General Rasim Delic, and Commander of the Army Third Corps Sakib Mahmuljin.

The Hague prosecution will this week call new evidence at the trial of the former commander of the Bosnian Muslim Army Rasim Delic, who is charged on the basis of command responsibility for the crimes the mujahedin committed in central Bosnia. The prosecution will seek to admit into evidence a recording of Delic’s speech at the farewell ceremony, where he said:

“I have never concealed that this unit [El Mujahed] exists, that this is a unit of the Bosnian army, that it is incorporated in the Bosnian army control and command chain.”
Allah’s Shades of Green

According to the evidence of the Hague prosecution, Rasim Delic has also signed documents promoting and decorating mujahedin commanders and citations for special merit for the El Mujahed unit. The Bosnian Muslim Defense Ministry paid out 16,000 German Marks to each of El Mujahed unit members, as “compensation for their contribution to the war effort.”

Curious, since they claim they fight for Allah who, apparently, materializes in many shades of green.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 07:20:10 AM by knindza87 »

Offline AryehYehudah

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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2008, 08:13:17 AM »
I have to thank the Serbs on this site.. They also get the award for the most graphic footage on JTF or perhaps i have seen since the mounds of holocaust corpse pictures.  I personally think all Bosnians should rot in hell and that they are bunch of denatured turkish-arab mixed nazis.   The funny thing is that the guy holding the head in the pic truly resembles an arab.  Perhaps he was a friendly visitor to the nice nation of Bosnia.


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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2008, 08:35:11 AM »
I personally think all Bosnians should rot in hell and that they are bunch of denatured turkish-arab mixed nazis.   .

Serb political leaders had always considered "Bosnians" as Serbs by nationality and Muslims by religion. Many of them did not agree with the radical version of Islam which was offered by Alija Izatbegovic - who was supported by the West!
With Western help, Alija Izatbegovic had managed to tempt the Muslims of Bosnia to join Croatia in the struggle against Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was  in 1990 only supported by the Orthodox Serbs.

Believe me, we Serbs have nothing against our minorities, like Catholics or Muslims.
About Jews I think that that is clarify - Anti Semitism is not remembered by Jews who lived among us Serbs. The anti Semitic actions were only conducted by foreigners during times of occupation. This is in contradiction to the Serbian neighboring nations, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania and Hungary. There the domestic nation was responsible for the crimes against Jews and Serbs. Their crimes against Serbs and Jews during WW2 was even by the Germans considered as to fanatical.

Offline syyuge

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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2008, 10:23:36 AM »
It is true that Serbs have nothing against their minorities, like Catholics or Muslims. However the converse may not be true in case of Muslims.
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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2008, 10:29:18 AM »
It is true that Serbs have nothing against their minorities, like Catholics or Muslims. However the converse may not be true in case of Muslims.

Why separating Muslims from others?
Are others better then they are?

Offline AsheDina

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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2008, 11:01:42 AM »
  Good Gracious. This is AWFUL. I dont even know what to say.
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Offline Zelhar

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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2008, 11:04:09 AM »
I personally think all Bosnians should rot in hell and that they are bunch of denatured turkish-arab mixed nazis.   .

Serb political leaders had always considered "Bosnians" as Serbs by nationality and Muslims by religion. Many of them did not agree with the radical version of Islam which was offered by Alija Izatbegovic - who was supported by the West!
With Western help, Alija Izatbegovic had managed to tempt the Muslims of Bosnia to join Croatia in the struggle against Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was  in 1990 only supported by the Orthodox Serbs.

Believe me, we Serbs have nothing against our minorities, like Catholics or Muslims.
About Jews I think that that is clarify - Anti Semitism is not remembered by Jews who lived among us Serbs. The anti Semitic actions were only conducted by foreigners during times of occupation. This is in contradiction to the Serbian neighboring nations, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania and Hungary. There the domestic nation was responsible for the crimes against Jews and Serbs. Their crimes against Serbs and Jews during WW2 was even by the Germans considered as to fanatical.
The Bosnians are evil serb-hating Muslims, they are beyond redemption and you'd be wise not to let them be citizens in Serbia.

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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2008, 02:09:24 PM »

Shalom again brother knindza87,

yet another excellent post!! Keep up the great work, brother.

I have seen those photos years ago when I first began researching the involvement of Washington and Brussels (EU/NATO) in arming and funding Croat Nazi and Bosnian and Albanian Islamofascist separatists in the former Yugoslavia back in the late 1980's and early 1990's.

Here are the photos enlarged (taken from the 4International blog site)

I strongly recommend everybody here on JTF visit the following link which is an updated version of Peter Robert North's amazing research in mid-2006 into the shocking Alija Izetbegovic and Naser Oric perpetrated genocide of nearly 4,000 Serbian civilians in Gorazde and Srebrenica and its surrounding towns and villages from 1992 to 1995.

This was published as a feature article on the Canadian Israpundit site at the beginning of this year.The introduction is written by our great friend, Nathan Pearlstein from Australia.


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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2008, 02:21:41 PM »
The Bosnians are evil serb-hating Muslims, they are beyond redemption and you'd be wise not to let them be citizens in Serbia.

Hehe in Serbia we will put you in jail  :P...

No Zelhar, my leaders have other solutions...


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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2008, 04:09:57 PM »
You have extreme ideas Zehlar...!

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2008, 05:07:37 PM »
You have extreme ideas Zehlar...!
I have the same suggestion to every nation- get your muslims out.

Offline AryehYehudah

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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2008, 06:04:52 PM »
ISLAM IS NAZISM and all muslims must leave this religion or be eradicated from the earth!    >:(

Offline Jasmina

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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2008, 06:06:26 PM »
ISLAM IS NAZISM and all muslims must leave this religion or be eradicated from the earth!    >:(
:o :o :o
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!


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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2008, 02:47:52 AM »
ISLAM IS NAZISM and all muslims must leave this religion or be eradicated from the earth!    >:(
:o :o :o

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Offline AryehYehudah

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Re: Jihad in Bosnia - WARNING,crime scenes included
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2008, 03:09:03 AM »
ISLAM IS NAZISM and all muslims must leave this religion or be eradicated from the earth!    >:(
:o :o :o

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Ovdje svasta mozes cuti...

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