Well did you make many friends at all? regardless of gender. I have a few white male friends but they all drink too much and talk too much. Fruit of thy loins, i don't believe you are the only person, you just need to look deep inside yourself and be confident.
Right. That's what I think of most white men too. Unfortunately I technically am one. I can understand why white women don't like white men and choose alternatives wherever alternatives exist. I just don't particularly like (from the point of view of self-interest) being part of that great mass of unwanted men.
So I am not planning to 'boost my self-confidence' like some people summarily suggest. I am planning to die. As soon as the necessity hits (e.g. bailffs coming round to repossess my home etc), I will retreat and die.
I cannot stand being a white male, and therefore an abomination before the white woman's sight.
For me a woman is a white woman. For a white woman, a man is - any man from all over the world.
And in the final analysis, international competition for the white woman will improve the quality of the white race, (viz, by destroying the bad parts and tacking on fresh new innovative parts,) just as free competition improves the provision of goods; but I hold this much in common with the free market also: even as the old guilds, trades unions, and monopolies suffered horribly from competition and privatization, and even as many millions became unemployed and redundant, even so will I suffer a horrible life of obsolescence, simply because the white woman desires above all else to permit herself be ravished by a black man, and bear forth many of his children.
This is why I will often say there is no point - we are today what the coalminers of Britain were in the 1980s. Totally obsolescent, but for the sake of a better future for humanity.
And I want to sacrifice myself to that kind of future! - a future without white people!