MICHAEL FRIGGIN SAVAGE. Yes, YOU HEARD me RIGHT. THATS RIGHT. Savage.... {BTW: Tonight is October 22 the TWENTY-SECOND of OCTOBER} & all of the sudden..
out of the BLUE, SAVAGE, the "one" that TELLS HIS PEOPLE
ELEVEN MILLION people that barack HUSSEIN obama went to Hawaii, b/c of these allegations/lawsuits of Phillip Berg re: HUSSEIN obama's Birth Certificate..........BULL$HIT. LIAR.
know that he comes to THIS site, and he said
NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING about this birth certificate that.......
HE KNEW ABOUT. MAKE NO MISTAKE, I WILL NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER look to ANY of these FRAUDS, like hannity, coulture, smith, o'reallllly, rush- they are SELL OUTS, totally
100% SELL OUTS, the $$$$$$$$$$$ meaning more than our nation. THESE ARE
WORSE THAN HUSSEIN obama, they are demented, sick, rotten to the CORE LIARS that did NOT come to AMERICAs AID, AT ALL.
They did NOT report the TRUTH. SHAME ON ALL OF THEM, but MOST of ALL,
michael savage. NEVER TRUST this man- EVER EVER EVER EVER.