Author Topic: US LEADERS IN LEAGUE WITH IRAN: US administrations Bush Sr + Clinton + Bush Jr  (Read 6270 times)

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Photo above right: UCK [KLA] ALBANIAN ISLAMOFASCIST NAZI TERRORISTS - US Ambassador Richard Holbrooke with an Albanian Islamist KLA commander, summer 1998


US Secretary of State under Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright, greets Hashim Thaci, KLA leader August 1999, after the war

U.S. and Iran on Same Side

by Jewish Conservative columnist, Julia Gorin.

Clinton-Approved Iranian Arms Transfers Help Turn Bosnia into Militant Islamic Base

by the US Senate Republican Policy Committee

US and NATO sponsor Islamist terrorism in Bosnia

by Prof. Dr. Francisco Gil-White, Historical and Investigative Research website

A Diabolical Game: The US in Bed with Terrorists

by Nico Varkevisser, Emperor's Clothes website

Iran is Working with the US in Iraq

If the U.S. has hostile intentions towards Iran, shouldn't someone tell the Iranians?

by Jared Israel, Emperor's Clothes website

US Ex-Security Chief Brzezinski's Interview makes clear:

The Muslim Terrorist Apparatus [al Qaeda] was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon

by Jared Israel, Emperor's Clothes website

Who was Alija Izetbegovic?

Moderate 'George Washington' of Bosnia or Islamist Murderer?

by Jared Israel, Emperor's Clothes website

Dutch Report: Us Sponsored Foreign Islamists In Bosnia

by Jared Israel, Emperor's Clothes website

The Kosovo Liberation Army: Does Clinton Policy Support Group with Terror, Drug Ties? From 'Terrorists' to 'Partners'

by the US Senate Republican Policy Committee

Offline syyuge

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Shame, Shame....
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Offline Jasmina

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  Those are the reasons why are we here together! To change the history, to make the things better for this world, to SAVE ISRAEL, US AND SERBIA!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline Sylvan

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Agree with Jasmina. But there is a important fact to be stated here. Serbia should clean up its own back yard first, in terms of knowing its enemies but also its true allies. My point is that this condition in which we are used as an "example" are but a consequence of a disastrous neglect and lack of visionary politics.

Offline 4International

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"Serbia should clean up its own back yard first, in terms of knowing its enemies but also its true allies."

Shalom Sylvan,

Great to see a new member in the Save Serbia sub-forum.Welcome to JTF brother and I am sure you will enjoy your stay here.

Just to let you know I am a right-wing conservative Jew living in the United States and have studied the Yugoslav/Balkans wars of the 1990's quite extensively.

We have heard your "backyard first" remark made many times on this forum by a few JTF members.

However, something important needs to be said about this first so we can put it in its proper context and understand it better.

The only way Serbia will be able to "clean up its own back yard" is for Serbs to rise up and get rid of Boris Tadic and all those pro-EU Serbian traitors like the "G17plus" liberal globalist types in Tadic's party who are all George Soros stooges who of course believe that Serbia should take orders from - and lick the boots of - the German-dominated socialist EU supranational fascist super state whose creators were the Nazi SS founders of the Bilderberg group.

Of course it is tremendously difficult to "cean up your own backyard FIRST" when you have all of the military might of the EU/NATO and the US bearing down upon you, and where a large section of the Serbian electorate wants to travel across the EU without the need for a visa and believes in the EU's consumerist G-d-less liberal/leftist and globalist values.

However, if Serbs truly wish to regain their freedom and their sacred religious and cultural heartland they must be prepared to fight and die for it. History has proven time and again that freedom doesn't come cheap. If the EU threatens the Serbs with economic sanctions (the way Bush Snr did in 1992 via the UN) or if the EU threatens a military attack against Serbia via NATO, the Serbs should immediately threaten to annihilate all of the Albanian muslims in Kosovo and all of the Bosnian muslims in Bosnia.

If Washington decides to again betray the Serbs - the way Washington did during the 1990's under those two swines Bill and Hillary Clinton - and back the fascist-socialist EU in any kind of blackmail by making Clinton-esque economic or military threats against the Serbs (a la March,1999) for daring to reclaim their Serbian dignity, honor and national sovereignty - then Serbia should immediately launch a blitzkrieg style military campaign to expel all EU/NATO troops, retake all of Kosovo-Metohija and expel all the Albanian muslims and Bosnian muslims from Serb-land once and for all.

Yes, this will entail many civilian and military deaths but this is the only way to deal with muslim Nazi scum who commit beheadings of "infidels" for fun.

See the material below (my sincerest thanks and appreciation go to brother AryehYehudah for uploading this shocking material which is the first link below):



« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 03:27:29 AM by 4International »

Offline Sylvan

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Shalom Joshua,

Yes this would be hard thing to do, but regarding this issue, there some important facts to be kept in perspective, and as I am Serb, living in Belgrade and involved in political science I maybe can give some explanations. Political scene in Serbia is in the making. After a long time, we are now seeing the demarcation lines start to show up between parties in terms of left, right, liberal or whatever else direction of cause.
My point is that we always need to think in concrete categories and to think of the possible alternatives. As during this ten or more years the true meaning of all this terms has been lost socialist, nationalist etc. This is because there was a deliberately made mixture and a confusion about the principles that are propagated by the political parties, but let us not even go there, as it is completely of topic.
Also I do not think dismissing people like that is not the solution, specially regarding Tadic. But first let me state that:
I am not a socialist and not a supporter of his Democratic party. 

Tadic has apart from everything else, stated that he will not on any circumstances sacrifice Kosovo and Serbian sovereignty for membership in the EU. Also he has in many occasions strongly supported State of Israel. In his family there is strong lineage of pro Israel attitude and thinking. His father Ljubomir Tadic was a founder of Belgrade based Society of Serbian-Jewish fiendship, and his family has suffered a lot during the WWII, so the fact is that he knows what word genocide means.
He was among only few politicians in Serbia to openly give support and fiendship to the Jews and State of Israel, on any occasion, so let us be a little less rush in drawing lines between friend and foes, OK?

Then again it is sure Serbs will never, ever live in some German dominated super state. It is just not possible. Serbs do not like and will not be dominated by anyone and that has costed us a lot in the past, but it is a fact.
My point is finding a path is not an easy task and that we always need to think in valuable alternatives in order to be serious about what we talk about.

Fraternal best wishes to you, and all other friends here


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Agree with Jasmina.

Ey Brother and welcom to this forum...

Serbia should clean up its own back yard first,

I agree brother. It is always good to cleanse the evil.
Can you provide an example to us, friend? What exactelly must be cleaned in Serbia, according to your opinion...?

in terms of knowing its enemies but also its true allies.

I agree also on this one.
But who are today the real enemies and the real friends of Serbia?
Many people can not even separate the true enemies from the true friends of Serbia?
Can you explain who the true allies of Serbia are?
« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 05:35:52 AM by DALMACIJA »


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Tadic has apart from everything else, stated that he will not on any circumstances sacrifice Kosovo and Serbian sovereignty for membership in the EU.

I see that you are Serbian. Welcom to the forum.

That already happened.
Boris Tadic is fully cooperating with the EU which has recently separated Kosovo from Serbia. Tadic can say what he wants, but the committed actions are sending an other message. To confirm that Tadic’s regime recognizes the separation of Kosovo from Serbia, Tadic constantly declares that he unconditionally supports the annexation of Serbia to the EU. The heads of the former unlucky Serbian government, whose representatives ironically (SPS) rule again with Serbia, are sent to the Hague tribunal. Tadic unconditionally supports the cooperation with the Hague tribunal, that means that Tadic agrees with the NATO policy to punish Serbia, by separating Kosovo from Serbia. This all because of Serbia’s past which was the lack of cooperation with the EU and the USA. Tadic’s representatives had openly declared that Serbia must face the truth, their truth is that Serbia is being punish for the mistakes which were made by its political representatives in the past.

To believe that Tadic will restore or support the reconstruction of the Serbian sovereignty on Kosovo is a joke for little schoolchildren... 
« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 05:44:05 AM by DALMACIJA »

Offline 4International

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To believe that Tadic will restore or support the reconstruction of the Serbian sovereignty on Kosovo is a joke for little schoolchildren...

I agree brother Dalmacija,

only a retarded or brain-dead pro-EU liberal/leftist globalist moron would believe such a thing.



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Sylvan claims also that Tadic supports Israel and is pro Jewish oriented?
I was many times confronted with this theory by anti- Semitic missionaries who tried to convert me into an Anti- Semite, claiming that Tadic’s anti Serbian policies are a result of collaboration between Serbian democrats and Zionist Jews….

We are not buying this best Sylvan!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 11:19:13 AM by DALMACIJA »


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To believe that Tadic will restore or support the reconstruction of the Serbian sovereignty on Kosovo is a joke for little schoolchildren...

I agree brother Dalmacija,

only a retarded or brain-dead pro-EU liberal/leftist globalist moron would believe such a thing.


Shalom brother I agree!

Offline Sylvan

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Sometimes when I read posts like this two, I wonder is it possible that there is someone actually thinking in those terms. Considering insults, I will not bother to reply to that.
There are actual people and actual consequences of political choices. What is wrong with pro Western politics in Serbia, and more importantly what is the alternative?

Today Serbia is not a sustainable economy it is dependant on outside help, with destroyed industry, and oldest population in Europe. And it is in Europe you know!

Dalmacija I did not quite understand you, is Tadic Anti-Serb because he is Anti- Semite, or he is Anti Serb because he is Pro– Semite...or... what the hell else? I do not know who and how tried to persuade you in to what, but I just see that quantum of non sense here is plane fascinating.
Is anyone reading this at all?

Serbia has just lost three consecutive wars, and failed to protect its people outside of borders, mainly for the fact that it did not recognize its allies. With that in mind, I could not help but to read some of your posts and some of your topics (that hade to be locked by moderators) and let me ask you openly: Is your desire to close this sub forum?


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There are actual people and actual consequences of political choices. What is wrong with pro Western politics in Serbia, and more importantly what is the alternative?

The pro Western politic in Serbia wants to annex Serbia to the EU.
You know good what the EU had done towards us recently. If you have any pride you would not support the politic of those who have killed your people..

If you think that the EU will restore your industry and infrastructure which they bombed 10 years ago, than you are wrong brother.

I will expose the intention behind the annexation of Serbia to the EU.
Imagine this.

You try to collected for example 100 sheeps. These sheeps represent the Orthodox Serbs of Serbia.
Than you have a certain cage. That cage is the European Union. In that cage you have bloodthirsty wolfs.

Do you think that locking up the sheeps in that cage is going to solve all the problems?
« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 03:27:36 PM by DALMACIJA »


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Dalmacija I did not quite understand you, is Tadic Anti-Serb because he is Anti- Semite, or he is Anti Serb because he is Pro– Semite...or... what the hell else? I do not know who and how tried to persuade you in to what, but I just see that quantum of non sense here is plane fascinating.
Is anyone reading this at all?

Brother you know that Serbs are angry against Tadic's policy which is destroying Serbia, economically and spiritually.

To make a long story short Tadic's regime is a criminal anti Serbian regime just like Milosevic's was.

How can you say that Tadic is connected with the Jews or that Tadic is pro Jewish?
Please we on this forum believe in unity of Jews and Serbs, we do not need anybody to tell us that it are the Jews who are through Tadic destroying Serbia...
I am not buying those theories...

Are you provoking ? You probably have observed this forum before started to join it...
Because some things are familiar to you! If you have come to spread pro EU propaganda, nobody will listen to you...

If you want my opinion about the EU. Send to me a private message and we will talk serious..
Brother, CCCC remember only unity will save the Serbs...

Offline 4International

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Shalom brother Sylvan,

You write:"What is wrong with pro Western politics in Serbia...?"

Do you mean going along with "Western policy" in Europe - the unjust, immoral G-d-less liberal/leftist socialist/globalist policies of the EU and their liberal/left traitorous lackeys in Washington - who say that Kosovo-Metohija must be given to Albanian Nazi killers like the scum of the earth types named Agim Ceku, Ramush Haradinaj and Hashim Thaci who engaged in an anti-Serbian,anti-Jewish and anti-Roma campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Kosovo-Metohija since the 1990's?

Since that is what the EU stands for - and has stood for - during the last 17 years.

What exactly does being "pro-Western" mean to you, brother Sylvan? Agreeing with what the EU tells Serbia to do - or else?

My sincerest apologies if you were offended by my joke about "brain-dead liberal/leftist globalist retards", but seriously brother, you cannot possibly expect any of us here to actually believe that Boris Tadic is a Serbian patriot who has fought to keep Kosovo in Serbia and that he is not an EU/NATO and George Soros stooge.

That would be like saying that muslim Barack Hussein Obama "loves America" and is "deeply conservative with traditional family values."

Hence my joke about being brain-dead or retarded becomes relevant once again.

 ^-^   :::D


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Actually this forum is a very good place.
We Serbs are allowed to speak the truth about the Yugoslavian civil wars.
Most pro American organizations would not give to us such an amount of freedom!
Because its contradict to USA foreign policy.

This organization does not support the Western foreign policy against Serbia, because the current Western leaders are supporting the enemies of the Serbs. These enemies of the  Serbs are also enemies of the Jews and indirectly to the Western regular people.
Fascists states and states which are found on genocide must not be supported by the US, that will not bring anything good to the US.

Sylvan, you should be happy that we are here allowed to educate others about the real context of the Yugoslav conflicts. Why complaining about our anti EU and anti globalist attitude? Do not we have enough reasons to be anti EU. Is everything what is happening today not bad enough. Do we need more evil to be sure that the EU is not our place?
What about the separation of Kosovo from Serbia, the enlargement of the autonomy in Serbian province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbian Krajina and RS?

That are subjects which must concern Serbs, not the EU!

You only have an eye for the EU and Tadic's policies!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 03:29:06 PM by DALMACIJA »

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"Actually this forum is a very good place.

We Serbs are allowed to speak the truth about the Yugoslavian civil wars.
Most pro American organizations would not give to us such an amount of freedom!
Because its contradict to USA foreign policy.

"This organization does not support the Western foreign policy against Serbia, because the current Western leaders are supporting the enemies of the Serbs. These enemies of the  Serbs are also enemies of the Jews and indirectly to the Western regular people.

Fascists states and state which are found on genocide must not be supported by the US, that will not bring anything good to the US."

Hey brother Dalmacija,

I was just about to write that! Thanks for saving me the keyboard strokes.

We are PRO-American and "pro-Western" more than anybody else on the web because we are about holding our politicians and leaders to account when they stray and act in an un-American un-righteous, immoral, G-d-less manner. We are PRO-American because we support justice, honor, freedom and traditional conservative,G-d based values.

We here at JTF support Serbia and the Serbs outside Serbia - especially all Serbs who were banished and exiled from their homleands by the evil EU and NATO during the 1990's. We condemn in the strongest possible terms the evil G-d-less, liberal/leftist socialist and globalist policies of NATO and the EU.

There is nothing about the EU which represents in any way anything even remotely to do with traditional conservative American values.

I suggest you read up on the evil globalist socialist EU here below, brother Sylvan:

Offline syyuge

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The Eurocommunist EU is itself spinning under recession and other severe economical and financial maladies. It should first put its own house in order and first save itself and if it survives then it may think of helping or rebuilding of Serbia.

The monopolists of Eurocommunist EU want to expand in to Serbia only for social, religious, political and economic exploitation of Serbian peoples. They want Serbia to be converted in to their running dog, a situation which no patriotic Serbs can ever accept alive.

Eurocommunist EU want to transfer the burdens of their financial mishandling and bungling on to the shoulders of Serbian peoples.

Even if the monopolists of Eurocommunist EU have any small sympathy towards the Serbs, beware of it, it is a death trap.   
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Hey brother Dalmacija,

I was just about to write that! Thanks for saving me the keyboard strokes.

Your welcome brother!

You see...
Jews and Serbs have the same mentality.. Thats why those two nations both with great histories, cultures and traditions had lived in peace next to each others for a very long time......