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Should the German Nazi werewolf be banned?

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--- Quote from: germanwerewolf on September 06, 2006, 05:37:16 PM ---In 1965 at Holloman air force base,miliatary personel meet with a group of EBE,S they were escorted to a hangor where
the later meet with high ranking members of the Majestic 12. George H Bush sr was a member of majestic 12. manny members of Majestic have left and have bemome new members of thule. true thule members are able to work the magik
of old due to a chemical inbalance in the thyroid gland. these thule members can by useing their minds full potential manifest
beings of energy,open star gate portols to multiple dimensions.... saddam Hussein had found a stargate beneath the sands of Iraq. this was the weapon of mass destruction that George w Bush had reffered to as justifying the attack on Iraq. stargate is not a myth or a tv show. It is a device that works on telepathy and electro-magnetic and nuclear energy!
it is like a f5 twister that can open a portol or worm hole to another frequency. masters of thule are exactly like your fictional sith lords or jeddi. they can control elements,or the will power of weaker souls.

--- End quote ---
The Torah has all the secrets forget about Thule


--- Quote from: germanwerewolf on September 06, 2006, 05:37:16 PM ---In 1965 at Holloman air force base,miliatary personel meet with a group of EBE,S they were escorted to a hangor where
the later meet with high ranking members of the Majestic 12. George H Bush sr was a member of majestic 12. manny members of Majestic have left and have bemome new members of thule. true thule members are able to work the magik
of old due to a chemical inbalance in the thyroid gland. these thule members can by useing their minds full potential manifest
beings of energy,open star gate portols to multiple dimensions.... saddam Hussein had found a stargate beneath the sands of Iraq. this was the weapon of mass destruction that George w Bush had reffered to as justifying the attack on Iraq. stargate is not a myth or a tv show. It is a device that works on telepathy and electro-magnetic and nuclear energy!
it is like a f5 twister that can open a portol or worm hole to another frequency. masters of thule are exactly like your fictional sith lords or jeddi. they can control elements,or the will power of weaker souls.

--- End quote ---
I am nolonger kidding. 

This man in all likelihood IS schizophrenic, and we should pitty him for suffering such a horrific illness.

 f5 twister that can open a portol or worm hole to another frequency. You would need alot more energy then an f5 twister to get through a worm hole

a member of thule serve a higher race of beings that exist in the orion. they have the ability to summon storms of great intensity much like hurricaine katrina. within these storms are multiple possably hundreds of dark souls. they serve the strigoi
master who has called them. if a land and it,s people have done wrong, the armies of strigoi are allowed to attack and destroy. George W Bush and his members of PNAC are attempting to rewrite historical fact. This will not happen. You consider this the rantings of a mad man,you call me insane! Doctor Nikoli Tesla was called Insane.

George W Bush,Paul Wolfowitz,Dick Cheney and members of Project for a New Americain Century are plaining on establishing a New World Order with a central Headquarters located near the Denver Airport, in Colorodo.


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