"As soon as pluralism is accepted by Islam.." Great, let's wait till then. Shall we repatriate Muslims until that time?
Barrot: The demographic situation of Europe requires a migration that must be concerted.
Note that public policies to increase indigenous birthrates - such as the financial incentives that proved so effective in Quebec - are not even mentioned.
Barrot: Europe's mission is also a desire to facilitate exchanges between countries.
Europe's mission is to facilitate the objectives, prosperity and peace of the inhabitants of European countries.
Barrot: Immigration is both an economic and a moral necessity.
Clearly the latter consideration is paramount"
"Barrot told the reporter, "As soon as pluralism is accepted by Islam, in any case in Europe, Islam is welcome." Doesn't that suggest that Islam will never be welcome? The very nature of Islam is anti-pluralistic. Any religion whose scripture states that apostates should be put to death is fairly obsessed with avoiding pluralism. And the fact that the Koran instructs that the state should be Islamic makes pluralistic democracy difficult, to put it mildly."
"It's like Fjordman said: the only way to stop islamisation is to dismantle the EU."