i read everyones' excellent posts foreseeing the future. I don't know how i am going to live. i'm upset all the time. that NOBODY came along, spent all his time in the Senate "running for President." he's a phony. he's going to change our constitution. He is in favor of Prop 8 where man and woman marriage is not the norm, but man and man, will be taught to school children. if you are caught giggling or mocking them, you will be prosecuted. it is a crime equivocated to "racial discrimination." do you believe this? all because 4 idiot judges repealed a decision a while back. there is a lot of money and power behind this. very wealth gay activists have insisted they be recognized as "normal," and that man and women marriage is not. when you go into a courthouse, your ethnicity is what matters, and whether you are gay or not, determines your economic outcome. you and me, oh we get treated like $hit. Obama's entire agenda is retribution. to take from Whitey. and the moronic American public is falling for this lunacy. remember whenever blacks would mention "restribution, retribution, retribution," nothing would come of it. now, with Obama, he's going to fix the white race for "what we did."
hospitals, there will be long, long waiting room lines. doctors won't be able to see us. people won't be able to get transplants on time. he is going to destroy the health system, if he gets a chance.
he ran a better campaign, has thieves at every turn, wherever McCain picks up a bit of a lead, he is back there hammering away again, over and over and over, until these voters get it through their head, McCain is going to steal their social security money. their SS checks aren't safe w/McCain. I wrote to McCain today and tonight. I said to him, "you and your wife are very wealthy. go spend the money and save us. Hilllary spent $20 million." He should be in every crevice, just like Obama. I don't like to think about it or even type that sort of thing because it draws what you don't want to you. I chew him out like you wouldn't believe. I think going on Sat. Night Live was stupid. He got booed. What's so great about that? I thought maybe he wanted to lighten things up. He came across as having a sense of humor. I think his time could have been well spent doing a rally!!!!
I see the look of dispair and hopelessness on peoples' faces instead of the happy go lucky lifestyles we've enjoyed. we will be an oppressed people.
i'm not reading the newpaper, watching the news, and going to bury my head in the sand.
i'm going to enjoy my life, go shopping in the stores and forget the whole thing. otherwise, i'll crack up like i am now. when i post on here, i always hear Obama's voice hollering. the t.v. is on. i can't concentrate or i have talk radio on that drives me nuts too because they've got Obama hollering.
i think Bill O'Reilly is a traitor. He humanized this animal

Sure, he's okay and can hang out, but his agenda is to rob our tax dollars and bankrupt the country. He also gets off on terror. So there will be occurrences that scare us to death. I think we will be in a state of constant fear. Waiting for something to happen. I hope I'm wrong. McCain better listen to his supporters and advisors. We have to support them.