Author Topic: The third turn leftward  (Read 496 times)

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Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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The third turn leftward
« on: November 02, 2008, 12:42:12 PM »
The way I see it, an Obama presidency will bring about a fundamental shift in the American approach.  Assuming the best case scenario, (If G-d forbid Obama gets elected) and there is no apocalyptic disaster, at the very minimum America will become a much more socialist country than it is today. 

There have been two instances in the 20th century where America has taken such a turn towards the Left, and these changes have been permanent.  The first such shift happened in the 1930s with Roosevelt's "New Deal".  Roosevelt enacted a number of socialist policies that unfortunately kept the country in a depression much longer than was necessary.

The second shift happened under Johnson and Nixon, who refused to win a necessary victory in Vietnam.  Because America did not ever play an offensive role, over 50, 000 boys died for nothing.  Ever since Vietnam, America has been shy about administering a war properly.  The result of this is that there is now an entire generation of people who believe that war is the worst of all evils.  According to these people, the threats of communism, totalitarianism, and Islam are all preferable to the prospect of war.  This is an endemic insanity.

If Obama gets elected, America's turn towards socialism will be almost complete.  I say almost, because there will still be some pockets of people who will refuse to give up their constitutional rights. 

The final turn will happen (I believe) as a result of an Obama presidency.  I think there will be a civil war in America (G-d forbid).  If the constitutionalists lose to the socialists, the circle will be complete and America will become like the Soviet Union was.  If the constitutionalists beet the socialists, there might be a situation like the French Revolution, where Liberty won, but in an effort to weed out the monarchists, the Revolution became the reign of terror.

Either way, the situation looks bleak.

I am hoping that Obama would do his most destructive damage to America in his second term, and that by then, American's will have reacted so violently against him (because they will finally have woken up) that Obama won't succeed in this third turn Left.

Of course, our greatest hope rest upon the victory of one of the worst republicans in history.  If McCain wins (G-d willing), then we may be able to delay for a time this next turn Left.  But if he does win, there might be a violent backlash against the republican party and in four years, we could have Hillary Clinton in the White House.

I know most people will not agree with me about this, but I think we dodged a major bullet when Obama defeated her.  Knowing what I know about her, I think she would be even more dangerous than Obama. 

Anyway, this last point is not important.  If McCain somehow does manage to win, we will have our hands full doing all we can to keep him from reducing Conservatism to ashes.