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Republicans Ponder Path to Renewal After Party Suffers a Harsh Setback

The Republican Party begins debating its future Thursday in Virginia, where a group of leading conservatives will meet to discuss how to rebuild their movement. Party governors continue the conversation at a meeting next week in Miami.

Thus begins a battle for the soul of a party whose coalition has been fractured by war and economic turmoil after nearly three decades of electoral success.

Key pieces of the longstanding Republican coalition of economic and social conservatives, culture-war soldiers and national-security hawks showed severe stress fractures during the long election, and leaders from different wings are now vying for party leadership.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin carries the mantle of economic populism and blue-collar voters, many of whom are committed social conservatives. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has emerged as a spokesman for economic conservatives focused on small government and low taxes. Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal remain popular as rising stars.

Complicating the coming fight is a widening gap between the party's grass-roots activists and its intellectual elite. Gov. Palin sits squarely in the center of the debate. Embraced by many social conservatives in the party's base, she was dismissed by some party leaders, including some former government officials who endorsed Democrat Barack Obama. Activists see her as the party's future, others as a novice whose at-times shaky performance has doomed her prospects -- a split reflected in polls that showed her popularity dropping during the general election, but her supporters' enthusiasm high.

"She's a star among conservatives, but the crucial independent voter has a different perspective, and the lesson for the if you lose the center, you lose America," said pollster Frank Luntz, who blamed Republican losses in 2006 and 2008 on a failure to appeal to independents.

The switch in Republican fortunes is a heavy setback for the party that has largely dominated the American political scene for the past generation. Just four years ago, President George W. Bush won a decisive re-election, his party holding strong majorities in Congress with no obvious sign of weakness. But his popularity sank as the Iraq war dragged on, and was badly dented by the federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Anger over the war was a decisive contributor to Democrats' success in reclaiming Congress in 2006.

With no obvious successor in sight, Republicans drew from a wide pool of candidates, with the party on the defensive well before the surge in Iraq showed some signs of success. Polls showed the financial turmoil of the last year reinforcing for a large majority of voters their worries about the country's direction and swamping concerns that had dominated much of the Bush presidency, such as the "war on terror."

"We didn't have anything to say to the American people other than, 'We're not Democrats. We're not Obama. We're not Hillary,' " said Michael Steele, the former lieutenant governor of Maryland, who is now chairman of GOPAC, a conservative political group. "Well, we know that. So what else is new?"

Republican activist Grover Norquist, head of Americans for Tax Reform, a conservative advocacy group, points to a record budget deficit, the weakening economy and two unfinished wars and says Republicans must "politely step away from the Bush presidency and say we're going back to basics." For Mr. Norquist, that would mean a return to Ronald Reagan's emphasis on spending restraint, tax cuts, and a robust -- but little-used -- military.

An open question for the party is the support of religious conservatives. They were largely unenthusiastic about Sen. John McCain, but many supported Gov. Palin and, during the primaries, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Both combine an edgy economic populism with cultural conservatism, which could be a potent political counterweight to Democrats. And despite the prevalence of the economy as an issue this year, social issues remain important to the pair's base.

"The Sarah Palin phenomenon is not going to disappear," said Tim Morgan, deputy managing editor of the evangelical magazine Christianity Today. Gov. Palin has the potential, he said, to build a movement on issues including increased domestic energy production and a tough line on illegal immigration.

Gov. Palin also won support from some party die-hards, even as others, such as former Secretary of State Colin Powell, distanced themselves from her. "She has energized our base like I've never seen," Ohio Sen. George Voinovich said at a Monday rally in Lakewood, Ohio, where he introduced the Republican vice-presidential nominee.

Said Mr. Norquist: "The only two weeks when McCain was sort-of ahead in the polls were the two weeks after she was chosen."

In recent days, Gov. Palin remained coy about her ambitions. "You know, if there is a role in national politics, it won't be so much partisan," she told reporters at a Wasilla, Alaska, coffee shop on Tuesday. "My efforts have always been here in the state of Alaska to get everybody to unite and work together."

Some urge the party to embrace a more activist approach that may appeal to younger evangelists who place less emphasis on issues such as abortion but preach about the moral imperative to curb the spread of AIDS in Africa and to fight poverty in urban America. Other conservatives say a broader, big-tent approach could help restore the optimism Mr. Reagan brought to the party.

"Ronald Reagan made it cool to be a Republican, for G-d's sake," said Mr. Steele. "It was the package we presented to the American people: We love fresh ideas, we love the back and forth of debate, we relish reaching out and welcoming people to be part of this effort. That's what we need to re-establish."

In the party's immediate future is a battle for leadership in a shrunken Capitol Hill caucus, which has grown more conservative as it has grown smaller. The re-election of Minority Leader John Boehner (R., Ohio) to his leadership post isn't a certainty.

Also likely to face challenges are Minority Whip Roy Blunt, the Missouri Republican, and Florida Rep. Adam Putnam, chairman of the Republican Conference, the third-ranking House Republican. Mr. Putnam, whose responsibilities include developing a message for the party, is facing particular criticism among conservatives restive for a new direction, several House aides said.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Republicans need to worry less about what's good for the party and more about what's good for the country. "That requires thinking in fundamentally different ways than the last generation of Republican consultants," said Mr. Gingrich, suggesting a "big fight" is brewing among Republicans over the direction of the party.

That fight is likely to be nationwide, with the Republican Governors Association laying plans to elect more Republican governors at its Miami meeting next week. "We cannot win back the hearts of the people from rhetoric out of Washington," said Nick Ayers, the RGA's executive director.

Jockeying also already is under way for the chairmanship of the Republican National Committee, who will become the party's de facto national spokesman. Some state party chairmen, such as those from South Carolina and Florida, are exploring potential runs for RNC chief, Republican officials said.

"We've lost our credibility," said Scott Klug, a former Republican congressman from Wisconsin who said he fears the party is entering a long period of retrenchment. "We're just going to be in the wilderness for a while."

Write to Greg Hitt at [email protected], Stephanie Simon at [email protected] and Nick Timiraos at [email protected]

Good article, gives me hope for the future of America.

Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.

Offline RanterMaximus

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Re: Republicans Ponder Path to Renewal After Party Suffers a Harsh Setback
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 09:24:22 PM »
The part needs to get rid of the Bush stench.  Losers like McCain and Arlen Spector need to just shut their mouths.  The party is in trouble, but only if it lets the Rockefellar wing continue to have it's way.

Offline arksis

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Re: Republicans Ponder Path to Renewal After Party Suffers a Harsh Setback
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2008, 10:53:46 PM »
Roy Blount of Missouri is leaving. I know his cousin here, he told me this over the summer. Said the politics there sickens him. It's too bad he won't stay and fight for us.
---Never, ever deal with terrorists. Hunt them down and, more important, mercilessly punish those states and groups that fund, arm, support, or simply allow their territories to be used by the terrorists with impunity.
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Offline RanterMaximus

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Re: Republicans Ponder Path to Renewal After Party Suffers a Harsh Setback
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2008, 10:56:39 PM »
Is Blunt leaving all together or just his role as minority whip?

Offline arksis

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Re: Republicans Ponder Path to Renewal After Party Suffers a Harsh Setback
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2008, 10:59:59 AM »
Nope, looks like he'll remain in Congress, I thought he was giving it up:
Top House Republican Blunt leaving leadership

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The number two Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives, will announce on Thursday he will not run to keep his leadership position after his party's election losses, Republican sources said.

Roy Blunt is the second senior Republican not seeking another term in leadership after Adam Putnam of Florida said on Tuesday that he would not seek re-election to his third-ranking job of Republican conference chairman.

Blunt, of Missouri, will make his announcement at a news conference, the sources said. He will remain in Congress.

John Boehner of Ohio, the top House Republican with the job of minority leader, has announced he wants to keep his post. Republicans will gather in mid-November to pick their new leadership team.

Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, currently the chief deputy whip, is expected to seek Blunt's leadership spot.

Party leaders shape legislative initiatives in Congress and try to help position their rank-and-file members for reelection. Since Republicans are the minority in the House and Senate, they will have significantly less influence on the legislative agenda, often acting as a brake on Democratic initiatives.

The Republican House leadership shakeup was widely anticipated, after the party lost at least 20 House seats in Tuesday's elections.

House Republicans were deeply divided over the $700 billion economic stimulus bill that became law last month with some members blaming their leaders for a sloppy job in handling it.

In the Senate, where Republicans lost at least six seats in the 100-member chamber, the current minority leadership is expected to be re-installed next year. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell won another six-year term in the Senate after a difficult challenge.

---Never, ever deal with terrorists. Hunt them down and, more important, mercilessly punish those states and groups that fund, arm, support, or simply allow their territories to be used by the terrorists with impunity.
Meir Kahane

Offline Kylefromomaha

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Re: Republicans Ponder Path to Renewal After Party Suffers a Harsh Setback
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2008, 11:11:27 AM »
The part needs to get rid of the Bush stench.  Losers like McCain and Arlen Spector need to just shut their mouths.  The party is in trouble, but only if it lets the Rockefellar wing continue to have it's way.

I agree. Its because of those animals that this happened.