there are many questions on the official story, but it's missing the point.
What are -you- trying to prove?
I am not sufficiently informed to actually prove anything. I can try to examine the public information and see if it makes sense or does it smell like a cover up.
The evidence is that Yigal Amir did not give yitzchak rabin all his wounds.
Rabin had to have been shot -after- the whole yigal amir scene, while in the hands of israeli intelligence/israeli govt. And that really means -by them. There is no evidence of some other assassin e.g. another right wing settler, appearing, suprising everybody while rabin was in the car or hospital.
This suggests strongly enough that Yigal Amir didn't kill him. They did.
I think one can say that the evidence poitns strongly to that. Proves that.
Rabin had a shot from near point blank range.
and a shot from the -front- that -shattered the spine-, described in detail in his medical reports.
Yigal Amir was standing behind him and was not shooting from point blank or near point blank range.
And there is a huge amount of evidence showing all their failed attempts to to cover it up.. Though that is all secondary.
And there is theorizing on motives, also secondary.
And guessing that there was somebody that gave the command, and who it was. Also secondary. Primarily, the core evidence shows what it shows, that amir didn't and israeli intelligence did.
Now.. Studying something like this involved time(chamish can contradict himself and go on long rambles), and I did so and made sense of the evidence, because I thought it was important. It was. But i'm not sure that it still is. It's in my mind from my past effort, and I have no problem discussing it now, but I don't think it's that significant.
I think it was important at the time, since it proves how evil the israeli govt / israeli intelligence is, in their war against the right.. But since Amona, I think it's irrelevant.
Amona is in clear video evidence, far easier for people to understand.
And if people aren't moved by Amona, then I think they are a lost cause in getting us back on track. And if they are moved by Amona, they don't need this.